These Conservatives

It's a good program if you are trying to get another 10% of the population to vote for you. I expect JT/JS to float it as a carrot after the next election if we don't vote in the scary Con's that want you to starve to death.
Nah, they already have the carbon levy... that's a handout to inner-city dwellers, the disabled, the poor and a net cost on everyone else. This is why I worry that the election will be closer than the polls indicate, they're already doing their rah-rah bit to get people to think that the carbon levy is a net positive for them. If you were watching Parliament at all yesterday it was sickening to watch the Liberals just keep repeating their 8/10 mantra and even accused PP of not having any belief in facts or science when he was actually referencing the facts (the PBO study which didn't even account for inflation) and science. The Liberals brought nothing. Their projection had me turn out to something else just to keep my tenuous grasp on what little sanity remains.
Nah, they already have the carbon levy... that's a handout to inner-city dwellers, the disabled, the poor and a net cost on everyone else. This is why I worry that the election will be closer than the polls indicate, they're already doing their rah-rah bit to get people to think that the carbon levy is a net positive for them. If you were watching Parliament at all yesterday it was sickening to watch the Liberals just keep repeating their 8/10 mantra and even accused PP of not having any belief in facts or science when he was actually referencing the facts (the PBO study which didn't even account for inflation) and science. The Liberals brought nothing. Their projection had me turn out to something else just to keep my tenuous grasp on what little sanity remains.
This is my biggest beef about the carbon tax, the socialist wealth redistribution part. The reason touted for having the carbon tax is to tackle climate change, but since that hasn't worked out, the has switched to talking about the free money for the working class - Robin Hood style.

The Libs know exactly what they are doing. Taking $10 in carbon tax from a middle class taxpayer may cost you a 1 vote. Giving that $10 back to 4 working class people as another entitlement could help buy you 4 votes.
That worries me about the upcoming nuclear expansion ....that was a total shitshow a few years back under McGuinty with very little to show from the US "experts".....:mad:
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TLDR: If cities want money, cut the red tape and get building permits going. Mentions how unacceptable it is for an entire generation to potentially not have the 'Canadian Dream' of home ownership.

TLDR: If cities want money, cut the red tape and get building permits going. Mentions how unacceptable it is for an entire generation to potentially not have the 'Canadian Dream' of home ownership.
Hahahaha. "Tidal wave power". I know what he means. What he means is not what he said.

As for the "canadian dream" of home ownership. I don't know if that is salvageable. Dwelling prices and incomes have diverged so far that I do not believe they will ever make sense again for an average family(unless someone gives you a huge gift/win but then you're not average anymore). There may be a middle ground like co-op/murb where you can own your unit but not the land which means cost of entry is far lower but return on investment is also really low. On the upside you have stable housing.
A consequence of housing being treated as an investment, expected to go up in value faster than inflation, is that eventually it reaches the limits of what a greater and greater percentage of the population can afford. You cannot have exponential growth forever.

And this is dependent upon supply and demand. Cut interest rates to cut people's monthly payments? Prices will go up to the limit of what people can afford. Cut taxes? Prices will go up to the limit of what people can afford. Build "affordable housing" (what's that?)? When you put them on the open market, they'll sell for the limit of what people can afford.

"Build more housing" ... Eventually this is self-correcting. Pave over all the farmland so that there's nowhere to grow food, and the excess population will starve.

The earth will still be here in 100 years, 1000 years, a million years. It's an open question what sort of life will inhabit it.
The population is aging/dropping rapidly in many first world and even developing countries tho upward mobility remains a counter force.

There really is not a lot of us but damn are we a plague on the biome.
( I must admit learning the number of cattle appalled me. )

So there are limits. After a couple hundred years of trying to get rid of class structure we're creating a new one. :(

There are no quick fixes and red tape is just horrendous as well as NIMBY issues. Glad I'm not in it.

Cairns at least has still some affordable housing that a single girl with a decent job can afford. ( 220-350k ) but Melbourne and Sydney .....fugedaboudit.

Ironic eh ...two of the larger nations on earth and with relatively small populations cannot resolve this.....sysphis.jpg
and we have negative gearing making it all worse.

A quick search on landlord rebellions provides an interesting history going back a long way
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Do not believe. You forgot tax and spend that is the core of their policies. You also forgot some boondoggle about a consultant hiring another consultant to design a made in canada tent that is worse in every way than commercially available options and costs an order of magnitude more.

In what scenario does the tent actually get built?
After a couple hundred years of trying to get rid of class structure we're creating a new one.

<India has entered the chat>

TLDR: If cities want money, cut the red tape and get building permits going. Mentions how unacceptable it is for an entire generation to potentially not have the 'Canadian Dream' of home ownership.
Except it is 100% ******** he's doesn't gaf

Sent from the future
Hahahaha. "Tidal wave power". I know what he means. What he means is not what he said.

As for the "canadian dream" of home ownership. I don't know if that is salvageable. Dwelling prices and incomes have diverged so far that I do not believe they will ever make sense again for an average family(unless someone gives you a huge gift/win but then you're not average anymore). There may be a middle ground like co-op/murb where you can own your unit but not the land which means cost of entry is far lower but return on investment is also really low. On the upside you have stable housing.
I think the housing thing can be fixed, but it’s going to take a fundamental shift in where people live.

Supply and demand create the market price, govt has been sloppy on both sides of the equation. Too much inflow through immigration AND weak enforcement of foreign ownership rules juices demand.

Too much local red tape. Standardize some zoning at the provincial level, reward municipalities that participate, let the others be free to chose, but without provincial or federal funds unless the contribute to solutions. funds

The last issue is land. You can’t create supply out of nothing. We have a vast country, at some point you rave to resolve the tension between tree and farm hugging and the needs of every future generation. You need roads, rail and highways to connect people to the economy. Cows, beans and corn grow fine in New Liskard and there is a ton of farmland available thru the province — it doesn’t all need to be south of Barrie.
"Conservatives don't have a sense of hum.........."

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