sounds like another variation of eating anorexics see themselves as fat...maybe some of these women see that too or something happened to them and they were too weak to fight back.
As in life, people can take things to the extreme.
It's their life, money, time etc...
So wait, these women are able to dedicate themselves completely to something that 99% of the population can't even dream of achieving and they are "weak" for it. Yeah, OK. What about those guys that are at the track every weekend, blowing all their money on track days, risking their life, and are tearing it up in the red group and/or racing. You think they are "weak" too? I mean, normal people don't do that. It must be some sort of a disease.
The problem with women in the fitness industry has nothing to do with some sort of body dis-morphia. It's the fact that it's psychologically demanding, dieting that much screws with their hormones, and it generally attracts women who are huge attention whores to begin with but most of them are in denial and will claim they're doing it to "inspire other people" which, let's face it, is complete ********. Some women find that balance but most don't. There is plenty of "fitness chicks", particularly those that use, ahhhem, "supplements", who dedicate themselves to doing a contest, diet their ***** off for 3-4 months while taking stuff like clen, estrogen blockers, etc. then the contest is over, they stop taking all that crap, their hormones are our of whack, and they binge like crazy and gain, 20, 30.....80 (!!!!) lbs. This is NOT an exception, this is VERY VERY common. If you have one of them on FB you will only see pictures of them "in season" and then they dissapear off social media for winter (or just spent the winter reposting old pics) cause they're embarrassed off their fat, flabby *****, and are probably crying themselves to sleep every night while eating pizza, only to repeat the cycle again next year.
Also, bodybuilding is not comparable to training for a triathlon. I spent about 5-7 hours a week at the gym. People training for a triathlon can train that much in one day. And yes, 90% of people that do triathlons are divorced.