There's got to be a way to educate drivers on these types of accidents. I don't know if it's a weekend training course if you're going to tow a personal use trailer, additional trucker school if you plan to do anything other than just tow an enclosed trailer, etc. Maybe put an extra letter on your license plate to show you completed the course and are able to tow a trailer. The number of landscapers getting pulled over for insecure, or no securement at all to their loads, dump truck drivers driving with dirt falling over the sides of their trucks, etc. If it is not specifically stated or taught, it's like people are missing half their brain these days, until there is a big problem they see nothing wrong, and not able to identify something that could go wrong. Also would help if the MTO employees were trained better on CVOR questions, seems anytime I've asked a question they don't know the answer.
But then again, judging by the disregard for pre-trip inspections with people just signing off on them without looking at truck, I don't have much hope it would change anything.