The REAL cost of owning a motorcycle…

Nothing wrong with starting on an SS if you are mature enough and don't mind being patient learning how to properly ride.
I Put 10,000 KM's this season (I work 7 days a week, 10-12 hour shifts, not a lot of time to ride) so far and haven't had any screw ups, close calls, lowsides, highsides, etc...
Not saying that this couldn't happen even with experienced riders, but I'm very cautious and careful any time I throw a leg over the bike.

iagree and i was being sarcastic when i said that
So what? Provided you don't crash or waste more money on mods your operating costs for next year should be $3305.49. Is that suppose to shock me too?
So what? Provided you don't crash or waste more money on mods your operating costs for next year should be $3305.49. Is that suppose to shock me too?

Haha why you so mad for?

I think this thread should be stickied so that every noob who comes in here thinking that this is a cheap hobby can get a nice reality check.
OP your gear list is way too short. :)

Good job buying the bike you want and not feeling like you have to justify it.
Haha why you so mad for?

I think this thread should be stickied so that every noob who comes in here thinking that this is a cheap hobby can get a nice reality check.

I think the numbers here are misleading*. I got into the sport while unemployed and didn't spend nearly the amount listed here.

Edited...they may be bang on for this SS but not motorcycling in general.
I think the numbers here are way off and misleading. I got into the sport while unemployed and didn't spend nearly the amount listed here.

I went the cheap-ish route and still ended up within 3 grand of that number. I attribute that to my gear-whorish ways, though haha.

It's not that misleading once you account for everything. It's a little on the high end but it's not that far off at all.

There's the obvious savings in getting a cheaper first bike...but one could argue that it could be offset by the inevitable upgrade to a sexier bike. Gear is where you really get screwed, though.
I think the numbers here are misleading*. I got into the sport while unemployed and didn't spend nearly the amount listed here.

Edited...they may be bang on for this SS but not motorcycling in general.

I think the only real major variable in that list is the cost of the bike.
His gear wasn't super expensive, nor was it cheap. Pretty decent average. Problem is nobody factors in the gear until they decide to buy the bike. At least I didn't.
Great post Dave, even though what you spent is subjective it's realistic in what a new rider may have to spend in the first season. I'd actually suggest budgeting more up front for gear. What happens generally is new riders buy inferior gear in the first place and find later in the season they have to replace it all for something better or simply want too. The best part is it's money well spent for you and your joy of riding shows in the post. Well done.
I think the only real major variable in that list is the cost of the bike.
His gear wasn't super expensive, nor was it cheap. Pretty decent average. Problem is nobody factors in the gear until they decide to buy the bike. At least I didn't.

No doubt...
Even a brand new smaller displacement bike cuts all those cost well in half, from gas, insurance, parts and maintenance. Sure, blow your brains out in gear, but getting into motorcycling isn't a 15k investment.
I think the numbers here are misleading*. I got into the sport while unemployed and didn't spend nearly the amount listed here.

Edited...they may be bang on for this SS but not motorcycling in general.

I have to agree with this, all the upgrades and "mods" are not necessary, it is something that he chose to do for himself simply because he can afford it.
No doubt...
Even a brand new smaller displacement bike cuts all those cost well in half, from gas, insurance, parts and maintenance. Sure, blow your brains out in gear, but getting into motorcycling isn't a 15k investment.

I agree. not all of us blew $15K to get started, but there was a much higher up-front cost than expected, I think that's more so the point of his post.

Dave, great post. It gives an idea of what the AVERAGE person getting into the SS style of motorcycle riding should know. 99/100 times people think it's 'cheap' because it's a small engine, motorcycle's are 'toys' and it's 'gotta' be cheap. You give good perspective and every n00b should be reading this once over, just to get a better grasp of what things cost.
I have to agree with this, all the upgrades and "mods" are not necessary, it is something that he chose to do for himself simply because he can afford it.

Definitely true...but keep in mind that most newbs will mod (tastelessly may I add :p) and that the costs of modding that he's showing only amount to like 11% of his overall total there. Not huge margins here. The overall basic costs are fairly consistent with the exception of that fancy bike. :D

I started out with an old ninja 250 and instead of mods and a fancy bike I spent a lot of money on tools and "riding books" haha.
No doubt...
Even a brand new smaller displacement bike cuts all those cost well in half, from gas, insurance, parts and maintenance. Sure, blow your brains out in gear, but getting into motorcycling isn't a 15k investment.

It doesn't have to be but it's a pretty good example of a new, middle of the road bike with proper training and realistic modifications, or average mods people tend to do to Sport bikes...

You could easily write up a bare bones cost comparison for a cheap slow (boring to some) used 250 if you wanted.

I could write up a cost comparison for my new at the time 1098 and gear whore high end equipment, tools, aftermarket parts bla bla bla....

Someone else could write up their years cost for a racing season....


It's a good post for an average beginner - intermediate rider who isn't on the cheap about it.
This is very true if you want an ss be ready... its too much , mine just added me another 900 for lawayer this season now i have to wait and see how much the court is going to add on top of that... ohh wait my insurance was super cheap thats going to double for next season... but as long as i can get on the bike nothing else is going to stop me from riding. i realy enjoy riding.
This is very true if you want an ss be ready... its too much , mine just added me another 900 for lawayer this season now i have to wait and see how much the court is going to add on top of that... ohh wait my insurance was super cheap thats going to double for next season... but as long as i can get on the bike nothing else is going to stop me from riding. i realy enjoy riding.

I can tell you took your time typing that post. I'm glad to see that you're trying to make improvements on your English.
FINALLY, a post from you that I can understand. :eek:
1st bike in 1985 - 1976 RD400 = $400
Simpson Bandit helmet = $400
Leather Jacket + Gloves + Boots (these were second hand bought from a friend for $60) = $350
Insurance for 1 year = $114

Those were the days.

i envy you!
You ride a Gixxer. Your equipment buying list should be:
Khaki shorts
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