The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Steve, what's that?? I see a dedicated track bike behind the 250!

Yep, another 929. I've missed that bike since I killed it... I should have gotten another one right away back then.

PS, you win by 1, who cares about the space. ;) (822 is Jawad's, so I'm cheating at 3)
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Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I may have picked up another bike tonight for the track. Can't pass up a good deal now i need to get the 250 sold.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Very nice! Looks like an R6, am I right?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Nope it is an old *** (90's) SV650 it is not real pretty up close but it was cheap.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Nope it is an old *** (90's) SV650 it is not real pretty up close but it was cheap.

And I was going to see about having a look at that bike this weekend....
Had it bookmarked and was waiting for a price drop - which just happened....
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Uh oh... track bike competition, not good. haha

With the end of the race season coming (already here for the nationals) there should be some bikes coming up for sale soon. Not sure how many SV's are being raced anymore though. I guess in RACE and SOAR they still have classes for them.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Thought it was Thursday again, well have fun tomorrow everyone.

Out of you pick your own numbers for your bike? or are you given one?
Pick your own. The only track day club I know of that actually cares about numbers is pro6. With them you need a number and when you register you choose 3 in case of conflicts. In 3 years doing their days I've never had a conflict.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Ride safe Guys and have lots of fun.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Drive to Hamilton for new tires, work all night to get the track bike ready, and than crush your finger while loading the bike. Off to the hospital instead of Grand bend Motorplex. Never use this abbreviation but seriously, FML.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Saw the photo, Nick. Ugh. Hope it heals well and doesn't get infected.
Had lots of fun taking shots at the track today - wish I could have been riding it though. Oh well.
Kind of strange seeing all the ghetto trailers in the middle of the infield...
Will post pics up as soon as I'm done processing them (took over 8Gb of data (RAW and JPEG)).

Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Yeah it was a very good day, very fun track, although traction is lacking a bit on the new surface. That will improve over time though. Sucks big time that you couldn't make it Nick...

Tim, I timed a few laps from the GoPro and it looks like I was doing 1:35-1:40. I'll watch them all and try to see what my best was, but for now it seems like that's the range. The vids didn't turn out that great as the waterproof case kept fogging up. It must have got some humidity into the case in the morning when it was foggy...
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Good track runs for you Dave....
Just got done uploading the shots. HEre's a copy/paste from the Track session of the forum for anyone else interested.

Just got done uploading pics of the Grand Bend Aug. 26 Track Day to my PhotoBucket account.
Check them out here:

High Res pics are available for a very modest fee for anyone interested. Single photos are $5 each, buy 10 and they are $4 each ($40).

High Res shots will be sized to 10" x 8" at 300 dpi, cropped to main focus and have my logo (small in size) in a corner where it won't obstruct the focal point.

This is a test run to see how popular these kind of shots may be.

PM me if you want to buy a shot, or post up here if you see anything you like. I'm open to CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts. Please, if you're going make comments like "I can get them for free" don't bother - if you're not interested in buying photos, simply don't buy them. I'm not trying to rip people off, just to cover my costs doing something I enjoy (bikes and photography) and that other people may have interest in.

Take care!

Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Some nice pics Tim.

I can spot Dave in the pics no problem, but who else is in there?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

From the KW crew we've got Dean (Machine) riding his GSX-R600 #59 and Scuba Steve (Steve) riding his SV-650 #61. Dave of course, is #817 on his SV-650.

Was really surprised to see a supermoto with what appear to be Pirelli Scorpion Sync tires - more of an enduro tire.
Couple of REALLY SLOW guys, couple of pretty quick guys too... think our DoozerDave was one of the fastest overall - he was making time on a couple of litre bikes.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Yeah I was very surprised at how few faster riders were out, but I guess that day wasn't very well advertised. I was able to pass that dude on the zx-10 without a lot of trouble after the carousel which is kind of crazy when you consider that it was right after the super long straight. Not sure why he didn't have the confidence in that long sweeping right, it was the smoothest corner on the circuit. Pro6 days at Shannonville (or anywhere else for that matter) are a whole different ball game. Lots of fast riders. I don't get to do a whole lot of passing at Pro6 days. haha...
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Dean and Steve both got the same suit...kinda threw me off there.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Dean and Steve both got the same suit...kinda threw me off there.
Just call them the Bobbsy Twins from now one... maybe the Wonder Twins --- "Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!" :lmao:
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