The single rant.

OP, I recomend Temptations resort in Cancun. Last year I was there twice in 3 months, that's how good it is. :-D
Yes, living vicariously.
You don't have a woman because you sound like a whiner. Be confident and don't listen to your church.


Who cares what others expect of you. Your reasons for looking for a relationship already taints the idea of a woman being in one with you.
That sounds like a sleazy good time... Share the details so us married suckers can imagine what its like!

wander over to the (c)rash pics thread, to see end result.
The fact that you feel that you NEED someone else to complete you is wrong. You generally meet someone else when you are out doing your own thing and they come into your life unexpectedly. Looking for love can be a complete waste of time. Also, by the sounds of it you should be focusing on yourself career wise if you want to be a materialistic person. My best friend made decent money, had a lot going for him and just said **** it, moved down to Costa Rica. Bought a small hut right by the ocean, and now just gives physiotherapy to travelers and helps in a local bar to get by. Absolutely loves the down to earth lifestyle in a beautiful landscape.

Do what YOU want to do, don't let a culture or a friend tell you what you need.

I agree, you don't need someone else to complete you! I am single and am happier than I've ever been.

I can do what I want, when I want, with who the hell I want. Mind you I am almost 27 but don't look at your age as a guide to where you should be. Look at how many people get married and divorce just as fast!

Go enjoy your life man. It's shorter than you think. I was 20 like 2 years ago it seem! Enjoy your life and never look for love, love will find you if it's meant to!

Wack of till then if you don't got any friends with benefits.

Friends with benefits; I am completely for this :)
42 yr. old Chinese guy at work got married 2 weeks ago. First time. I asked him: so how do you like being married? "It's getting better"
OP, I recomend Temptations resort in Cancun. Last year I was there twice in 3 months, that's how good it is. :-D

Went there last year with my wife. Best. Resort. Ever.
If you're really Asian then being 32 and in your 20's should be no different LOL. With those anti-aging genetics.

Advice: Get out of the house as often as you can and talk to EVERYONE and ANYONE. See that cocktail waitress at the bar, chat her up. That cashier at No Frills. Take the few seconds to talk to them every time you go grocery shopping and make sure you go to their checkout isle every time. Waiting at the bus shelter talk to people while waiting. Worse case is that it goes nowhere, best case you find your partner. How can anyone know you exist if you don't interact and engage with them?

But then again you might be a shy guy...Oh well. Good luck on your venture.
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