"The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

So lets see if i get this right. People complain, government looks into it and the outcome is the added tax on beer?! LOL why am i not surprised. It seems anytime Ontario gov speaks its to add or raise a tax.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Yea, we should try banning it... oh wait.

I never suggested that that but alcohol abuse does have its societal consequences. Prohibition would not reduce these consequences but would remove a source of income to cover it.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Yea, we should try banning it... oh wait.

nah, but it definitely should stay expensive - we need the tax money to pay for the damage it causes.

I think it's ludicrous to tax and sell alcohol but people do jail time for other drugs that have less societal impact (like mary jane, for instance)
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Oh great , another say no to beer guy that argues less societal impact from weed. yippeeee.

So lets stay focused on the problem here (THE LIBERALS) , so we pay out millions in Hydro1 debt repayments. Millions beyond the original debt, but we can get 6 packs at the grocery. And your electricity will increase 4.5% in August, but you'll get a 6 pack at the grocery. You wont get a 24, and we still owe millions for a gas plant cancellation , and the shortfall from sales tax on reduced gasoline prices mean a mess in the provincial coffers, but did I mention they are letting a 6 pk be sold in a grocery?? oh happy days.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Oh great , another say no to beer guy that argues less societal impact from weed. yippeeee.

lol, well sorry if I disrespected your choice of beverage...but my position is very difficult to argue against...mostly religious types and other people good at keeping reality at bay with rationalizations would try to say alcohol is ok but "weed" is bad.

I agree though individual freedom to booze it up is important, you won't see me advocating more prohibition
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The "beverage of the working man" causes us all kinds of crazy problems...from road accidents to healthcare bills to domestic violence to ruined lives...the alcohol taxes go to pay down some of the damage but I bet if we could take stock of the problem it wouldn't balance out.

nah, but it definitely should stay expensive - we need the tax money to pay for the damage it causes.

I think it's ludicrous to tax and sell alcohol but people do jail time for other drugs that have less societal impact (like mary jane, for instance)

lol, well sorry if I disrespected your choice of beverage...but my position is very difficult to argue against...mostly religious types and other people good at keeping reality at bay with rationalizations would try to say alcohol is ok but "weed" is bad.

I agree though individual freedom to booze it up is important, you won't see me advocating more prohibition

is this sermon over? more people have died from a knife and a fork, if you dont drink thats fine, dont tell me about the consequences of drinking and the costs before/during and after it may have. theres aways one in every bunch!
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

No worries and I wouldn't know where to begin to mount an arguement. As long as the recreational product isn't affecting a family/marriage/job/your nieghbours, I dont care if your a boozer, blazer or a natural high from yoga. Fill your boots folks.

well maybe you yoga crowd need help.......
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

nah, but it definitely should stay expensive - we need the tax money to pay for the damage it causes.

I think it's ludicrous to tax and sell alcohol but people do jail time for other drugs that have less societal impact (like mary jane, for instance)

Except... Don't think for a minute that much of that money makes its way to doing anything towards alcohol's ill effects. Like the "Health Care Premium" that Squinty McGuinty put in these taxes just get into the general revenue stream where they promptly get wasted. Again I could care less since I am an occasional drinker and that is probably an exaggeration.

Most of the "problem drinkers" I know and see are on the hard stuff. Not too many hard core alcoholics I know or see who drink much -if any- beer.

Premier Wynne loves people with your mindset. She can play you like a fiddle... Just think of the children! LOL!
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Except... Don't think for a minute that much of that money makes its way to doing anything towards alcohol's ill effects. Like the "Health Care Premium" that Squinty McGuinty put in these taxes just get into the general revenue stream where they promptly get wasted. Again I could care less since I am an occasional drinker and that is probably an exaggeration.

Most of the "problem drinkers" I know and see are on the hard stuff. Not too many hard core alcoholics I know or see who drink much -if any- beer.

Premier Wynne loves people with your mindset. She can play you like a fiddle... Just think of the children! LOL!

you couldn't be more wrong...I hate that **** with a passion, but I am a realist and realistically alcohol is horrible...bitching about it being taxed is...silly
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Zoodles95;2296286 Most of the "problem drinkers" I know and see are on the hard stuff. Not too many hard core alcoholics I know or see who drink much -if any- beer. ![/QUOTE said:
I worked in a shop from grade 7 all through highschool , the owner and his enormous collection of misfit friends , all good functioning drunks were beer drunks. The problem drinkers in my family were / are beer drinkers. My retard brother-in-law is a beer drunk. Sadly, I bet I know 100 guys that are beer abusers.
You can turn anything into a problem if you try hard enough.

My favorite uncle used to tell the story of going to the doctor with a sore throat, Doc said I cant see anything down there, Uncle replied look a little deeper, there's a trucking company , a dairy farm and three marriages down there.
He was on marriage 4 when he dies of a heart attack related to binge drinking at 58.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Fair enough... I don't have a problem with the stuff being taxed. It's just that it has gotten to the point where it is beyond stupid. They even legislated that you cannot sell a 24 of beer for $24. I mean common... What ever happened to personal responsibility? This Nanny state stuff has really gotten out of hand...

Besides... For those who really are going to abuse the stuff do you think that limiting where you can buy it or taxing the heck out of it is going to really stop people from abusing it? Really? No... They will either make it themselves at home (legal), make it at one of the brew it yourself places (legal), or go on a road trip to another province and stock up on the stuff like nuts (much less likely and of dubious legality).

If they were really about protecting us then there would be no slots or government run casinos. One of my old customers lost her house when her husband literally gambled away all of the equity in the house. Surely people at the casino must have seen him coming in day after day and week after week losing his shirt. A lost home, divorce, and suicide later and yet it was a government owned entity that allowed this to happen.. DOn't trust the government to have your best interests at heart.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

While we are at it let's make a bag of chips $10 minimum, ice cream $10 minimum, processed fatty foods at the grocery store mega expensive. A $5 health care tax for any food bought at a fast food restaurant. Can you imagine what it costs our health care system each year for all of the new diabetics and heart patients secondary to sedentary lifestyles and bad food choices? Where does it stop? We just lost my Father-In-Law secondary to his pooched liver. His poison was Weisers Whisky so believe me I know first hand the damage alcohol can do to a family. Just the same don't think for a moment that the high price imposed by the government is doing that much to limit consumption by those who have an addiction for it or that the government is using the revenues from this for anything altruistic. Once I saw that our "Health Care Premium" went into general revenues and our system devolving despite the extra tax I lost any faith I had in this provincial Liberal government.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Any one know any wine abusers? It's pretty cheap, convenient and soooo prestigious.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Any one know any wine abusers? It's pretty cheap, convenient and soooo prestigious.
a bottle of wine with dinner every night and no one bats an eye

A cocktail after work and everyone loses their mind
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

a bottle of wine with dinner every night and no one bats an eye

A cocktail after work and everyone loses their mind

Mixers blah

Come to think of it, the type of drink a person chooses somewhat defines the person. For example when it comes to chicks cocktail=blowjob, hard stuff=rowdy, then passed out beer=dunno not my style, wine=sexy, seconds please.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Any one know any wine abusers? It's pretty cheap, convenient and soooo prestigious.

Oh yes i know at least one alcoholic who is main vice is wine.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Fair enough... I don't have a problem with the stuff being taxed. It's just that it has gotten to the point where it is beyond stupid. They even legislated that you cannot sell a 24 of beer for $24. I mean common... What ever happened to personal responsibility? This Nanny state stuff has really gotten out of hand...

To be fair they people that pushed for that law were certain brewers. My guess is you can guess what ones
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Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

but my position is very difficult to argue against

Well its difficult to argue against because it true. Most of great societal impacts have been related to its prohibition. Although some people act as its some kind of panacea so its not like part of the pro weed community is good at keeping up with the reality of it.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

To be fair they people that bush for that law were certain brewers. My guess is you can guess what ones

Bingo, and the Woman that was running lakeport, the 24 for 24 guys, dont worry Hamilton we are here for you and this place is not for sale.

Sorry Brewing giants, your offer is how much????? well clear out my office, we are done here.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I agree though individual freedom to booze it up is important, you won't see me advocating more prohibition

Personal choice. I make some of my better ones when sober. If it wasn't for crushing hangovers, health concerns and poor judgment masquerading as brilliance under the influence I wouldn't have wasted the last 25yrs alcohol free. There's nothing better than a good beer buzz
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