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Previous girl I hooked up with off Tinder did some beauty pageants in her younger days too but she's 30 now and not sure how far she got.... Was still hot though. Just got the digits of some national level bikini competitor. My friend and sis know her and they told me she is cray cray so should be interesting. Fake boobs, 6 pack.... The works.
Previous girl I hooked up with off Tinder did some beauty pageants in her younger days too but she's 30 now and not sure how far she got.... Was still hot though. Just got the digits of some national level bikini competitor. My friend and sis know her and they told me she is cray cray so should be interesting. Fake boobs, 6 pack.... The works.

invite her over to play some video games.
Previous girl I hooked up with off Tinder did some beauty pageants in her younger days too but she's 30 now and not sure how far she got.... Was still hot though. Just got the digits of some national level bikini competitor. My friend and sis know her and they told me she is cray cray so should be interesting. Fake boobs, 6 pack.... The works.

Come on casanova.... pics! :lmao:
left or right?

Previous girl I hooked up with off Tinder did some beauty pageants in her younger days too but she's 30 now and not sure how far she got.... Was still hot though. Just got the digits of some national level bikini competitor. My friend and sis know her and they told me she is cray cray so should be interesting. Fake boobs, 6 pack.... The works.

Fake boobs and you should always be out unless they had it done due to an after CANCER rebuild. Every chick with any plastic surgery especially boob jobs is a whack job , a moron or both. You can't get hacked open and stuff shoved in your body for no good reason and be any kind of woman I would want anything to do with. I have never seen a boob job relationship be any good ever. Same goes for a dude that has plastic surgery, does roids,waxed eyebrows , hair plugs or any other unnecessary stupid sdhiiiittee
Come on casanova.... pics! :lmao:

I'm at airport and about to get on a flight. Will post a pic of girl number one. Not fitness chick unless I either screw that up or seal the deal. And I agree on fake boobs but I think the cray cray thing is the bigger deal breaker....for a relationship. .
I'm at airport and about to get on a flight. Will post a pic of girl number one. Not fitness chick unless I either screw that up or seal the deal. And I agree on fake boobs but I think the cray cray thing is the bigger deal breaker....for a relationship. .

Yes crazy be be out for sure but I'm saying boob job lways equals whacko
Well said. We live in a time where 4/10's have the ego and standards of a 10/10. There's just too many guys inflating the egos of these 4/10's which leaves them with many options to choose from.



Lol is this real life?

Dude this is funny.
Well she has lots of self confidence.
Give her 5 lbs of make up etc... and half of you guys would chase her down.
She is still a virgin...is my guess.
She is 20, life has not kicked in yet.

It's like FAT chicks that will only settle for Brad Pitt and FAT dudes that want a supermodel/porn star type...set high expectations, not THEIR fault they can't find it...see how that works...lol

Half of guys are really stupid, there are a lot of very pretty girls (no make up) with good personalities...they are 6.5/7 with a proper simple makeover of hair, light make up they would be 7.5/8's easy...those types tend to decent and grounded women...thin about it, if you are making them feel more attractive in an honest way...they tend to adore you.

Buy an exotic sports car don't complain about the problems and repair bills...lol
Yes crazy be be out for sure but I'm saying boob job lways equals whacko

...and they like to go around showing them off, hey want to see my boobs.
I am sure there are quite a few that do it for personal reasons because they were flat chested, they tend to keep things looking in proportion from A to a C cup. I can understand and respect that. It's when you go from an A to D or larger.
...and they like to go around showing them off, hey want to see my boobs.
I am sure there are quite a few that do it for personal reasons because they were flat chested, they tend to keep things looking in proportion from A to a C cup. I can understand and respect that. It's when you go from an A to D or larger.

Google websites with before and after boob jobs. The majority looks fine before. I would say most guys ( except d bags) would be happy with the majority of boobs out there big or small. And there are many many many nice natural boobs small medium and big out there that stupid women think aren't any good
Yes crazy be be out for sure but I'm saying boob job lways equals whacko

You know whats wacko but in a good way? Torn jeans at the knee. I'd forgotten about that but after SB inspiration I think 2015 has to be torn jeans at the knee.
You know whats wacko but in a good way? Torn jeans at the knee. I'd forgotten about that but after SB inspiration I think 2015 has to be torn jeans at the knee.

what's more wackoer than that- paying for your clothes to come with holes
what's more wackoer than that- paying for your clothes to come with holes

That would never sell. Nobody's that stupid.
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