The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Hahaha... That's awesome ;)

What exhaust did you end up with?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

What time do you guys usually meet on Thursday and where?
I would love to make it out one night the wifes not working and she can watchthe little one and maybe I can get a couple buddies to come to.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

It is gonna look like this. Level One Racing. I didn't want to break the bank too much, and this seemed to be the best bang for my buck. I was able to get them to throw in a dBKiller just incase. It gets pretty good reviews on cbrforum.

Jeff, usual meets are Thursdays at 6:30pm - Timmies on Bridge and University.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Exhaust looks nice! I will see if I can make soon and hopefully my buddies could make it too.

Last time we tried a group thing the other guys were doing death runs passing people on solids going up hills and around blind corners and one guy straddled the solid line as a car were on both sides of him.
Needless to say we backed off and did our own ride.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

That pipe looks pretty slick, I like it! I wonder how loud it's gonna be with no baffle and so slim ;) Let me know if you'll need any help installing it. From what I remember, the F4/F4i have a clamp for the stock system at the collector so no cutting should be required, but I'll bet the pipes will be stuck together pretty good.

Jeff, yeah, so far this year it's been me, Tim or Steve leading and we've all had enough of that kind of group ride bullcrap. Take it easy on the straights and only wick it up in the corners. No knee dragging so far that I know of.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Jeff, yeah, so far this year it's been me, Tim or Steve leading and we've all had enough of that kind of group ride bullcrap. Take it easy on the straights and only wick it up in the corners. No knee dragging so far that I know of.

I'm all about the odd pass on the backroads but I commute to work and need my license, If I wanted to drive like that I would go do a track day?
I will have to try my best to get out with you guys!
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Exactly! I learned, the hard way, to save it for the track. I'm guilty of dropping a knee on the street from time to time but for the most part I'm a bit of a chicken on the street these days. It's just not worth that risks.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

That pipe looks pretty slick, I like it! I wonder how loud it's gonna be with no baffle and so slim ;) Let me know if you'll need any help installing it. From what I remember, the F4/F4i have a clamp for the stock system at the collector so no cutting should be required, but I'll bet the pipes will be stuck together pretty good.

Jeff, yeah, so far this year it's been me, Tim or Steve leading and we've all had enough of that kind of group ride bullcrap. Take it easy on the straights and only wick it up in the corners. No knee dragging so far that I know of.

Your right Dave, no cutting needed...just a clamp. I may have to break out the torch if there gonna be stuck together. I'll post up some pictures of the unboxing. Thanks for the offer Dave.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

No prob. I was looking back through the thread and I'm wondering, did you get the cam chain tensioner installed?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

No I haven't yet. It is still sitting in the box along with a K&N Filter. It is something I have put off for awhile now. I was going to try to do it myself but after reading some how-to threads, I don't think it is something I want to mess with. The location of it seems like a PITA. I am debating though on getting it changed out before the exhaust because I may not be able to hear the rattle anymore and forget about it.

Speaking of that box....where did I put that:confused:
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Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Yeah I did it on my old F4 and it was very annoying, but at least I knew it was adjusted right. You got a manual one?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Ya, I got the Ape Manual CCT.

Picked up the exhaust and is it ever light. Here are some pics...

IMG_0881.jpg IMG_0882.jpg IMG_0883.jpg IMG_0884.jpg

They installed the baffle for me which is fine. Overall I would say I am pretty impressed with the quality of this piece. Nice finish to it, everything looks good. Can't wait to install it. It might take some time getting use to how small it is compared to the big silver torpedo.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Wait until you get the stock boat anchor off. Your bike might even turn better with the new exhaust, my SV did. Really, I mean it!

I had the Ape CCT also. I adjusted it the way they said, then started the bike and listened, and adjusted it more with it running. Took it in until all noise was gone then backed it out 1/2 a turn or something. Just enough that the noise didn't come back. Ran it at the track like that for years.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

If I had my own garage it would of been on there already. I usually have to drive the car to the parents, drop off everything, come back and get the bike, drive back to the parents. At least I always get fed there though.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Free dinner is pretty awesome. It's all about silver linings. ;) I hear ya though. Garage is king. My #1 criteria when buying our new house was a double garage. NOT for cars! One side is workshop and one side is bike(s).
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

A garage is definitely a requirement right now since we are looking for our first house. With our budget though I will have to settle for a single car garage, but I can tell you there won't be room for a car in it.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

First home, that's great! Very exciting. It seems to be a buyers market right now too.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Predictions of a 10-15% pricing drop in KW region over the next 2 years according to some financial analysts on the news....
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.



Needless to say, i STILL don't have my bike back...
Parts all arrived last week, except for 1 minor piece which arrived on Monday morning.
Service advisor told me bike would be ready on Monday (this was on my Friday afternoon call).
Monday comes round. Ask when to pick it up - they say Tuesday.
Tuesday comes round. Ask when to pick it up - they say Wednesday.
Wednesday coms rounds. Ask when to pick it up - they say Thursday.

Now, I'm Pi*ssed off. Left it with - I will be there tomorrow (Thursday) at 12 pm to get my bike, and it WILL be finished. If it's not, I'm going to speak directly to the owner - forget the other service managers etc.

They say they're having difficulty with the new fuel pump. HD books say 6 hours labour. They've had my bike for 2.5 weeks now. They SHOULD have blocked off some time to get my bike done when they knew the parts were coming in.

Not a happy camper.

Stopped at Apex today. Had another look at the Aprilia RSVR Factory (sorry Dave - it's a sweet bike). Also have a 2000 Kawasaki zx9 with under 9000km on it... also have a 2002 Ducati 996 monoposto that caught my eye, but they're not so reliable.
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