The Reasonably Priced Used Motorcycles for Sale Thread

I have the same bike.

Re: your papers
Just photocopy your ownership, and stick it with your insurance slip in a ziplock bag, and then duct tape the bag to the underside of the seat, as you do with any motorcycle, so you don't have to carry papers in your pocket.

You own a Bonnie, too, so you know what a hassle it is to remove the seat, unless you're equipped with some sort of quick release fastener.

We're talking about two tiny pieces of paper? This is a problem for some folks? Ownership and insurance? Zip lock bag, then into an inside pocket in the jacket. More than one jacket? Photocopy!

Re: suspension
Yes, even when they were new they were garbage. They have only gotten more garbage.

It's budget suspension, of course, but it'll get the job done. My Thruxton is no different, no better.
5) Not liking the fact it has separate keys for ignition and steering lock. The second key keeps hitting the left fork since the ignition is sideways on the left fork.

Separate the keys. Use the ignition key on its own; that way there's nothing else flopping around. Keep the steering lock key in your pocket, it'll be used less frequently.
You own a Bonnie, too, so you know what a hassle it is to remove the seat, unless you're equipped with some sort of quick release fastener.

We're talking about two tiny pieces of paper? This is a problem for some folks? Ownership and insurance? Zip lock bag, then into an inside pocket in the jacket. More than one jacket? Photocopy!

It's budget suspension, of course, but it'll get the job done. My Thruxton is no different, no better.

First time Bonneville owner? The first thing you should do when you buy a Bonneville any used motorcycle is go over it. Checking tire pressure, brake pads, chain slack, oil level, and your battery to make sure it isn't going to leave you stranded after the first time you park it.

Then since you had to remove those two OEM hex bolts that secure the seat to check your battery, you just throw them out and never even think about putting them back in. Spend the $14 on Amazon for the hand screw ones, and you're golden by 9 pm the next day or whenever your prime truck arrives.

Re: Different jackets - I have like 6 riding jackets. My insurance company does not email me that many slips, but even if they did, why would I want to have the same thing in six different pockets like some kind of crazy person when I could just put it under the seat I'm going to be removing anyway?
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It's budget suspension, of course, but it'll get the job done. My Thruxton is no different, no better.

Didn't notice this. But that's not correct, Thruxton and mag wheel shocks ARE different.

Thruxton 865cc comes with the 340mm shock. Mag wheel 865 Bonnevilles (Black, SE) come with the 320mm shock, and the regular ("T100") laced spokes 865 Bonnevilles come with 330 mm shocks.

So basically the shocks are **** all around, but his, like mine, have the least travel and thus are the most **** of the shitbunch lol

I'm currently experimenting with some cheapo RFY's for fun and finding that these cheapo Amazon's are actually a bit better than OEM, which is both sad and makes me smile at the same time.

I'm trying to see how dialed in I can get them before my return window closes, but at the rate it keeps getting colder I will probably return these shocks and look for better suspension to try in... the spring! ;)

My jokes are really bad when I haven't had caffeine yet, I'm sorry everyone.
Didn't notice this. But that's not correct, Thruxton and mag wheel shocks ARE different.

Thruxton 865cc comes with the 340mm shock. Mag wheel 865 Bonnevilles (Black, SE) come with the 320mm shock, and the regular ("T100") laced spokes 865 Bonnevilles come with 330 mm shocks.

Sorry, when I said "no different", I meant in terms of quality.
Asking for a friend…

What’s a reasonable price for a 2019 Ducati Scrambler with 23k on it, and about 2k worth of options?

Listed for 9k and zero hits….taken off market until April.
You own a Bonnie, too, so you know what a hassle it is to remove the seat, unless you're equipped with some sort of quick release fastener.

We're talking about two tiny pieces of paper? This is a problem for some folks? Ownership and insurance? Zip lock bag, then into an inside pocket in the jacket. More than one jacket? Photocopy!
Where do you guys store tools? Damn, even my 998 has a huge tool/storage compartment under the easily removable seat, but I keep all of my ownerships and insurance slips in one of those plastic insurance envelopes in my jacket pocket.
First time Bonneville owner? The first thing you should do when you buy a Bonneville any used motorcycle is go over it. Checking tire pressure, brake pads, chain slack, oil level, and your battery to make sure it isn't going to leave you stranded after the first time you park it.

Then since you had to remove those two OEM hex bolts that secure the seat to check your battery, you just throw them out and never even think about putting them back in. Spend the $14 on Amazon for the hand screw ones, and you're golden by 9 pm the next day or whenever your prime truck arrives.

Re: Different jackets - I have like 6 riding jackets. My insurance company does not email me that many slips, but even if they did, why would I want to have the same thing in six different pockets like some kind of crazy person when I could just put it under the seat I'm going to be removing anyway?

Now THAT's character - needing a tool to access your onboard toolkit.

It doesn't take much time to grab the papers out of one jacket and put them into the other. I have to do the same for my driver's license anyways.
Asking for a friend…

What’s a reasonable price for a 2019 Ducati Scrambler with 23k on it, and about 2k worth of options?

Listed for 9k and zero hits….taken off market until April.
I'm noticing the market for recreational vehicles sucking overall (a ton of stuff for sale and it stays there forever) but that price is reasonable knowing an offer would likely be $8k. As an FYI, I bought mine for just over $9k in May 2022 and it had about as much in extras too.

It's for sale now by the dealer for $8,995 with 16k km.
You should be the most qualified to answer that question. You looked at every scrambler available in eastern canada for the entire summer.
I thought I listed it correctly...but I guess winter / interest rates / whatever aren't helping.

If it doesn't sell in the spring...guess I'll just have to keep the damn thing. What a shame...
I still haven't seen/heard it. Also some beautiful fall riding is still to come. might as well enjoy it.
If I find time to pop up I'll make sure to do so. Probably going to Wasaga this weekend...but I need a milk crate and a KLR to take up a leaf blower up with me...
Why selling it so soon @mimico_polak ?

Btw, seeing some great deals on sportsters these days.
With 3 kids in the house...I just don't have the time in all honesty.

Although this year was an outlier in that with the renovations, kids, and family obligations I got a grand total of 1500km done...So doesn't make sense.

I'm tempted to just keep it, and then see how much time I find. Plus the existential thread I started a while back has me spooked from riding considering the sheer volume of accidents and leaving my wife and kids to fend for themselves.
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