The Bad Riders of Ontario Thread

1%er went ripping up the shoulder of the 401eb in whitby today. Most of 50 km/h faster than traffic in live lanes. That only works so many times before you run out of luck.

On the way out of town on saturday, a rider coming from 401wb to 400nb had their bike leaned way into the corner and their body leaned way out. They need a refresher before they lose the battle with traction. Their reasonable pace let them get away with terrible form.
OPP pleading for safety. Another article on the same plea said single vehicle crash accounted for 61% of bike fatalities and multi-vehicle for 39%.

"In a release Monday, police stated 2022 marked the highest number of motorcyclist deaths since 2017, with 44 riders losing their lives in collisions.

"Even the smallest momentary lapse in a motor vehicle driver's awareness can result in the death of an unseen motorcyclist," OPP stated in a release.

Police report failing to yield to right of way, excessive speed, and inattentive driving among the leading contributing factors in motorcyclist fatalities over the past decade.

The OPP says riders between 45 and 64 account for more than half of the motorcyclist deaths in the past 10 years."
"failing to yield to right of way, excessive speed, and inattentive driving"

I think this applies to almost many driver/riders on the road today...
Ooof. Bad luck. Most of the lane is covered. From a private fb group.

"Oil slick on Bayfield outside lane going from Hwy 400 exit up toward Georgian Mall. It is very slippery we met a biker that had to lay his bike down due to the slick. He is ok but he had some damage. Non emergency line has been notified and Hazmat is on scene at the 400 exit. We stood and watched several cars have issues including a truck almost sliding into a pole while turning.
Be careful!"

I included it here for "had to lay his bike down". Hopefully that wasn't an intentional act.
Read "fell off".
Saw a couple of riders doing interesting things heading west on the 401 today.
Some sport bike with loud exhaust riding the shoulder of the left lane.
Another bike lane splitting.
(y) :rolleyes:
Saw a couple of riders doing interesting things heading west on the 401 today.
Some sport bike with loud exhaust riding the shoulder of the left lane.
Another bike lane splitting.
(y) :rolleyes:
Must be overexcited to get to work
I noticed a cruiser parked in the driveway across the streetand later saw it leaving by riding about 120 feet along the sidewalk instead of the street. He didn't endanger anyone as the walk was empty but why? The driveway was wide enough for a u-turn.
I noticed a cruiser parked in the driveway across the streetand later saw it leaving by riding about 120 feet along the sidewalk instead of the street. He didn't endanger anyone as the walk was empty but why? The driveway was wide enough for a u-turn.
Some riders can't.
Hope this rider has good insurance. This is going to be expensive.

“The jogger was struck by a motorcycle that was driving between two lanes of traffic,” police said in a news release issued Wednesday. “The jogger was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries
Hope this rider has good insurance. This is going to be expensive.

“The jogger was struck by a motorcycle that was driving between two lanes of traffic,” police said in a news release issued Wednesday. “The jogger was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries

I was initially going to ask what a jogger was doing between two lanes of traffic but that’s not what happened at all. That motorcyclist is going to get reamed.
I was initially going to ask what a jogger was doing between two lanes of traffic but that’s not what happened at all. That motorcyclist is going to get reamed.
If the rider has insurance, the upside is they can basically provide their insurance info and they are mostly done with the process. If they don't have insurance, get a lawyer and try to make a solid offer and hope to avoid being in perpetual poverty. It's going to hurt a lot.
Hope this rider has good insurance. This is going to be expensive.

“The jogger was struck by a motorcycle that was driving between two lanes of traffic,” police said in a news release issued Wednesday. “The jogger was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries
Would the person have been hit if he had been at a walking pace. Maybe he was but no one seems to consider the effect of un-expected speeds. Filtering has its risks and, as motorcyclists, we mostly think about our risks.
Would the person have been hit if he had been at a walking pace. Maybe he was but no one seems to consider the effect of un-expected speeds. Filtering has its risks and, as motorcyclists, we mostly think about our risks.
What does it matter ? Filtering is not legal in Ontario. The speed of the pedestrian has nothing to do with what happened.
The recent pedestrian with life-threatening injuries makes it hard to argue that filtering is a great idea.
Based on the article it sounds like the rider ignored posted signs. Probably need to start there before we have a discussion about going between cars. I give **** to cyclists too, I don't mind if you filter but don't blow the red and make some poor sap slam on his brakes and then YOU give him the finger.
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