The Official Election Thread

well thanks and please stop flirting
Just because I agree with you doesn't mean I'm flirting with you. Stop stroking your own cock. I also happen to compliment Frankee here in case you haven't noticed
So Harper's government navigated us through the financial crisis. But wasn't the regulations put in place and kept by the Liberals? Wasn't the Cons fighting for more free market place and less regulation? I remember Paul Martin having to address this constantly. Or at least bank mergers?

We have the senate scandal. Wasn't Harper going to ditch that level of government? Or was the just the media?

How has Harper improved Vet benefits? Glad to send them off to do battle but once they get home?????

Like I said, I'm A conservative but, that doesn't mean I blindly follow them and let them run things into the ground. I'll vote for who ever I think will do the best job.

So tell me what party has the best platform for our country at this day and age?

I think Wynn's provincial pension is going to sink Trudeau's campaign in Ontario. It might even bolster Harper.

I'm praying the liberals don't follow through the provincial pension. My net income is already terrible. You know the companies are going to take the money from somewhere. They can't just toss all employees 2% more and expect them to keep the same number of employees?

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The provincial liberals are going ahead with the pension plan, and Harper is telling her good luck , no help from us. Thankfully some companies can opt out if they meet certain criteria. But Trudeau has said he is in favour of her plan.

The critics are saying it will cost more to administer than it will produce. Long gun registry anybody............
I'm more amused by her tantrum over not getting help getting any play. Wasn't the whole point of the ORPP because the feds wouldn't expand CPP?
This is why I'm surprised anyone votes Liberal. They actually are little children.

Libtards: hey feds, expand CPP
Harper: NO!
Libtards: fine we're making our own and calling it ORPP.
Libtards: hey feds, can you help us set up ORPP?
Harper: NO!
Libtards: You made me cry!!! WAAAAAAAAAAH!

Little boy: hey mom, give me more cake
Mom: NO!
Little boy: fine, I'm making my own cake.
Little boy: hey mom, help me make my cake
Mom: NO!
Little boy: WAAAAAH!!!

The provincial liberals are going ahead with the pension plan, and Harper is telling her good luck , no help from us. Thankfully some companies can opt out if they meet certain criteria. But Trudeau has said he is in favour of her plan.

The critics are saying it will cost more to administer than it will produce. Long gun registry anybody............
So who thinks this ORPP is a good thing?

Would you prefer to invest in your own retirement instead of being forced to pay into something with questionable returns?

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So who thinks this ORPP is a good thing?

Would you prefer to invest in your own retirement instead of being forced to pay into something with questionable returns?

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the formula on the ORPP website that says if you make 90 grand and work for 40 years you can draw 12000 a year from it is hilarious. On the other side as an employer it sucks I'm forced to match what my employees save up to 1.9 percent. Gonna cost me at least an extra 20000 plus amyear in payroll. I won't be cutting back salaries or firing people but I'm assuming many companies will because of this
the formula on the ORPP website that says if you make 90 grand and work for 40 years you can draw 12000 a year from it is hilarious. On the other side as an employer it sucks I'm forced to match what my employees save up to 1.9 percent. Gonna cost me at least an extra 20000 plus amyear in payroll. I won't be cutting back salaries or firing people but I'm assuming many companies will because of this

"Up to"... 1.9%?
I understand that you will be paying exactly that... 1.9%. Don't believe there is an "up to" about it???

I'm in the same boat as you... expecting to pay out an additional $40,000 or so per year for the ORPP. I planned for it right from the beginning (newer company)... But I do know others that are already planning to cut positions, pay, benefits, etc...
This is not a good thing... and is nothing more than an additional tax.
"Up to"... 1.9%?
I understand that you will be paying exactly that... 1.9%. Don't believe there is an "up to" about it???

I'm in the same boat as you... expecting to pay out an additional $40,000 or so per year for the ORPP. I planned for it right from the beginning (newer company)... But I do know others that are already planning to cut positions, pay, benefits, etc...
This is not a good thing... and is nothing more than an additional tax.

Should of said to not up to...Employees and employers will contribute an equal amount, capped at 1.9% each (3.8% combined) on an employee’s annual earnings up to $90,000.
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my understanding is if your company already has a pension plan in place that meets the new criteria your business can opt out. We have plans in place that should allow us to skip the ORPP. For business that don't this is just another spoke in the wheel of endless paperwork, that adds nothing to productivity.

Once its in place for most companies it will be another line on the pay statement, but I'm sure our payroll service firm will need a service charge to administer the new line............
Should of said to not up to...Employees and employers will contribute an equal amount, capped at 1.9% each (3.8% combined) on an employee’s annual earnings up to $90,000.

Being self-employed, I was dreading that I'd be hit with the full 3.8%, but after doing some digging it looks like I'm excluded. Thank goodness, let me look after my own retirement plans.
OK, if a gun registry takes 2 billion dollars to administrate (nice work if you can get it) how much would it take to administrate a pension plan like this? To the unwashed this whole thing is a great make work program. I trust fully refurbished offices will be in the higher rent districts. Of course there will be finders fee to find these high rent commercial offices and a head hunters fee to find the finder. If I knew more I'd say more.
Mama Wynn and friends will have secure employment as directors as well.

George Smitherman will be Chief Compliance Officer. McGuinty is angling for CEO.

OK, if a gun registry takes 2 billion dollars to administrate (nice work if you can get it) how much would it take to administrate a pension plan like this? To the unwashed this whole thing is a great make work program. I trust fully refurbished offices will be in the higher rent districts. Of course there will be finders fee to find these high rent commercial offices and a head hunters fee to find the finder. If I knew more I'd say more.
this pretty much sums up the candidates, good write imo. LINK

Eggheads. Narcissists. Social misfits. When ‘None of the Above’ is the best choice


John A. Macdonald. Wilfrid Laurier. William Lyon Mackenzie King. John Diefenbaker. Lester B. Pearson. Pierre Elliott Trudeau … We used to be surrounded by giants. Now we're surrounded by smiling, smarmy used car salespeople. Shysters. Pinocchios. Know-it-alls. I'm speaking, of course, about the current crop of candidates vying to lead our country for the next four years. Stephen Harper. Thomas Mulcair. Justin Trudeau. Elizabeth May. Gilles Duceppe.

Having just sat through the first leadership debate this past week — two hours of my life I'll never get back, by the way — I couldn't help but be struck by the realization that none of these people deserves our support. They are all, in one way or another, social misfits. Eggheads who couldn't get a date to the prom. Sociopaths who've spent years plotting their revenge. Egotistical narcissists who fell in love with themselves after first seeing their reflection in the mirror.

Don't believe me? Try this. Next time you see one of our so-called leaders on the boob tube, turn down the sound, forget about the actual words coming out of their mouths, and concentrate instead on what we in my business refer to as "non-verbals" — body language, eye contact, posture, facial expressions, dress and appearance.

Let's take Stephen Harper as an example. The first thing you're likely to notice is the "helmet hair." Then the shifty, almost beady eyes. Finally the ferret-like smile. This is a man for whom smiling and compassion for his fellow human beings comes so unnaturally that the corners of his lips curl up into almost a grimace. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out who our prime minister reminded me of. And then it struck me. Stephen Harper, when he smiles, is the spitting image of Jack Nicholson, playing the role of The Joker from the 1989 Batman movie.

Thomas Mulcair isn't much better. His advisers, in a desperate attempt to make us forget about the "Angry Tom" moniker he was saddled with after taking over as Leader of the NDP in 2012, have clearly told him he needs to smile more — just like his predecessor, Jack Layton. But unlike "Smiling Jack," presenting a happy-go-lucky facade doesn't come easy for Mulcair. Add the weird, bugged-out eyes, and the Fidel Castro beard, and you've got a commie-zombie on your hands.

At least that's what it looks like to me.

As for Justin Trudeau … alas, it's not his famous father he reminds me of. It's his infamous mother, Margaret. A hippie. A flower child. An airhead. Definitely a lightweight. Someone who, for sure, isn't ready for prime (minister) time.

Now that the Writ has been dropped and the actual campaign has begun in earnest, I can't help but wonder how many delegates to the 2013 Liberal leadership convention wish former astronaut Marc Garneau hadn't pulled out of the race, after it became apparent the convention would be little more than a coronation for Trudeau. With Garneau as their leader, perhaps the Liberals wouldn't look quite as lost in space as they do with young Justin.

Which brings us to Elizabeth May and Gilles Duceppe. If the Leader of the Green party comes across as being smarter than the rest of us, that's probably because she is. Which is a damn shame, for nowadays — at least when it comes to politics — voters don't like to be talked down to or made to feel dumb, as they inevitably do whenever May opens her mouth. Nor do they like to be hectored, badgered and browbeaten about sovereignty — especially not by someone like Duceppe, who, like a vampire having risen from the grave of yet another failed Quebec referendum, has returned to try to convince us once and for all why Quebec would be better off without Canada and vice versa.

Clearly, we're all stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. If you want to vote for change, you have a choice between the NDP and the Liberals. Unfortunately, depending upon vote splits, especially here in Ontario, a vote for either/or may well end up returning the Harper Conservatives to power — quite possibly with a majority.

On the other hand, if you like the status quo and cast your ballot for the Conservative candidate in your riding, there's no guarantee they'll form the next government, as Parliament might well be hijacked by an NDP-Liberal coalition, should we end up with a minority. Perhaps even with the bizarre scenario of Elizabeth May and/or Gilles Duceppe playing the role of "kingmaker." Of course, we can always spoil our ballots. But then, the argument could be made that we'll already be "spoiling" our ballots simply by marking an X beside the name of any one of these sad sacks.

Luckily, there is another option. According to the most recent polls, "None of the Above" would win hands down if the election were held today.

Can't say I'm not tempted.

Stephen Skyvington is the president of PoliTrain Inc. He can be heard every Saturday at 1 p.m. on CFRB Newstalk Radio 1010. Follow him on Twitter @SSkyvington.
Ok. So let's all reject the current offerings.

Where does that leave us?

The parties will have their faithful vote and one of the big parties is getting elected.

So how do we get a fresh start? How do we get the government we deserve?

How do we attract a candidate worthy of being the leader of our country and governing the country the way we want?

It's easy to sit on the computer or phone and point fingers and how they are all a bunch of liars and idiots and don't know what they are doing.

But, if we a change, what is a realistic approach?

Protesting is a way of expressing our feelings. But it doesn't help us find a government we can all get behind and support.

We all have various opinions of what makes for a good government but, we all tend to agree with what we don't want.

I'm looking for solutions. Not ***** fests that don't offer anything.

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The solution is to collectively exclude the political class from society. Treat them like pigs and dogs. Make them afraid to go outside.
Incentives matter. You might get better people.
Bring back a death penalty with a jury by referendum, but only for politicians.
Force them to live by their own rules. Force them hard. Them and their families. Bring consequence for their actions right into them and their families faces.
Incentives. Incentives. Incentives.
The current system with parties and immunity from law only attracts the bottom rung of society. Useless people that couldn't produce anything of value.
Somehow we pitied them and called them politicians and paid them a lot of money.
Cut out the money. There's one solution.
No pay. No salary. No pension. And one term limits. No incentives.
Just one: feel good about serving your country for one term.
Don't like that? Go get a real job and piss off.

Ok. So let's all reject the current offerings.

Where does that leave us?

The parties will have their faithful vote and one of the big parties is getting elected.

So how do we get a fresh start? How do we get the government we deserve?

How do we attract a candidate worthy of being the leader of our country and governing the country the way we want?

It's easy to sit on the computer or phone and point fingers and how they are all a bunch of liars and idiots and don't know what they are doing.

But, if we a change, what is a realistic approach?

Protesting is a way of expressing our feelings. But it doesn't help us find a government we can all get behind and support.

We all have various opinions of what makes for a good government but, we all tend to agree with what we don't want.

I'm looking for solutions. Not ***** fests that don't offer anything.

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The solution is to collectively exclude the political class from society. Treat them like pigs and dogs. Make them afraid to go outside.
Incentives matter. You might get better people.
Bring back a death penalty with a jury by referendum, but only for politicians.
Force them to live by their own rules. Force them hard. Them and their families. Bring consequence for their actions right into them and their families faces.
Incentives. Incentives. Incentives.
The current system with parties and immunity from law only attracts the bottom rung of society. Useless people that couldn't produce anything of value.
Somehow we pitied them and called them politicians and paid them a lot of money.
Cut out the money. There's one solution.
No pay. No salary. No pension. And one term limits. No incentives.
Just one: feel good about serving your country for one term.
Don't like that? Go get a real job and piss off.

I know my post was a bit long but, I did mention realistic.

Do you think you'll find anyone that is willing to represent our country under such conditions?

Who would want to serve their country under those conditions? Honestly.

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