These Conservatives

I have a hard time taking anyone seriously if they just use tactics out of the Trump playbook.

If Trudeau is about as useful as a fart in a spacesuit then PP just reminds me of PT Barnum. Running a circus for the easily manipulated using trigger words.

The thing with farts is that the smell will eventually go.

You blame Trudeau for identity politics but give PP a pass for the exact same thing?

I’d like to think they are as bad as each other but whereas Trudeau is just an image conscious dilettante I see PP as genuinely harmful.
Specific examples?
Groomed to be a politician, knows how to talk, knows how the system works. To me that makes him very dangerous.
Meh I think that is just political spin. One party or the other trying to convince you otherwise.
We don't know anything until they are given the chance. JT had nothing somehow was chosen, and well that didn't really work out. But it could have gone the other way, but he didn't bother to honor the position in meaningful way.
I have a hard time taking anyone seriously if they just use tactics out of the Trump playbook.
If Trump has a playbook, nobody even himself knows about it. Trump is just Trump. His name is just being used to distance themselves with anything opposite the left. Classic political spin.

I don't see how people are seeing PP as harmful? I've heard this from other people outside of GTAM.
If he just tone's down the nonsense and tries to be less stupid then JT, I think that is a win.
I honestly don't have high hopes for PP.

I honestly hope I am proved wrong.

I am so sick of voting for the best of the worst.

That a viable sentiment. We just can't keep going with the status quo, though. It's unaffordable. Wait till his little Oompa Loompa releases her next pre-election unicorn-in-every-garage budget money bonfire. You'll be wondering if the country will still be solvent by the time next October comes around.
I don't see how people are seeing PP as harmful? I've heard this from other people outside of GTAM.
If he just tone's down the nonsense and tries to be less stupid then JT, I think that is a win.
Well, there was the whole cryptocurrency thing ... Pierre Poilievre bites his tongue on Bitcoin

He seems to have shut up about it ... maybe he learned his lesson.

Moving in the direction of privatizing healthcare is not a good thing. Moving away from CPP (see Alberta) is not a good thing. My big beef with conservatives is the probability of either having no climate change plan, or moving backwards (see Alberta). I know people don't like the carbon tax. I haven't seen a better alternative proposed ("nothing" is a disallowed answer).
Well, there was the whole cryptocurrency thing ... Pierre Poilievre bites his tongue on Bitcoin

He seems to have shut up about it ... maybe he learned his lesson.

Moving in the direction of privatizing healthcare is not a good thing. Moving away from CPP (see Alberta) is not a good thing. My big beef with conservatives is the probability of either having no climate change plan, or moving backwards (see Alberta). I know people don't like the carbon tax. I haven't seen a better alternative proposed ("nothing" is a disallowed answer).
Please explain to me how we as taxpayers and paying a carbon tax is helping the climate change?

Also if you look bitcoin is on the rise
Please explain to me how we as taxpayers and paying a carbon tax is helping the climate change?

Also if you look bitcoin is on the rise

Suggest something better, then. "Nothing" is not allowed as an answer. Tax on carbon-containing fuel is a disincentive to consuming excessive amounts of it ... which is something that needs to happen.

The issue with cryptocurrency is that PP was suggesting at one point to abolish the bank of Canada and use bitcoin as our currency. You cannot use something as unstable in value as bitcoin, as a national currency. What's the price of bread today in bitcoin? What is it tomorrow?
Moving in the direction of privatizing healthcare is not a good thing. Moving away from CPP (see Alberta) is not a good thing. My big beef with conservatives is the probability of either having no climate change plan, or moving backwards (see Alberta). I know people don't like the carbon tax. I haven't seen a better alternative proposed ("nothing" is a disallowed answer).
So on one hand people don't want to tie the federal conservatives to the provincial ones (not the party of old, rah rah rah, etc), yet we lump them together in the same paragraph quite handedly. I am most confused.

Anywho, last i checked PP has publicly come out an encouraged Albertans to stay in the CPP. He hasn't said a word on climate that I'm aware of and he doesn't have to until the election is called.

EDIT: slightly misread your comment on climate change, anywho i'll stand by my statement for now. :)
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Unfortunately the tax doesn’t stop at fueling at the pumps, heating groceries and everything that’s transported depending on the fossil fuels is affected
The issue with cryptocurrency is that PP was suggesting at one point to abolish the bank of Canada and use bitcoin as our currency. You cannot use something as unstable in value as bitcoin, as a national currency. What's the price of bread today in bitcoin? What is it tomorrow?
Source? All i recall him saying was he wants to see crypto a commodity so it can be taxed.
Well, there was the whole cryptocurrency thing ... Pierre Poilievre bites his tongue on Bitcoin

He seems to have shut up about it ... maybe he learned his lesson.

Moving in the direction of privatizing healthcare is not a good thing. Moving away from CPP (see Alberta) is not a good thing. My big beef with conservatives is the probability of either having no climate change plan, or moving backwards (see Alberta). I know people don't like the carbon tax. I haven't seen a better alternative proposed ("nothing" is a disallowed answer).
I would say take advantage of our oil reserves and sell more of it world wide. Use that slush fund to attract eco business, build stuff, become leaders in something, etc. help transition us off fossil fuels, home heating etc. instead of taxing us to oblivion.
Appeal to the unwashed masses during the truckers debacle in Ottawa for example.

If you think PP really wants to hang out with these people that’s fine (he doesn’t) but they are useful idiots to him to rile up a base that he knows will never vote liberal.

Thats Trumpian MAGA politics.
Good luck placing your vote if pandering to identity politics is a red line for you.
I don't see how people are seeing PP as harmful?

He talks before thinking. A lot. Which is a typical populist move because populists yell things that voters eat up, but may not actually be based in reality. Brian covered the actual real world concerns, but his "experience" amounts to being an attack dog for the conservatives. Actually being in the seat of power and then just making kneejerk decisions will not end well, and he's also going to have a lot of egg on his face if/when he becomes PM when many of his fantastical promises can't actually be fulfilled as they were never based in reality to begin with.

Of course, when that happens, it'll be more of the same song and dance about how it's all the other guys fault, blah blah. I fully expect he'll still be dragging out that same old song and dance 3 or 4 years into his mandate for that matter. Blame the other guy, always, facts be damned. This is part of the "Trump" playbook others are talking about.

Also if you look bitcoin is on the rise

And next week it could crash $10,000 because of something as stupid as Musk deciding he doesn't like it and decides to say something that moves the market, as we've seen him do before...but for one single exapmle. Tying ANYTHING in a countries government to a make-believe currency that is insanely volatile is just an epic level of stupidity.
He hasn't said a word on climate that I'm aware

I think his dogwhistles are all we need to hear. "Axe the tax". Great. Then what? Stick our heads in the sand and pretent the climate isn't changing? I think the last 12 months has kind of demonstrated that somethings going on, so "do nothing" doesn't seem like the wisest decision anymore.

Secondly, I think it's pipe dream that this will suddenly result in a 50c drop in gas overnight, or that groceries are suddenly going to be radically cheaper overnight like some seem to think. There's bigger issues at play aside from the carbon tax - anyone who has ever shopped for groceries in the USA (for example) knows that in many cases our food is actually still cheaper here - so I'd sure like to know how the logic that "the carbon tax is causing food to be so expensive!" (amongst one single example, again) is somehow doing the same in the USA.
I would say take advantage of our oil reserves and sell more of it world wide

Our oil is not easily refined it's a heavy bitumen and in many cases the "world" doesn't want it when there are much easier to refine options on the market.

Appeal to the unwashed masses during the truckers debacle in Ottawa for example.

If you think PP really wants to hang out with these people that’s fine (he doesn’t) but they are useful idiots to him to rile up a base that he knows will never vote liberal.

Thats Trumpian MAGA politics.

Lets not forget these photos just because they have not aged well.


BTW, the other 99.999% of the non-crybabies like me were at work making sure shelves were full.
He talks before thinking. A lot.
What an odd thing to say. 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998% of any politician opening their mouth is scripted.


Rather amused at the pile on of a lack of a platform at this stage in the game. If i were him and so far ahead I sure as hell wouldn't be giving the sitting government any ammo to start closing the gap this far away. Wary voters be damned.

Mayhaps if we had a far closer race and somewhat closer to an actual vote being called I would agree.
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