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Do fat chicks pay for sex? Curious...

This guy has been out of the game for a very long time. I have no idea what it's like nowadays. But, truthfully, it doesn't matter the type/ look/ sex drive of the woman, in the end, guys, we all end up paying.
The standard boiler plate. Not reinventing the wheel here. Ironically whores been around before the wheel was invented.

I actually believe that the wheel was inspired by a whore rolling from one guy to the other on a bed of hay.
Most guys have this very wrong. Sonny is in the ballpark but realize he has his style and his foundation that he sends out so in return he has provided and expectation of return.
His style is not for us to judge because we are not him. Be who you are.

As for most guys, they are followers. Women are the leaders now. What's done is done, guys don't play with GI Joes now.
They are too busy being a girls best friend from grade school so they are already programmed.

If you are a supplicating kinda guy then so be that as you will likely be with a strong woman. It's what you each provide each other that counts and what you bring into the relationship.

If you need to copy a magazine to dress like the sheeps then that's you and you will attract the same.

If you do your own thing and have a counter main stream culture style then guess what, you will be attracted to women like that and they will be attracted to that type.

As for being nice, that is not weak. You can do nice things, nothing wrong with opening the car door and opening doors etc...
That is style and MANners. Sometimes I let stranger to me women open public doors and hold it, then I say this is great loving this equality thing....but I say it with humor and style so they can feel and see it was in jest. If she palys along you toss out okay but just because you buy me dinner does not mean I put out on the first date...okay?...you just asked her for a date without asking, if she wants to she will say okay where are we going...if not you walk away laughing.

Take a piece of paper write down the physical traits you like (range min height to max height, min weight to max weight)
write down traits you like and don't like

review list, that is for the most part who you are and what you project...think about that
I am guessing, using Sonny as the example, he likes to be feisty for fun and in turn he probably likes women to be a bit feisty because it's a fun challenge and connection for him...just my guess.

It is much the same as if you like sporty women, you like sports ergo you will be attracted to women that play and watch sports because you have a base FOUNDATION in common.

I think one of the BIGGEST mistakes both sides make, they let things go waaaay too long that they don't like because they are afraid of offending or driving the person away at the start. So, later when you do bring it up, the other person says why you waited so long, wasn't a problem then so why is it now.

Some people are broken, there is no fixing them if they don't want to fix themselves. Some ppl just need to become aware and they will change.
I believe as a decent human being you make them aware as you would want to be treated. If you has spinach stuck in your teeth, do you want someone to tell you?

Be who you are, adjust and fix some of your lesser traits and move on.
Tell women who you are and what you stand for. If you like rough sex, tell them that.
They won't break or turn into dust. It shows them that you are secure and know what you want which is also telling them that if they know they fit your foundation that you would/should want them.

Above all, be honest, be sincere, don't manipulate them. I found from personal experience that is the proper way to proceed as it DOES garner you A LOT of respect and makes you more desirable.

p.s. know how to change a damn car tire
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Most guys have this very wrong. Sonny is in the ballpark but realize he has his style and his foundation that he sends out so in return he has provided and expectation of return.
His style is not for us to judge because we are not him. Be who you are.

As for most guys, they are followers. Women are the leaders now. What's done is done, guys don't play with GI Joes now.
They are too busy being a girls best friend from grade school so they are already programmed.

If you are a supplicating kinda guy then so be that as you will likely be with a strong woman. It's what you each provide each other that counts and what you bring into the relationship.

If you need to copy a magazine to dress like the sheeps then that's you and you will attract the same.

If you do your own thing and have a counter main stream culture style then guess what, you will be attracted to women like that and they will be attracted to that type.

As for being nice, that is not weak. You can do nice things, nothing wrong with opening the car door and opening doors etc...
That is style and MANners. Sometimes I let stranger to me women open public doors and hold it, then I say this is great loving this equality thing....but I say it with humor and style so they can feel and see it was in jest. If she palys along you toss out okay but just because you buy me dinner does not mean I put out on the first date...okay?...you just asked her for a date without asking, if she wants to she will say okay where are we going...if not you walk away laughing.

Take a piece of paper write down the physical traits you like (range min height to max height, min weight to max weight)
write down traits you like and don't like

review list, that is for the most part who you are and what you project...think about that
I am guessing, using Sonny as the example, he likes to be feisty for fun and in turn he probably likes women to be a bit feisty because it's a fun challenge and connection for him...just my guess.

It is much the same as if you like sporty women, you like sports ergo you will be attracted to women that play and watch sports because you have a base FOUNDATION in common.

I think one of the BIGGEST mistakes both sides make, they let things go waaaay too long that they don't like because they are afraid of offending or driving the person away at the start. So, later when you do bring it up, the other person says why you waited so long, wasn't a problem then so why is it now.

Some people are broken, there is no fixing them if they don't want to fix themselves. Some ppl just need to become aware and they will change.
I believe as a decent human being you make them aware as you would want to be treated. If you has spinach stuck in your teeth, do you want someone to tell you?

Be who you are, adjust and fix some of your lesser traits and move on.
Tell women who you are and what you stand for. If you like rough sex, tell them that.
They won't break or turn into dust. It shows them that you are secure and know what you want which is also telling them that if they know they fit your foundation that you would/should want them.

Above all, be honest, be sincere, don't manipulate them. I found from personal experience that is the proper way to proceed as it DOES garner you A LOT of respect and makes you more desirable.

p.s. know how to change a damn car tire

Amen! You have to 100% be yourself. You can't act because in the end the truth always comes out. I'm no relationship expert but I've been with my man for almost 10 years now. We have 2 kids. Our relationship has never changed even though we have grown and changed as people. You need to figure out what is important for you and don't settle or compromise on those important points because true colours don't change. You also need to trust your gut. We all have a tell, often times when we are just entering a relationship we sweep these indicators that we aren't compatible under a rug or dismiss them.
Treat every failed relationship as a lesson for the next one. That is how we grow and eventually find our way to our soul mates. There really is someone for everyone.
As for the loose thing...it's a funny to read. Men talk about wanting a freak in the bedroom yet confidently forget sex is a bit like riding a bike. Practice makes perfect. You can't have your cake and eat it too. We are all adults, we all have needs, there is no need to tie those needs to judgment when the needs are legal and consensually being met by adults.
What is this Dr. Phil BS? More skanks and whores from Tinder please. Im living vicariously through you Tinder manwhores.

Stop crying into the damn keyboard already!

harden the **** up!
Stellar thread. So what's the accepted definition of sensitive? Just because somebody acts sensitive and carries all the hallmarks per trend of sensitivity doesn't mean they're sensitive imho. Notice I used humble? That's 'cause I'm sensitive. I'm seeing a lot of BS. You can be a rock solid guy and still be very sensitive w/o being a fruitcake. Sensitivity means being in tune and understanding and accommodating other people and their unique human condition. I don't think sensitivity calls for a prescribed dress code and grooming regimen.

I agree completely. It means being a good listener and being in tune with the emotions of other people (as well as your own) . I've always had a hard time with this. I don't really see what my choice in cars or music have to do with sensitivity. That hasn't changed in a long time anyways. Some of the most narcissistic and insensitive people listen to classical music.
Amen! You have to 100% be yourself. You can't act because in the end the truth always comes out. I'm no relationship expert but I've been with my man for almost 10 years now. We have 2 kids. Our relationship has never changed even though we have grown and changed as people. You need to figure out what is important for you and don't settle or compromise on those important points because true colours don't change. You also need to trust your gut. We all have a tell, often times when we are just entering a relationship we sweep these indicators that we aren't compatible under a rug or dismiss them.
Treat every failed relationship as a lesson for the next one. That is how we grow and eventually find our way to our soul mates. There really is someone for everyone.
As for the loose thing...it's a funny to read. Men talk about wanting a freak in the bedroom yet confidently forget sex is a bit like riding a bike. Practice makes perfect. You can't have your cake and eat it too. We are all adults, we all have needs, there is no need to tie those needs to judgment when the needs are legal and consensually being met by adults.

I think this is very hard for most ppl to do. Failed usually leaves ppl feeling mad/angry/bitter/hurt and blaming the other person.
It's not failure, it just did not work out or was not meant to be for you then. Perhaps that encounter was meant to be so you can learn.

That's why this is very good for ppl to be honest with themselves and admit to what they did wrong and not blame the other person and to try not to repeat it. Take ownership of the hurt you caused, send card/email months later and prologize for your wrong doings and offer well wishes. That part sounds damn hard, but once you do it you will feel free and be a better person for it. Do not use your email to gloat or blame them, that's not what it's for.
I think this is very hard for most ppl to do. Failed usually leaves ppl feeling mad/angry/bitter/hurt and blaming the other person.

It's possible to be rageful yet still critical of yourself. If the person wants any hope of not repeating the same mistake, there is no choice but to understand your mistakes and not repeat them.

It's like riding........if you don't know why you crashed, well, you're gonna crash the same way again.
油井緋色;2262729 said:
It's possible to be rageful yet still critical of yourself. If the person wants any hope of not repeating the same mistake, there is no choice but to understand your mistakes and not repeat them.

It's like riding........if you don't know why you crashed, well, you're gonna crash the same way again.
well said
油井緋色;2262729 said:
It's possible to be rageful yet still critical of yourself. If the person wants any hope of not repeating the same mistake, there is no choice but to understand your mistakes and not repeat them.

It's like riding........if you don't know why you crashed, well, you're gonna crash the same way again.
Do you know why you crashed over a pinecone?
This thread has me laughing so hard I think a little pee came out. You guys need guys figure out that if the good days outnumber the bad days, your winning. There is no holy grail of happy every day.
IMHO guys are primitive, if they aren't getting what they crave they will go find it, whether its talk, somebody that likes the same sports, or anal.
Girls will stay and be miserable , try and change you, make you into what they wanted. Then they will leave when its hopeless.
Girls will stay and be miserable , try and change you, make you into what they wanted. Then they will leave when its hopeless.

And a lot of times what they wanted is what they picked off the menu board of popular culture. There doesn't seem to be a lot of rational analysis. It's my belief that the woman picks the man despite what he may think. At least the woman green lights the project. Both parties, but women especially, should be super in tune with what they're getting into. Take your time. It does nobody any good for the man to be a perpetual disappointment.
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Do you know why you crashed over a pinecone?

Was that really necessary? lol Not enough momentum to go over a small object...regardless of momentum though, I never go through pine cones anymore :cool:
OK guys..... No more whiney posts from me in this thread. .... Only posting about how tight her *** was and how good her stick handling game was...........which means I probably won't be posting in this thread for a while lol

lol good to hear

Mine was less physical but fun nevertheless. I pictured a romantic evening with my date, hoping I could pick up skating in 5 minutes, lead her around, and end with a kiss.

Instead, it was me falling on my face (never skated before), and her holding my hand making sure I don't fall on my busted clavicle lol Guess the be yourself thing does work after all!
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