The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

Made a post last week about the Steeles + Tremaine roundabout. This didn't take long. Buddy in the white CUV coulda punched it and been ok. Still doesn't mitigate the fact that he should have yielded the right of way. Asshat in the micro car definitely should have yielded. And he seriously though he was gonna muscle me out of the way in my 2 metric ton 7 passenger SUV? Idiot, a'hole, etc., etc. One of these days one of them is gonna get punted into the ditch.

This is one of those things where there's a yield sign but the on ramp has it's own lane for a bit.

Who gets the right of way if the car in the roundabout wants the right lane?
This is one of those things where there's a yield sign but the on ramp has it's own lane for a bit.

Who gets the right of way if the car in the roundabout wants the right lane?

It's a merge lane. You merge in behind the car that's in the roundabout with the right of way.
Ontario has no monopoly on idiots. I'm in Ohio on business. Few minutes after picking up a rental in Columbus, I came upon a pickup truck towing a trailer, which was being towed by another pickup truck, with nothing but a chain. Dunno if stopping crossed their mind. Their countermeasure was to drive a little slower than traffic, with the 4 way flashers on.

Helmut use to tow his house trailer behind his Sienna with his bike(s) on a trailer behind the house trailer to races. He was duly informed by the police that wasn't allowed and stopped doing it. If there was ONE person I think who could manage doing it without it turning into a gong show it's him, but still, it's not kosher.
Made a post last week about the Steeles + Tremaine roundabout. This didn't take long. Buddy in the white CUV coulda punched it and been ok. Still doesn't mitigate the fact that he should have yielded the right of way. Asshat in the micro car definitely should have yielded. And he seriously though he was gonna muscle me out of the way in my 2 metric ton 7 passenger SUV? Idiot, a'hole, etc., etc. One of these days one of them is gonna get punted into the ditch.

From the video it looks fine to me what the white car did, as there was still space and they did have a merging lane available to them, so no fault there in my eyes.

Grey car, definitely shouldn't have entered the roundabout when they did.

But you definitely could've let the white car merge but decided not to because your '2 metric ton 7 passenger' SUV had right of way.

The only way the zipper works on a lane that's ending is if everyone plays nice in the sandbox.
Fotc hairpin catches another truck. This one appears to have part of a wind turbine on it. $110 ticket for the driver for disobey sign. That's pretty weak.

How the hell do they get that thing through...and there's at least 2-3 more tight corners further the fact that there's multiple short crests and dips that will definitely not play nice with that trailer length. Idiot.

Helicopter it out?
For the commercial vehicles like the dump truck IMO they need to go after the companies that hired them with massive fines. Doesn't matter if they are a sub of a sub, each up the food chain needs to get slammed. This will reduce the stupidity as companies will start to consider the costs of the "cost savings". No arms distance crap.

License revoking is a good idea on the surface (and should be done regardless) but it is common in these cases (and with cars etc.) that they just keep driving, including commercial vehicles. Again, for commercial, put the onus on the companies up the food chain to ensure drivers are licensed or drop the boom on them. It will go a long way towards better self regulation.

If I can check that a contractor is licensed at work and has proper insurance, trucking companies can as well. Combine that with the license revoking and the companies paying the fines for these "mishaps", now you got something. Everyone running with a healthy fear of mistakes....
How the hell do they get that thing through...and there's at least 2-3 more tight corners further the fact that there's multiple short crests and dips that will definitely not play nice with that trailer length. Idiot.

Helicopter it out?
I'd like to know how they were able to get that load through the town of Belfountain without taking out one of the buildings near the roadway. They had to go through there before they got to the hairpin.
How the hell do they get that thing through...and there's at least 2-3 more tight corners further the fact that there's multiple short crests and dips that will definitely not play nice with that trailer length. Idiot.

Helicopter it out?
I suspect it goes back the way it came. Hook up a truck to the back to pull it and now you have steering at both ends like the old fire trucks. Since the truck at the back is probably a big tow truck, you have the option to pick and swing the tail too.
I'd like to know how they were able to get that load through the town of Belfountain without taking out one of the buildings near the roadway. They had to go through there before they got to the hairpin.
I'd assume he can swing around on any of the tight 90deg corners and use both lanes to cross. But a tight 180 like that...well we see the fun that entails.
QEW near Glendale. High speed single vehicle crash. Looks like the car was flattened by a steam roller. Engine is a few hundred feet from the chassis. Minor injuries.


QEW near Glendale. High speed single vehicle crash. Looks like the car was flattened by a steam roller. Engine is a few hundred feet from the chassis. Minor injuries.


Nice to see the Mazda rollover structure working well. 🙄

Note to self: Don't roll my Mazda3, pillars won't hold.
Must have not had a seat belt and been throw clear.
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