"Officer discretion" is a poor explanation. I have one though. I frequently see police stop regular citizens for the same infractions that a "professional driver" has also just performed. I would think that a so-called professional should be held to a higher standard but it just doesn't seem to be the case, in my experience.
But they're professional drivers!!! They can freely use cell phones while driving too. BS.
If it's dangerous enough that laws are required to limit the activity, it clearly should apply to all.
Not condoning that riding, but the cops around Halton seem to pick the most unreasonable 60s to set their traps up at.
Not condoning that riding, but the cops around Halton seem to pick the most unreasonable 60s to set their traps up at.
Whenever I see a speed limit like this, one of the things that crosses my mind is what a splendid fishing hole this would be. I can't tolerate doing 50 km/h on this road (and no one else does, either) but evidently 65-ish when I saw the cop wasn't enough to do anything about.
Waiting for that one driver who is doing 100-105 in the 80kph zone to miss the 50 sign, they bam! HTA 172. In Hamilton they do the same at the end of the Burlington street expressway constantly. The road is a dual carriageway and elevated. pretty much a mini Gardiner. Speed limit is 60, with very few signs informing drivers coming straight off the QEW. Nailed an 85 year old lady from outta town a year or two ago and proudly bragged about suspending her license and taking her car; street racing among the elderly is outta control![]()
File this one away in your memory banks.
Yesterday, on the way to Dover, in this ridiculous speed limit zone ... (note the straightness and absence of ANYthing that would justify this)
... there was a cop sitting right here, camouflaged from southbound traffic by that tree and from northbound traffic by that fence.
I've seen them sitting here before.
Whenever I see a speed limit like this, one of the things that crosses my mind is what a splendid fishing hole this would be. I can't tolerate doing 50 km/h on this road (and no one else does, either) but evidently 65-ish when I saw the cop wasn't enough to do anything about.
Hamilton is a gold mine for HTA 172's.... 90 speed limits on highways. And 500 people a day are "Street Racing" on the Red Hill Valley Parkway (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamil...h-on-red-hill-valley-parkway-police-1.3501931)
ExactlyWhat! There are no unreasonable places to enforce the law. This forum has clearly established that the LAW is meant to be adhered to 100% of the time. Stop for every stop sign fully and completely, etc.. and at nauseum. LOL.
Don't worry we all know we speed. We just pick and choose which laws we want to obey and when it's convenient for us and F* every other driver that seems to annoy us when it's not.
"Professional Driver". Yes. They are paid to drive, but aside from a bit of training that taught them how to operate the vehicle, it does not exactly making them elite drivers. In this regard, they are no different than any other driver on the road. Or at least, that's how an Officer might think. It's a great explanation! What's the rationale as to why they would see countless HTA infractions daily. Officers have discretion - and use it - with criminal matters to.
The officer's discretion might simply have been - given the totality of what the Officer perceived (not the viewing arm-chair copper on Youtube) - if I give this trucker a ticket he could lose his job and ability to provide for his family. All that bad over something millions of people do daily... Hindsight is 20/20, he might be wrong, and maybe the car driver is the one that really could have used the break. Don't like it - write to your MP, or become a cop. lol.
I'm saying that officers "exercise discretion" in such cases because they know that tickets impact such drivers more than they do other members of the public. I tend to feel that such drivers need to be held to at the very least the standard set out by law, due to their greater exposure. Especially so, given that their vehicles are frequently the ones with the most potential to cause harm.