Tinder App

let's have a closer look
so you are with her not the other way around
she was tired and settled
you are a distraction and she is taking a break until her dating mojo returns then pooof you are gone

hey, just joking around, for real...it was easy pickings:D:D:cool:
Let's just say I'm enjoying the ride

Pun intended
working his way through the family....
Just wait when I change my signature to...

"Banged Roasted's sister... "

When he call me Bro it will have a new meaning
Do you look like you just freshly broke out of prison? Tattoos? You take a week + between shaving?

If not than you don't stand a chance.
Sometimes they need a change
So this may be a dumb question but is tinder a hookup site or an actual dating site? Was considering it till someone said there's no respectful women on there...don't want to be put in 'that' category!

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Now that we`ve established what kind of fellas you are, I guess it just down to negotiating a price......
So this may be a dumb question but is tinder a hookup site or an actual dating site? Was considering it till someone said there's no respectful women on there...don't want to be put in 'that' category!

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Yeah, one popular opinion that's still popular is "why would you date a woman you met at a club, they are all sluts"..........do you know ANY, I mean, even ONE, woman that's never been to a club? Have you been to a club? If so, are you scum? Tinder is kinda similar. I've seen quite a few female acquaintances on there and they're not known for being sluts among my friends. Hell, as I mentioned, my sis is on there. Basically, there is A LOT of people on there, all kinds, but keep in mind that any woman on a site like Tinder is getting A LOT, and I mean MAAASSIVE attention 24/7 from hundreds of guys ALL the time, so there is a good chance that they'll let it get to their head and/or take advantage. IF the one you're talking to DID take advantage, than there is a good chance she's taken 10 ***** in the past couple of months. Also, the site is 99% based on looks so they're getting attention from guys they find physically attractive (are sexually attracted to) and not guys that have charmed them with their personality so well.........you do the math.

The other thing you have to look at though is that Tinder blew up like a year or two ago. Everyone jumped on, and plenty of those girls have been used and abused over the past year and probably tripled their kill count......now they're tired of being passed around like a blunt at a bob marley concert and suddenly they write "no hookups" on their profiles and want a relationship but they pretty much forgot how to meet guys any other way so they're still using Tinder to meet dudes. In other words.........we're about a year late to the gang bang. Is it possible to meet a "good girl" on Tinder? Yeah, but good luck. Also, you know that cute girl you met at the local starbucks? Yeah, well, she's on Tinder too.
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Yeah, one popular opinion that's still popular is "why would you date a woman you met at a club, they are all sluts"..........do you know ANY, I mean, even ONE, woman that's never been to a club? Have you been to a club? If so, are you scum? Tinder is kinda similar. I've seen quite a few female acquaintances on there and they're not known for being sluts among my friends. Hell, as I mentioned, my sis is on there. Basically, there is A LOT of people on there, all kinds, but keep in mind that any woman on a site like Tinder is getting A LOT, and I mean MAAASSIVE attention 24/7 from hundreds of guys ALL the time, so there is a good chance that they'll let it get to their head and/or take advantage. IF the one you're talking to DID take advantage, than there is a good chance she's taken 10 ***** in the past couple of months. Also, the site is 99% based on looks so they're getting attention from guys they find physically attractive (are sexually attracted to) and not guys that have charmed them with their personality so well.........you do the math.

The other thing you have to look at though is that Tinder blew up like a year or two ago. Everyone jumped on, and plenty of those girls have been used and abused over the past year and probably tripled their kill count......now they're tired of being passed around like a blunt at a bob marley concert and suddenly they write "no hookups" on their profiles and want a relationship but they pretty much forgot how to meet guys any other way so they're still using Tinder to meet dudes. In other words.........we're about a year late to the gang bang. Is it possible to meet a "good girl" on Tinder? Yeah, but good luck. Also, you know that cute girl you met at the local starbucks? Yeah, well, she's on Tinder too.

This here is your problem and many dudes problem. Why can't a woman f@ck a lot and just like it? Guess what that "good girl" you think you met ? She ducked a lot and took it in her az$ and ate the dudes Asz too. If you think every woman won't do everything with the right person under the right circumstances you are deluded and will be alone forever. Your sister does it all too I'm betting
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If you think every woman won't do everything with the right person under the right circumstances you are deluded and will be alone forever. Your sister does it all too I'm betting

Well, isn't that the key then? The right person and the right circumstances couldn't possibly be every person you meet off of Tinder. Unless he/she's a frickin dirtbag. I still believe a good portion of the population exercises a modicum of good judgement but they get drowned out by all the loudmouths. I feel sorry for those impressionable weaklings who jump on a bandwagon that doesn't even exist. Sheeple. Now where's me wellingtons?
This here is your problem and many dudes problem. Why can't a woman f@ck a lot and just like it? Guess what that "good girl" you think you met ? She ducked a lot and took it in her az$ and ate the dudes Asz too. If you think every woman won't do everything with the right person under the right circumstances you are deluded and will be alone forever. Your sister does it all too I'm betting

*Yawn* who said I was looking for a "good girl"....notice that phrase is even in quotes?

I did reply to a woman thinking she was a dude though looking for the mythical "good girl". My mistake. If you're a woman try Tinder out. Trying tinder doesn't make you slutty, just like going to a club doesn't make you slutty and wearing revealing clothes does not make you slutty, sleeping with every guy that gives you attention makes you slutty. So jump on Tinder and try it out. But brace yourself, you will be getting hit on by A LOT of guys, who mostly just want to get in your pants........this isn't really different from anywhere else except if you get hit on once a week, you will be getting hit on 100 times a week. Make sure that your BS detectors are finely tuned. Also, what a lot of women online forget is this:

Men have two standards for physical attractiveness.

1. I wold bang her
2. I would date her

1 is almost always lower than 2. A lot of women go online get hit on by all these guys and then choose the top 5% in looks and wonder why all those guys want to hit it and quit it only. A lot of the times it's because the best you can bang, is not the best you can date. Maybe try going out with guys in your league and they will be more willing to date you.
I've just pre-ordered "Roasted's Guide to Chick's and other ****".

If it's anything like the posts, it'll be a good read.
I've just pre-ordered "Roasted's Guide to Chick's and other ****".

If it's anything like the posts, it'll be a good read.
Did you get the hard cover copy?
油井緋色;2264904 said:
Out of respect, no lol

Dumped the fat chick for being too fat, regret it it when fattie turns hottie. Respect? Yeah, sure...

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油井緋色;2265067 said:
I'm friends with a few actresses and models. When your day time job involves being accepted based on your physical appearance...you tend to get a little coo coo.

Thnk I snapped a pic of you on the TTC.
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