These Conservatives

What an odd thing to say. 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998% of any politician opening their mouth is scripted.

As for some examples of his "speaking before thinking or without the facts", lets go back to the Rainbow Bridge car accident a few months ago where he rushed into question period and ripped into Trudeal demanding answers on the "terrorist attack" and went right into demanding "what action plan he the PM mmediately implement to bring home security for our people".

Question period isn't scripted, I'd sure hope at his case, who knows.

We could get into his imfamous "shack in Niagara Falls" story which I'd find hard to believe was scripted, as if it was, well, his speech writers need to give their heads a shake as that didn't go over well, and apparently he was just cool with it then as he willingly blurted it out.
...I could go on.

Anyhow, I'll say it again for those who haven't seen my comments elsewhere - I think Trudeau is an idiot as well. I just wish we didn't have Poilevre as our only other viable alternative right now.
As for some examples of his "speaking before thinking or without the facts", lets go back to the Rainbow Bridge car accident a few months ago where he rushed into question period and ripped into Trudeal demanding answers on the "terrorist attack" and went right into demanding "what action plan he the PM mmediately implement to bring home security for our people".

Question period isn't scripted, I'd sure hope at his case, who knows.

We could get into his imfamous "shack in Niagara Falls" story which I'd find hard to believe was scripted, as if it was, well, his speech writers need to give their heads a shake as that didn't go over well, and apparently he was just cool with it then as he willingly blurted it out.
...I could go on.

Anyhow, I'll say it again for those who haven't seen my comments elsewhere - I think Trudeau is an idiot as well. I just wish we didn't have Poilevre as our only other viable alternative right now.
For someone that wants to stay out of the political threads, you seem to have taken this one under your wing
For someone that wants to stay out of the political threads, you seem to have taken this one under your wing

Well, you see, it started out as a thread I was tagged in and had some fun with initially, and yeah, sucked in...guilty as charged.

Peace out.
What an odd thing to say. 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998% of any politician opening their mouth is scripted.


Rather amused at the pile on of a lack of a platform at this stage in the game. If i were him and so far ahead I sure as hell wouldn't be giving the sitting government any ammo to start closing the gap this far away. Wary voters be damned.

Mayhaps if we had a far closer race and somewhat closer to an actual vote being called I would agree.

Really? Polls mean absolutely nothing this far away from an election and the people voting in them also know that.

In a vacuum it may well look like PP has some momentum but as we get closer to the date and people start to look a bit more closely at any choices I think you’ll see what, deep down you’re probably worried about, which is that a conservative politician is yet again quite unpalatable to a large proportion of the electorate.
As for some examples of his "speaking before thinking or without the facts", lets go back to the Rainbow Bridge car accident a few months ago where he rushed into question period and ripped into Trudeal demanding answers on the "terrorist attack" and went right into demanding "what action plan he the PM mmediately implement to bring home security for our people".

Question period isn't scripted, I'd sure hope at his case, who knows.

We could get into his imfamous "shack in Niagara Falls" story which I'd find hard to believe was scripted, as if it was, well, his speech writers need to give their heads a shake as that didn't go over well, and apparently he was just cool with it then as he willingly blurted it out.
...I could go on.

Anyhow, I'll say it again for those who haven't seen my comments elsewhere - I think Trudeau is an idiot as well. I just wish we didn't have Poilevre as our only other viable alternative right now.
You said "a lot".

I don't think I can agree that based on how often he has opened his mouth (which I'll add, curiously more then a few people on here have 'ripped' him for) that his foot is in it more often than no.
Really? Polls mean absolutely nothing this far away from an election and the people voting in them also know that.

In a vacuum it may well look like PP has some momentum but as we get closer to the date and people start to look a bit more closely at any choices I think you’ll see what, deep down you’re probably worried about, which is that a conservative politician is yet again quite unpalatable to a large proportion of the electorate.
I can assure you worrying is not something I do, ever.

You should have noted, since I've said it for probably years on here now; I don't care about the candidates.
I can assure you worrying is not something I do, ever.

That makes two of us then. I’m not really worried either. If PP is replaced maybe I would be but it depends on who he would be replaced by. Right now he’s just noise and he makes good headlines to sell ads.
That makes two of us then. I’m not really worried either. If PP is replaced maybe I would be but it depends on who he would be replaced by. Right now he’s just noise and he makes good headlines to sell ads.
No such thing as bad press.

I think the second comment nails it for the most part;

“Some guy, somewhere, said that you said something, about something. How do you respond to those allegations?”

When will they learn :LOL: I'd be shocked if my neighbors didn't hear me laughing.
No. I’m not a one issue voter. I can also look past a poor figurehead. Behind PP is still a bunch of rot. Behind Trudeau there’s some sensible heads.

Still a **** sandwich either way but Trump style antics? Definite no.
PP has provided some leadership to his party and his anti JT duels have the party looking united. My concern is that in the likely event of a PP majority the rank and file will become power drunk soon after and we’ll have O’Toole’s infighting back.

I think the second comment nails it for the most part;

When will they learn :LOL: I'd be shocked if my neighbors didn't hear me laughing.

I had no idea Conestoga and Algoma sold degrees in journalism.
An analysis by The Hub on a recent speech by PP in BC .....
"Poilievre’s speech was an inherently realignment one. In particular, his message about the working class (“when I’m prime minister, my obsession—my daily obsession—will be about what is best for the working-class people of this country”) signaled that a prospective Poilievre-led government would consciously situate itself in these broader political trends. Like in Great Britain or the United States, the centre of gravity within Canadian Conservative politics is shifting from an entrepreneur to the wage earner.
What’s interesting though about Poilievre’s realignment strategy is that it’s been part of a mostly orthodox conservatism. His overarching message is still generally about freedom and free enterprise. He hasn’t made major policy deviations from a basic conservatism framework with the exception of recently voting in favour of a legislative ban on replacement workers."

A) I don't see how he can be worse than JT which is a wrecking ball to our freedoms and our economy
B) I don't trust any politician, however
C) At least Poilevre answers a @#$& question now and then
D) JT's cabinet is arguably worse than he is himself, and he seems to have no leadership for them
E) Carbon tax is misguided as it is implemented today, it's just a socialist wealth transfer scheme
F) Poilevre is making history by creating informative Youtube videos, imperfect though they may be
G) Poilevre is impolite and irreverent, and I'm OK with that because Liberals lie or deflect everything
H) I've never voted for JT (hell, I voted for Mulcair!), I never will, and only Poilevre offers a change
I) My organisation finally made some headway with govt. and now I'll have to start again :(
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H) I've never voted for JT (hell, I voted for Mulcair!), I never will, and only Poilevre offers a change
Whew NDP to Con, you don't get a bigger swing then that!

I do wish there was an more centre-centre right alternative, but thems the breaks!

Glad to hear about work.
I think PP is a lot less academic in the way he communicates. People can understand him, he has excellent command of a room - I’ve seen him once, he makes very good personal connections.

He also sees issues through the eyes of average Canadians, not through the lens of an elitist or social crusader.

Can he lead? Who knows. One thing for certain is he’s flipped the table in Ottawa, the first Con to do that in a long time. Maybe he can thank Trudeau for some of that, but PPs cut to the chase bombastic style has crushed Mendocino, a speaker, a special rapporteur, Freeland and JT. Perhaps Guilbeault is next.
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