The Bad Riders of Ontario Thread

So the 24 yr old on a Ducati that managed to end his life on Dundas at Bronte rd , ironically almost in front of the hospital was streaming his epic ride , 180km in a 60 zone and met a left turning car . I’m thinking that’s a bad rider .

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180kph in a 60…wtf.

RIP…but wtf are ya thinking.

I haven’t read / seen any details so just assumed another left turner against a normal rider.
Was heading back to work along Finch E. on my bike after lunch yesterday, and caught up to a squid with a twist. He was riding what can best be described as the Chinese-iest of Chinese electric motorcycle...yes motorcycle (no pretend pedals); with mismatching brakes front vs rear (some gold single disc frembos front, and some very alixpress rear anodised red rear "thing"), and what looks like 100 section front tires and 200 section rear tires. No plates, t-shirt and sneakers, and get this...with a large case of mangos dangling from each of his wrists in plastic bags, just swaying all over the place. Squid takes off on a green light and proceeded to scythe thru the traffic at around 90km/h (I'm doing around 70). I started catch up to him again a few intersections later, and light changes to amber, I stopped (car opposite is waiting to turn left), and he proceeded to blow right thru the red. Fortunately for him, the car driver didn't automatically turn left on the amber as usual and temporarily saved his life.
Are we all going to get license and insurance rebates, and be allowed to ride the bike and mixed use i.e. pedestrian paths?
Is it me or there’s influx of the squids? Like I see bikes on the shoulder of DVP every time I’m on DVP, and before it was like once a year thing? Same deal with line splitting. Usually zero gear except for a helmet as well.

My bet is on those COVID-riders are starting to think that they are the ride-gods. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What am I looking at on this photo taken with a potato?
Unlicensed uninsured electric motorcycle crossing the road and continuing on the pedestrian path at >40 kph.
I thought the potato picture would be better than an 8 second youtube video, and I'm lazy.
First they'll have to find him (her) - that's gonna be tough.
Maybe. Lots of people are running cameras these days. Now, without a description better than "a bicycle" I wouldnt bother reviewing any footage I had and I sure as hell wouldnt be sending a full video to the cops.
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Not quite the intent of this thread but close enough. Bicycle vs bicycle on waterfront trail. One cyclist in critical condition. One took off. Does a ftr charge require a motor vehicle?

Now this is the link I will always post when bike people will say “We dON’t nEed TO FOlLoW any ruLes, we can StOp anYtimE we waNT”

GWS rider.
Is there a point to random use of capitals? Is that a ESL thing???
Is there a point to random use of capitals? Is that a ESL thing???

It seems to be done when writing something that is in anticipation of something the, ahem, "less-educated" on a particular topic are going to say in response ... basically quoting the anticipated stupid statement in advance. If someone has a better explanation, be my guest.
Wandering back to topic ...

White/red/blue Africa Twin northbound on Mississauga Road today. Yes, you, the one that I moved to the right edge for in order to avoid the head-on collision that you were seemingly trying to cause. Don't overtake cars with not enough room in the opposite lane and expect people coming in the opposite direction to move over for you. If there had been some reason I couldn't move over, that would not have ended well.
Not quite the intent of this thread but close enough. Bicycle vs bicycle on waterfront trail. One cyclist in critical condition. One took off. Does a ftr charge require a motor vehicle?

My B-I-L, the good one, was hit by another cyclist at the same spot many years ago. A crowd assisted but when he got up his jacket was missing along with his wallet. Whoever did it did some shopping.
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