I disagree with that. The backup of traffic is entirely around the VOLUME of traffic and not that behaviour. The free flowing lane has next to nil volume of traffic. This behaviour exists everywhere, and not just in traffic. Humans trying to get through a door, etc.. etc.. Imagine if everyone was forced to line up in traffic. Somewhere on the roadway ALL THE CARS would have to come from all sorts of lanes and directions on the highway and merge over and line-up. Now just picture the backlog of traffic that would come from that. It would be horrendous, but guaranteed (in that video) 2 lanes would be rammed with vehicles all lined up, and 2 lanes would be nearly empty...
I can understand why you may not want the risk getting hit from behind, but I'd venture that risk is rather low when multiple cars are occupying that lane and trying to merge (which they are also entirely legally allowed to do where it's dashed-white line). It just becomes a risk/reward scenario I suppose. I do agree trying to butt-in will cause a chain-reaction of braking, but so too will the behaviour of the camera car.
It's funny, nigh everyone gets butt-hurt over those that don't match speed and use all the available merging lane when getting on to a highway. I just see this as the reverse. Gotta match speed with the vehicles you are trying to merge with (meaning slow down) and then slot yourself in like a basketweave as the traffic accordions along.
I just don't see it as bad behaviour, I just see it as the reality of something as chaotic as traffic. Pick your battles.