Nope. Money money money.
If they were good people, their name would not be on the ballot.
They want to get elected because they wan to get their fingers in the pot.
If this were not true, then every one of them would be madly campaigning to:
1. Cancel pensions for elected officials
2. Cut taxes for anyone and everyone (why not? they won't get any of it) and additionally cut waste like crazy (what do they care, there's no $ involved right?).
3. Do the job for nothing, etc etc.
It's all about money. Almost none of them ever have had real jobs, almost all have useless degrees with cheap law schools tacked on (Harper is the first PM to not be a lawyer fwiw, but he's still never had a real job). All to a fault rely on cronyism and using other peoples money to get by and live large.
All will deny all of this and vanishingly few will give up on the money. They are crooks because they are on the ballot. Wanting to be elected is admitting you want steal from people.
Your challenge: name a good one. I haven't seen one in more than 20 years.
It's kinda like the good cop bad cop argument. There must be some good cops, but you sure don't hear much from them.
There must be SOME good politicians, but none of them are pointing fingers and naming and shaming the crooks, which from what I can see is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I'll be voting for someone that has never been elected before and has had some real job ever. No one from the 4 major parties qualifies for that in Oshawa.
I detect some hyperbole there because obviously there are some good ones, who aren't trying to screw us.
In fact I believe there are virtually no bad ones, there are just very many who have the wrong ideas about how to help but genuinely believe their efforts are on the right track. That's very different from being a crook, and berating them all like that in sweeping generalizations tends to encourage voter apathy.