"The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I love how anything that is a popular product is automatically 'crap' to the snobs. Budweiser? Canadian? Garbage. Real men drink REAL beer.... you know, from craft brewers run by sherpas in the Himalayas! F off.

no, no, it's crap because it's generic piss. If you just want something cold and fizzy to go with a BBQ then fine, but if you want to taste something that's fresh, different, then you have to look elsewhere. Not all "popular" beers are urine. I'd consider Sleemans to be a more mass market beer and some of their stuff is pretty decent.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

no, no, it's crap because it's generic piss. If you just want something cold and fizzy to go with a BBQ then fine, but if you want to taste something that's fresh, different, then you have to look elsewhere. Not all "popular" beers are urine. I'd consider Sleemans to be a more mass market beer and some of their stuff is pretty decent.

But who cares... people like what they like. If most people drink Canadian or Blue and that is what grocery stores carry because that is what sells, then so be it. The smaller percentage that likes craft beers will likely have to go shop at the LCBO or directly at the brewery.

For me, I like pretty much every beer. I buy whatever is the cheapest when I buy by the case as I try to economize, as drinking a case of beer over a weekend and another 1/2 a case through the week tends to add up.

Sure I like craft beers and a lot of micro-brews -- I just can't afford to drink them all of the time so I also have a diet of Upper Canada, Laker (because it includes an extra tall boy which is my backup beer when I run out), and whatever else is on sale when I hit the beer store.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

But who cares... people like what they like. If most people drink Canadian or Blue and that is what grocery stores carry because that is what sells, then so be it. The smaller percentage that likes craft beers will likely have to go shop at the LCBO or directly at the brewery.

I dunno craft beers are pretty popular so i'm sure at least some of local and craft brews will make it to the shelfs. In the uk when you go to one of the larger super markets there is two isles. Bulk(12pack) beer wine and liquor and then a loose bottle section with the craft stuff in it. The selection is impressive.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I don't drink that much beer. Mostly keep it on hand for guests in the warm summer months. My Dad is taking a run to Ottawa to see my sister, then hopping over to Quebec Costco for a 60 pack of Coors light. Then I'm good. No need to buy any beer here in... (as Roomie calls it) Onterrible.
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Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

no, no, it's crap because it's generic piss. If you just want something cold and fizzy to go with a BBQ then fine, but if you want to taste something that's fresh, different

So the barometer for "good beer" is that its different from the big sellers, and the reason big sellers are "generic piss" is because they're different than good beer. I'm all caught up now :lol:
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

So the barometer for "good beer" is that its different from the big sellers, and the reason big sellers are "generic piss" is because they're different than good beer. I'm all caught up now :lol:

There is lots of things that differentiate a good beer from a bad one and even that is debated over between us beer snobs. To me it breaks down to
- Low adjunct usage (exception to very specialized brews that require said adjuncts)
- consistency of wort including water quality
- Choice of Hops
- Culture of good yeast

Mega brewers produce a lower quality beer due to the need to turn over profit. They use lower quality ingredients or use more adjuncts anything wrong this? No I don't even mind a nice bottle of coors light when i'm on the golf course. If you like you mass market lagers like Labat and Molson thats fine but i wont drink any Labat branded product and an picky about the Molsen i drink to.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

So Coors Light isn't piss? Interesting.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

So Coors Light isn't piss? Interesting.

Its no great but its easy to drink when its hot. But there are a tone more light lagers out there better and more drinkable than coors but its always available.
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Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

"Good beer is over 80 IBU. Otherwise it's piss." Fuckoff.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

"Good beer is over 80 IBU. Otherwise it's piss." ****off.

I like my IPA's as much as the next man but IBU is not the only thing to consider. You are missing out on stouts and porters

IBU of 10 - 20 is what the big brewers put out unless they a specialized line but i had a nice German light beer once that was very similar in colour and must have had a similar IBU and it was quite nice. IBU is just one measurement of flavour to consider.
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Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

So the barometer for "good beer" is that its different from the big sellers, and the reason big sellers are "generic piss" is because they're different than good beer. I'm all caught up now :lol:

fair point....people like what they like. I did read somewhere that in a blind taste test between the top mass produced lagers those that swore they only liked one brand couldn't consistently identify what they were drinking though. They taste that similar and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. If research shows a majority of people want cold, fizzy beer of a certain taste then fine, of course the big brewers will make that. For myself though, life is too short not to try different things and in doing so I found a massive difference between mass produced stuff and the rest of the crop. Today I found a great beer I hadn't had before, a 9% Belgian beer brewed with chilli, even made breakfast with it, Welsh Rarebit....delicious.

Apart from Canadian, Coors and Bud I've only really found one other beer I don't like, it was a German smoked beer that tasted like it was brewed from used ashtrays.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Apart from Canadian, Coors and Bud I've only really found one other beer I don't like, it was a German smoked beer that tasted like it was brewed from used ashtrays.

Schlenkerla defiantly an acquired taste. I do quite like it. I find it tastes of smokey bacon or gammon. I think its traditionally supposed to be a morning beer but as must as i like a beer with a full english breakfast i think it would be hard to stomach. Its a last beer of the night serving for me.
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Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Why is it that the beer snobs present in this thread are Brits? Have they let their pomp out once again?

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Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

No need to let the pomp out, proper gentleman never put it away. And manners maketh the man, quite common of you to point it out.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

No need to let the pomp out, proper gentleman never put it away. And manners maketh the man, quite common of you to point it out.

Quite right my good man. Also as a brit I find most of my country men rather uncouth.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star


Mmmm yes indeed, very uncouth old chap, mmmmm yes. Pass the warm ale, good sir.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Warm ale you say,..... well the lads over at Lucas Electrics did dabble in refrigeration.........
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Why is it that the beer snobs present in this thread are Brits? Have they let their pomp out once again?


I think it's to do with access and cost. Back in the UK I had a number of favourite pubs. One of them never had the same beer on tap two weeks in a row and it was relatively cheap compared to here. I really have a problem forking over $6+ a pint here so if I do I want it to be a bit special. When I do go back to the UK I have a few "must do's" and one of them is to get a fresh pint of Theakston's Old Peculiar which will probably cost me the equivalent of $4 or less.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Mmmm yes indeed, very uncouth old chap, mmmmm yes. Pass the warm ale, good sir.

Cellar tempt =/ warm.. Many of the the ales as still cask tyle ales and don't lend themself's to be drank cold.
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