What kind of fine is he though? Fine by retail selling pricing, or fine by private selling pricing?
If you're fine by retail pricing, but you're selling privately, you're probably too high for private selling. Some career potato peeler can show up to GP to look at the 58,258 bikes crammed into their showroom, and finance that one for $10/day. Us mere mortals can't offer that.
@mimico_polak I have no idea what the market is or isn't for your bike, or what you're priced at, it's mostly just a general comment/question for Relax.
Sorry man. Strong disagree.
You're knowledgeable. You see through the ********. You probably know exactly what you do and don't want. You don't need someone else to make you feel good about your purchase because you know enough to know when you are or aren't getting a deal that's right for you. You've probably honed that over years, or decades. And those are all good things.
But you're one person, just like me, and you and I, we sound nothing like the average motorcycle buyer.
Average motorcycle buyer is a lot less confident, is still just getting their feet wet. It's either their first or second bike (or maybe their first bike back after a long time). He's watched a few youtube videos, he's humming, he's haw'ing, he's still trying to assure himself that buying
any motorcycle is a good choice, let alone your particular motorcycle. He needs help to feel good about making this purchase. It's not a grudge purchase people have to do, it's a passion purchase people want to do, they just need a little help.
The majority of buyers are going to send the link to the ads to their friends and ask what they think. They're going to send your link to some girl they're trying to impress and say "I'm going to look at this motorcycle later", and if the girl reacts positively because your pics are great, the bike may as well already be sold.
Big dramatic pictures go a long way. I like to go somewhere where there's nothing too close behind my motorcycles to really separate the bike from the background.
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Lots of scenery. Scenery is your friend. It leaves room for people's imagination to put themselves on your bike in that scene.
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I didn't even own this bike, I took this pic on a test ride, but Studio Cycle had my picture on their home page for like a year after that:
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You still need your basic pics that show the essential components and what kind of shape they're in... but if your pics tell a certain story, or set a mood, that goes a really long way.
@mimico_polak if you're ever around Dufferin and Eglinton on your scrambler and want some pics taken hit me up.