They should have nailed the truck too. Which vehicle is more dangerous when it fails to obey the law?
Why. For a large truck like that - from what I see on the video - he stopped well enough for me. No pedestrians. Can't see on-coming traffic, assuming clear since he went. Much more nimble vehicle behind didn't really come to a stop relative to it's size. Officers have discretion. You'd drive yourself mental if you followed the letter of the law.
Why. For a large truck like that - from what I see on the video - he stopped well enough for me. No pedestrians. Can't see on-coming traffic, assuming clear since he went. Much more nimble vehicle behind didn't really come to a stop relative to it's size. Officers have discretion. You'd drive yourself mental if you followed the letter of the law.
Stop means stop, not just apply the brakes. They had the opportunity to catch both drivers, with minimal effort. They didn't. Both committed the same offence. One was a potentially more dangerous vehicle. Stop and ticket them both. I've seen Toronto police stack them up, four deep, for making illegal turns from York south to the Gardiner. Why not here? They have far more space, multiple officers, and two people who clearly did rolling stops.
Yes officers have discretion, but if you start enforcing traffic laws according to vehicle size where does it stop? Should all stop signs be yield signs instead for trucks? Perhaps cars should be allowed to go faster than the posted speed limit since they're more nimble than trucks?
Stop does me stop. But every day countless millions of people roll through stops - some more egregious than others. Some in trucks. Some in cars. Some on bicycles. Etc. Why not stop the truck? Officer discretion. You'd have to ask the officer why he did not. Just like you'd have to ask the officers at the bottom of York at Gardiner. Actually, at the bottom of York at Gardiner is where the same merging issue we've been talking about. 1 right lane to turn right onto Gardiner and 1 left lane free flowing going straight. Cars always merge at the end. lol.
Truck driver seems to be an angry drunk. Guy in the camera car was passing in the breakdown lane, after the ramp.
The timing of the end of the video, did seem awfully convenient.
I'm sure that the start was as well.
If only the cops followed the law as we're expected to.