Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star
I agree with Irocian that we will probably continue to get hosed pricewise regardless of who sells beer in this province. I am not much of a drinker so this entire issue is moot to me. I do not understand why wine is readily available in wine boutiques in grocery stores; yet beer is somehow that different that access is limited? Most of the drunks and alcoholics on my buses are either drinking wine or cheap liquor (or in the really sad cases they have been swilling back mouthwash or something else and these are the folks who end up convulsing on the bus or in the bus terminals and paramedics have to be called). Beer is certainly no more or less dangerous than wine and wine is available outside of The Beer Store/LCBO monopolies. It is high time to allow at least some of the crappy, mainstream beers to be available at grocery stores/convenience stores. The big, top sellers could go there. At least the craft beers would still be available at The Beer Store to maintain a wide spread market share for them. Why can't Canadian, Bud, Blue, and the other mainstream swill be available? I wouldn't partake much but the convenience would be nice for those that do.