The REAL cost of owning a motorcycle…


Bike: $1500
Course: $500
Gear: $1000
Insurance: $2200 (yaaay being 22)
Gas: at least $20 per day of riding (but when I do ride, it's a few hundred km per day)

I could have saved money by buying cheaper / used gear. I have nice Kevlar-reinforced Draggin' Jeans, a Shoei Qwest helmet, Alpinestars jacket and gloves, etc. Save money by buying on sale; there are sales on regularly (especially during the spring), and if you're getting into riding, you have no excuse to buy something at regular price. I got lucky in finding an old but fixed-up bike from a friend for super cheap, but the 400cc engine didn't help with insurance. My insurance will be going down considerably next year, however.

Still cheaper than seeing a shrink.
I've never seen anyone that detailed and anal about bike and bike money except Stubby.Are you and Stubby up to sumpin'?

If I wrote down everything I spent on bike related things over the last 30 years there is no doubt in my mind I would have a heart attack.
If I wrote down everything I spent on bike related things over the last 30 years there is no doubt in my mind I would have a heart attack.

Don't do it. I started to, a while back, then started feeling light headed. Had to watch some reality TV, to erase the experience from my mind.
$2400 (1997 ninja 250)
$100 Zox helmet (lol)
$100 textile kawi JR jacket
$40 used boots
$40 gloves
Tax wasnt HST back then.
Insurance $1200

still under 3 grand w/out the insurance

man i wish i had 15 grand to start the season...jezuz
Great write up and obviously you keep very detailed information about your spending!
Thanks for sharing, because it's great information for anyone who may be thinking of joining this hobby/sport.
The breakdown is obviously going to be different for everyone, depending what bike they get, where they buy their gear, how old they are (for insurance), how clean their driving record is, etc... but this is a good base document for a rough idea.

For me, it was roughly:

License and course: 450$ (in 2009).
Gear: 570$ (jacket from a friend, 2 new helmets, short gloves and full leather gloves).
Bike: about 3300$.
Insurance: 1300$ (26, with Jevco, had 3 infractions at the time, now down to one).
Safety: 55$.
MTO: about 100$ or so (plates, registration and taxes).

Chain: 155$
Kerosene and gear oil: 20$
Levers: 55$
Go Pro kit: 300$
Oil changes: 180$
Gas: 1460$ (based off my siggey's average of 0.073$/km and having done 20,000kms this year)

I was lucky enough that my bike came with all the mods already installed, I had nothing left to add.
Also came with a stand, Haynes manual and tankbag.
Basically I had nothing extra to buy since it all came with the bike.

This brings my rough total up to 7790$ but I am sure I am forgetting some of the smaller things so I am going to round it up to about 8200$.
For the amount of unforgettable times I've had, the experience I have gained and the knowledge I have picked up, I say it was well worth it.

Next year I am essentially starting new again.
I have a helmet but will need a second (one was damaged in my crash).
Need a new jacket.
Gonna get boots as well.

Going for an older Ninja or CBR (year 2000 or so) so that will run me a few thousands.
And of course insurance.
Wow when you put it that way it really opens your eyes.

Also, that is a really nice looking bike.
yeah sounds about right ...

Compared to you, I spent a lot more on gear, but less on bike, insurance, etc. So overall my first year was under $10,000... My second year was very low in comparison. Buuut I'm going nuts in year 3!

I started in 2009 August. So going by August as my cut off point:

Year 1: $9K <-- $4K bike, $2K in gear, $900 insurance, $500 safety course + $1.5K in the rest
Year 2: $2K <-- $800 insurance + $1K in the rest
Year 3: $14K <-- Only 2 months into my 3rd year... $900 insurance, $500 safety course, sold my bike -$3,400, but bought a new bike $13K and spent a ton on upgrades/accessories... and considering more... I can't stop! I need help!
lmao too funny.


Compared to you, I spent a lot more on gear, but less on bike, insurance, etc. So overall my first year was under $10,000... My second year was very low in comparison. Buuut I'm going nuts in year 3!

I started in 2009 August. So going by August as my cut off point:

Year 1: $9K <-- $4K bike, $2K in gear, $900 insurance, $500 safety course + $1.5K in the rest
Year 2: $2K <-- $800 insurance + $1K in the rest
Year 3: $14K <-- Only 2 months into my 3rd year... $900 insurance, $500 safety course, sold my bike -$3,400, but bought a new bike $13K and spent a ton on upgrades/accessories... and considering more... I can't stop! I need help!
Lol I think I might show my wife this when I get home. The list of things I "need" makes her face red, but who can put a price on happieness?
It's not a cheap sport/hobby by any means but for some it's just a fun thing they like to do, others it's a passion they live for, you can say "ya I get it" (wife does all the time) but do you really? When you start to vibrate in March and can't stfu about get it, you've got it, and it's oh soo good.
Enjoy your new bike OP, your gonna hate winter even more than ever.
Gear cost:
Icon jacket - $230
Gloves - $90
2 Piece - $575
Helmet - $450
Helmet - $520
Gloves - $113
Boots - $220
Scala - $175
Tinted Visor - $50
Rain Gear - $50

Total cost: $2473

Honda cbr 600RR cost:
- $3700 for motorcycle
- $505 for fairings
- $100 for new battery
- $75 for license plate + sticker
- $140 taxes
- $45 for tire
- $80 for safety
- $320/month for insurance for 5 months...
- $200 for gas
- $80 in accessories
- $80 for oil + gas
- $14 fuel stab

Total cost: $6619

Honda cbr125 costs:
- $100 for tires
- $90 for tire installation
- $13
- $ 240 for 2 months of insurance
- $10 transfer ownership
- $20 UVIP
- $40 safety
- $70 Gas

Total cost:

Honda cbr250 costs:
- $4600
- $520 taxes
- $100 for gas
- $60 for oil + filter
- $40 for Safety
- $75 for renewal
- $280 for insurance (2 months so far)

Total cost:

- Lube X3 $50
- Kerosene $7
- Soap -$10
- Micro cloths - $10
- M1 license + course - $395
Total cost:

Grand total for everything:

And of course there are food expenses....which I'm guessing will be around the 2 grand lot area so...

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'07 gsxr600: $6500 after HST
gear: $220 (helmet) + $80 (gloves) + $250 (jacket) = $550
licensing: about $420?
misc items: $20 (tank bag) + $70 (stands) = $90
insurance: $1400/year
not counting fuel/oil changes which is fairly minimal,

totals around to approximately $9000. I'm due for some tires too so prob $10,000 for the first season.
Very realistic, nice thread. Now is the time for somebody to add track cost, this is my next step.
Very realistic, nice thread. Now is the time for somebody to add track cost, this is my next step.

I ran some numbers in my head, and decided, Yikes! haah. I'll wait til next year to unload the money I can save over the winter! :S :)

Please do detail the track bike costs if you can. I'm going to be honest, and state that I'm mostly oblivious to the charges one can rack up via track riding!....
you got a super sport for your first bike and you're not dead yet?? this cannot be dare you not get a 125 or 250 lol

I agree! Its absolutely unfathomable!!!
Misleading thread is, well, misleading. And it will likely scare a lot of the noobs.

This thread should really be titled "Breakdown of owning an SS 600 - my individual experience".

1) Oh, and nice bike.
2) Everyone know's the only gear required for riding gsxr's are: Wifebeater ($5), Shorts/Jorts ($35) and flip flops/Mandals ($25 - designer! dont be cheap). You spend way too much on this 'gear stuff'. Take it from our boy Vanilla.
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Not really misleading, it's what could happen if you want to modify you bike in the first year of riding and get a lot of gear.
I don't think I've gone over $7,000 total my first year and that includes the RTI m1 exit, two track courses and lots of gear.
This thread should really be titled "Breakdown of owning an SS 600 - my individual experience".
2) Everyone know's the only gear required for riding gsxr's are: Wifebeater ($5), Shorts/Jorts ($35) and flip flops/Mandals ($25 - designer! dont be cheap). You spend way too much on this 'gear stuff'. Take it from our boy Vanilla.
I tried this joke already in this post to thunderous applause.

I don't think the post needed to be spelled out that detailed. People can figure out that it's one persons experience and people that can't are too dumb to ride anyway.
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