Tinder App

slept over, no moves made
played video games
no expectations
left the next morning with no issues

yup, your new friend used to be a dude.

Before I rip the "no moves made" **** apart, I'll say that I had a severe nose bleed the second she hopped next to me which made it impossible to make any moves before she fell asleep...to be frank, I just wanted to hug lol

I grew up thinking a man's self worth is defined by the number of women he ****s...because the majority of Western males are like you. But here's the thing, I don't want to have pointless sex. I've done it before and it made me want to jump off a ****ing bridge. It took me years to accept this because of the Western male mentality and I kept thinking something was wrong with me. The last time I had pointless sex, it resulted in a miserable five ****ing years because I develop feelings easily and my emotions overpower logic.

If you get off ****ing every woman you bring in bed on the first night and can develop an emotionally supportive relationship and someone to take care of you when you injure yourself riding, then good for you, that's you...it's not me and I'm not going to force myself to **** women because of a societal POV I don't agree with.

Btw if you go in to kiss Miss Asia and trip on a pinecone...I think I'll laugh my *** off until spring. LOL!

I think I would too to be honest lol

Dude this is funny.
Well she has lots of self confidence.
Give her 5 lbs of make up etc... and half of you guys would chase her down.
She is still a virgin...is my guess.
She is 20, life has not kicked in yet.

It's like FAT chicks that will only settle for Brad Pitt and FAT dudes that want a supermodel/porn star type...set high expectations, not THEIR fault they can't find it...see how that works...lol

Half of guys are really stupid, there are a lot of very pretty girls (no make up) with good personalities...they are 6.5/7 with a proper simple makeover of hair, light make up they would be 7.5/8's easy...those types tend to decent and grounded women...thin about it, if you are making them feel more attractive in an honest way...they tend to adore you.

Buy an exotic sports car don't complain about the problems and repair bills...lol

Lol I just got home and opened the app to find this from her. Straight psycho
Imagine the backlash if I suggested that she should wear a bit of make up :lmao:
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Lol I just got home and opened the app to find this from her. Straight psycho
Imagine the backlash if I suggested that she should wear a bit of make up :lmao:

shall we play a game?

reply like this asap
my apologies, I was away at funeral
how are things going for you? did you make a ice hotel with all this snow?
...wait for her reply, post it up and let's see.
We will get to the make up and other parts after she is less mad at you...lol
I found inreb's profile picture on tinder.


Let's see if we can make sense of this. You're an important business man, right? Would you want your business partner and associates be of low grade moral fibre? Would you want to switch out business partners on a regular basis? Would you like to be punted to the curb because somebody better came along? I doubt it. So you're not building you're business relationships on trust? Because a scumbag player on the domestic front is going to be handshake solid at work? Can't have it both ways.
So confused... important business man - ha! Not even close. I have a very small business. Actually just sold it the other day so now I'm just unemployed. No idea what the rest of your bit is referring to.

Let's see if we can make sense of this. You're an important business man, right? Would you want your business partner and associates be of low grade moral fibre? Would you want to switch out business partners on a regular basis? Would you like to be punted to the curb because somebody better came along? I doubt it. So you're not building you're business relationships on trust? Because a scumbag player on the domestic front is going to be handshake solid at work? Can't have it both ways.
God I miss my shallow meaningless existence , hanging around drunk chicks waiting for the subtle smile followed by, hey I'm loaded wanna bang? Bless all of you still in the game willing to share your successes and especially your failures, its a never ending gift.

And fake boobies rock.

Lol I just got home and opened the app to find this from her. Straight psycho
Imagine the backlash if I suggested that she should wear a bit of make up :lmao:

The funny part is that 80% of chicks on Tinder do the exact same thing, or worse, talk to you enthusiastically for a day, even give you their number and THEN ignore you. And if you get ****** off YOU'RE the psycho.

And since all you ****ers want pics.....this was the second girl I went on three dates with off Tinder (in 5 days). She was nice, kinda too bad it didn't work out:


EDIT: This girl was date number one, which went nowhere as she was very smart but seemed very conservative. So yes, I'm posting my FAILURES too lol:


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Wow, she's pretty. Sad to hear it didn't work out =(
油井緋色;2265929 said:
Wow, she's pretty. Sad to hear it didn't work out =(
It was a fun "fling" at least. I needed that to be honest to get me "back in the game" so to speak, considering how long I've been out of it.

In other news...that chick off OKC.......disaster. She told me she grew up in group homes, her father was one of those obese 600 lbs beasts that ate himself to death, her sister has some mental issues and is on the same path as her dad, and she tells me how guys use her for sex all the time and she's sick off it. She's average looking but definitely a bit on the ahhem, "thick" side. I don't think I can do it............I would smash but no way I can date her and even I'm not that heartless to promise her the moon in order to hit it.
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God I miss my shallow meaningless existence , hanging around drunk chicks waiting for the subtle smile followed by, hey I'm loaded wanna bang? Bless all of you still in the game willing to share your successes and especially your failures, its a never ending gift.

And fake boobies rock.
Cranky Pants just mad we can still get it up
It was a fun "fling" at least. I needed that to be honest to get me "back in the game" so to speak, considering how long I've been out of it.

In other news...that chick off OKC.......disaster. She told me she grew up in group homes, her father was one of those obese 600 lbs beasts that ate himself to death, her sister has some mental issues and is on the same path as her dad, and she tells me how guys use her for sex all the time and she's sick off it. She's average looking but definitely a bit on the ahhem, "thick" side. I don't think I can do it............I would smash but no way I can date her and even I'm not that heartless to promise her the moon in order to hit it.

Hey, do a social experiment for us.
Find a girl kinda giving you attitude.
Then get her out on a date.
Either before the date or at the date, talk to her for 15 minutes then say this isn't going to work out.
You are more of friend material. Got to go...bye, leave your share for appetizers (don't order dinner).

Now let's see what she does after.
I've heard about that and yeah.......most women can't handle rejection so that would indeed be interesting. Takes a lot of guts to do that. Especially if the girl is hot.

It's funny...I've had a few in the past that things didn't work with (either I ended it, they turned me down, etc), but after walking away eventually they tried to come back. When they do, if I have no interest in them (anymore), sometimes they start to go into a weird state where they won't leave me alone until they get fed up and storm off forever. Gotta love female logic sometimes. lol
shall we play a game?

reply like this asap
my apologies, I was away at funeral
how are things going for you? did you make a ice hotel with all this snow?
...wait for her reply, post it up and let's see.
We will get to the make up and other parts after she is less mad at you...lol

Lol I sent her your line and she unmatched me :lmao:
I found inreb's profile picture on tinder.


So confused... important business man - ha! Not even close. I have a very small business. Actually just sold it the other day so now I'm just unemployed. No idea what the rest of your bit is referring to.

I can't think super straight that early in the morning. Anyway, you posted the picture above for a reason and I took the bait. The part you have no idea what I'm talking about is where I'm trying to draw a parallel between players and unscrupulous business partners. I wouldn't buy a used car from a player.
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