"The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Beer store, can you do this? Didn't think so ...

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

There's a new deal. Bureaucracy significantly expanded, taxes hiked, cronies paid, etc. etc. Who knew selling liquid was so complex? Who wants to start bootlegging from an adjacent jurisdiction?
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Six packs and singles only. So still a de facto monopoly.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toron...ro-one-allow-beer-in-grocery-stores-1.3035347.

The changes to how beer is sold in Ontario will include:

  • Up to 450 new retail locations authorized to sell beer in "urban population centres" across Ontario. The government says this is roughly equal to the number of Beer Store outlets in the province.
  • A new beer tax that will raise $100 million a year. The tax will eventually reach one dollar per 24 pack of beers, but brewers of the bestselling brands are barred from upping their prices for two years. Prices of the most popular brands will be capped for two years. After that, price increases will be capped to the rate of inflation.
  • Moves to make Ontario craft beers more available in Beer Store locations including improved placement, more shelf space and marketing.
  • 12-packs will be sold at LCBO stores on a trial basis. Before, 12-packs were only sold at Beer Store locations.
  • A new beer ombudsperson appointed to handle complaints from brewers and customers.
  • The Beer Store will spend $100 million over four years, mostly to enhance the customer experience at its bare-bones retail outlets.
  • An expansion in the number of products available at the Beer Store.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

It says new beer tax? Oh, sh**t, just stop it with these creative new taxes!!!
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

In all fairness, I think the same rules should be applied to all stuff that is sold in Ontario.
The province should open the SCBO (the Stuff Control Board of Ontario) and then whoever the top three stuff sellers are can open a Stuff Store, but they have to follow the governments rules. Other stores could sell stuff, but only in certain sizes and only with proper training and protocols. People who make stuff may be allowed to sell their stuff from their own home, and can sell it to the SCBO or the Stuff Store, under very stingent rules however. If restaurants want to sell stuff, they have to pay more than anyone else. If your stuff is popular, you can't raise the price for 2 years.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Sadly the "new deal" is a bandage on a bleeding chest wound. The Liberals are in WAY to deep with the big brewers and have no real way out of the current deal. Expect more standard give them this and see if they quiet down handout guidelines.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toron...ro-one-allow-beer-in-grocery-stores-1.3035347.

The changes to how beer is sold in Ontario will include:

  • Up to 450 new retail locations authorized to sell beer in "urban population centres" across Ontario. The government says this is roughly equal to the number of Beer Store outlets in the province.
  • A new beer tax that will raise $100 million a year. The tax will eventually reach one dollar per 24 pack of beers, but brewers of the bestselling brands are barred from upping their prices for two years. Prices of the most popular brands will be capped for two years. After that, price increases will be capped to the rate of inflation.
  • Moves to make Ontario craft beers more available in Beer Store locations including improved placement, more shelf space and marketing.
    [*]12-packs will be sold at LCBO stores on a trial basis. Before, 12-packs were only sold at Beer Store locations.
  • A new beer ombudsperson appointed to handle complaints from brewers and customers.
  • The Beer Store will spend $100 million over four years, mostly to enhance the customer experience at its bare-bones retail outlets.
  • An expansion in the number of products available at the Beer Store.

Da **** is it a big deal if it's a 12 pack...? A trial is necessary? [troll hat on] Research indicates people tend to drink a six pack alone and share a 2-4. A 12 pack is extremely dangerous because most people will tend to drink it alone.

Really this hole thing will end up costing us. Anything Ontario touches it butchers.

Oh and Ontario should implement a beer drinking license and require insurance.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

In all fairness, I think the same rules should be applied to all stuff that is sold in Ontario.
The province should open the SCBO (the Stuff Control Board of Ontario) and then whoever the top three stuff sellers are can open a Stuff Store, but they have to follow the governments rules. Other stores could sell stuff, but only in certain sizes and only with proper training and protocols. People who make stuff may be allowed to sell their stuff from their own home, and can sell it to the SCBO or the Stuff Store, under very stingent rules however. If restaurants want to sell stuff, they have to pay more than anyone else. If your stuff is popular, you can't raise the price for 2 years.


Ha ha ha... Awesome post... Still laughing... :)
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

"It’s still pretty obvious that, to paraphrase Yakov Smirnoff, in Soviet Ontario liquor controls you." thought this line was classic!

Canada’s byzantine booze laws generally follow the same rule as gun laws. As the saying goes, gun control isn’t so much about guns as it is about control. It’s an opportunity for others to control you and what you get up to.

Now that Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is sorta-kinda moving towards lessening the government’s control over alcohol, it’s time we reminded ourselves just how ridiculous Canada’s liquor “control” boards have become.

On Thursday, the Liberals announced the province was liberating beer sales in Ontario. How’d they go about it?

For starters, 450 grocery stores will be able to sell beer, to match the 450 Beer Store locations. Keep in mind the Beer Store is a government-enforced, private-sector monopoly. Not exactly a full-on privatization, but at least it’s moving in the right direction.

But the rest of the changes aren’t exactly free market freedom:

All 24-packs will be subject to a 50 cent tax. Gee, thanks.

They’ll create a beer ombudsman, which would be unnecessary if they just privatized the whole sector.

My favourite is how the government liquor store outfit will be able to do a 10-store pilot project to sell 12-packs. This is laughable. Why only 10 stores? Why just a pilot project? Are they afraid that if every location suddenly, permanently sold 12-packs society would crumble?

This whole announcement was classic government doublespeak. Only in their topsy-turvy world could the government liberate booze by adding a bunch of nitpicky regulations.

It’s still pretty obvious that, to paraphrase Yakov Smirnoff, in Soviet Ontario liquor controls you.

While Wynne and more than a dozen premiers who came before her are guilty of not cleaning up this mess, they didn’t start it. The ultimate fault lies in how Canada’s provinces created their post-prohibition laws.

Politicians finally cottoned on that short-lived prohibition just increased crime. So they loosened the laws. But didn’t entirely liberate them, instead creating “control” boards.

Ranging from Quebec’s SAQ in 1921 to Nova Scotia's liquor board in 1930, the boards should have been a temporary measure to ease us into a free market.

But when it comes to government bureaucracy, there’s nothing more permanent than a pilot project. Almost a century later these bloated nanny state operations are still getting between the consumer and the producer.

Now they’re massive operations that employ sunshine list staff in the head offices and unionized staff at retail locations. Good luck getting rid of these control boards, even though that should be the ultimate goal.

The correct response is to just rip the band-aid off. Get rid of them all. Privatize the whole sector. Alas, it’s clear no politician has the stomach for that.

Instead we’ll just have to cross our fingers and hope we dodge what I call the Paula Abdul rule of government – two steps forward, two steps back.

Wynne’s announcement just barely moves Ontario forward on this front – because at least she’s allowing some sales to the private sector. Let’s be generous and give her three steps forward, two steps back. The next step is to just keep pushing.

In the meantime, can we at least get rid of the dumb laws on the books all across this country? Small victories, please.

That’s what Conservative MP Dan Albas accomplished in 2012 with his private member’s bill tossing out the absurd ban on individuals and small wineries moving wine across provincial borders.

As Albas wrote on his website at the time, the law he was changing “in effect acts as an inter-provincial trade barrier and also deprives wine consumers of the ability to have freedom of choice to sample from the winery of their choosing.”

In Prince Edward Island, their liquor control act is full of absurd nitpicking. It’s against the law for a licensee to “permit any disorderly conduct or the use of vulgar or profane language by any person in his licensed premises.”

So it’s against the law to swear? In a bar? Good luck with that.

They also want all products on offer to play nicely with each other. “Where a licensee displays liquor upon his licensed premises, he shall display all brands and kinds of liquor which he has in stock.”

Huh? Why? Business owners should have the right to display whichever selections they choose.

That’s the headspace Canada’s premiers need to be in when they look at their liquor laws.

Wynne made her announcement standing in front of a backdrop reading “more convenience” – meaning she was making things more convenient for the consumer.

Fine. But it’s not the job of the government to micromanage the consumers’ relationship with an industry, even if their changes do make things more convenient. Their job is just to get the hell out of the way. link is HERE
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Yup... You summed it up really well. Three steps forward and two steps back. 24 packs should be available wherever beer is sold as should be 12 packs. At least there will be some grocery stores stocking some beer. Next up should be Walmart, Costco, Canadian Tire etc. Then get the convenience stores after that. Growing up in Ottawa was a no brainer; go hit Alymer or Hull and lots of selection and convenience in the convenience stores just over the bridge. Sadly I do not have that option here in South Western Ontario.

The Beer Store has to go. Just get rid of this vestige of the 1920s. Like 8 tracks, terrestial TV, appointment TV etc these things just need to go already. One thing I know is that the next generation is not going to put up with this crap. They have grown up with instant access to everything and will not put up with this nonsense. Get rid of the Beer Store and the CRTC. Those two things going the way of the Dodo bird would do a long way to making life better.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The way I see it (as a person returning to Ontario after time away) - your options are these:

a) get good at brewing your own beer
b) just stop drinking for the most part

I went with option b...a side effect is that my postings on the internet are considerably less belligerent

beer prices are such that if you do have a habit of regularly drinking it will put you in the poor house - you may not notice, but if you ever add up how much money is spent on a monthly/weekly/yearly basis you might not think your bike is so expensive after all.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

beer prices are such that if you do have a habit of regularly drinking it will put you in the poor house - you may not notice, but if you ever add up how much money is spent on a monthly/weekly/yearly basis you might not think your bike is so expensive after all.

Couldn't agree more. I only have the odd beer on nice weather and after I finish each one I remember that it just cost me 2.50$. May not seem like much, but say after mowing the lawn and you chug it in a few seconds, it hits home.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Load up the saddle bags on the way back from weekend Pennsylvania rides. Stick to the hard stuff.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

How sad is it that the beverage of the "working man" is now an extravagance? That is just nuts and shows how expensive and out of whack things are. Again, I could care less since I rarely drink but for a lot of people it is nice to share a beer and conversation or a beer and a sunset while they are camping etc. Since when is beer a crazy luxury? You can get a fast food burger for under $2.00 but a beer costs an arm and a leg. A 24 should be $30 or under.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

How sad is it that the beverage of the "working man" is now an extravagance?.

The "beverage of the working man" causes us all kinds of crazy problems...from road accidents to healthcare bills to domestic violence to ruined lives...the alcohol taxes go to pay down some of the damage but I bet if we could take stock of the problem it wouldn't balance out.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The "beverage of the working man" causes us all kinds of crazy problems...from road accidents to healthcare bills to domestic violence to ruined lives...the alcohol taxes go to pay down some of the damage but I bet if we could take stock of the problem it wouldn't balance out.

Well to be fair its no just beer Wine and spirits and just as much to blame. But its a good point Alcohol abuses do cost us allot in there areas.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Well to be fair its no just beer Wine and spirits and just as much to blame. But its a good point Alcohol abuses do cost us allot in there areas.

Yea, we should try banning it... oh wait.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The one guy standing there with the beer gut going dyamn makes me laugh oL.
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