The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

Another dumbass dump truck driver hit an overpass with his raised box this morning. 401 @ Mavis. Assessing damage to the overpass now.
I wonder if the province likes these crashes. Use insurance money to catch up on deferred inspections/maintenance. It seems easy enough to mandate an annoying light/buzzer if the bed is up at all. Easy to check roadside during an inspection, doesnt affect operation and simple (industrial microswitch, annoying device and some wiring).
Another dumbass dump truck driver hit an overpass with his raised box this morning. 401 @ Mavis. Assessing damage to the overpass now.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong: Isn't there an indicator in the cab for the bucket being up? The guy who took down the signs on the Skyway, a few years back, was drunk off his nut but they couldn't prosecute him for it, because of the time lapse prior to testing.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong: Isn't there an indicator in the cab for the bucket being up? The guy who took down the signs on the Skyway, a few years back, was drunk off his nut but they couldn't prosecute him for it, because of the time lapse prior to testing.
There is definitely an indicator for PTO pump running as you want to save wear and tear on it. Not sure about bucket secured indicator.


OPP video of scene.

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There is definitely an indicator for PTO pump running as you want to save wear and tear on it. Not sure about bucket secured indicator.


OPP video of scene.

Maybe retest the guy for his licence again... if he drove that far without once looking in his mirrors and noticing, a light on the dash is the least of our problems.

Omg lmao rubberneckers got into an accident in the collectors...
Maybe retest the guy for his licence again... if he drove that far without once looking in his mirrors and noticing, a light on the dash is the least of our problems.

Omg lmao rubberneckers got into an accident in the collectors...

My money is on him being one of the Legion of Doom graduates of Pay Less Driving School in Brampton.
Morons everywhere. While rubbernecking, this van got hammered in the collectors.

Morons everywhere. While rubbernecking, this van got hammered in the collectors.

I really wish that they would put up those directional louvres, like they used to have on The Gardiner before they took them all down for construction, on all 400 series highways. The number of near misses that I see because of rubbernecking is ridiculous.
Maybe retest the guy for his licence again... if he drove that far without once looking in his mirrors and noticing, a light on the dash is the least of our problems.

Omg lmao rubberneckers got into an accident in the collectors...
Kerry Schmidt he was relatively recently licensed. Does retesting make sense when they just passed? Probably need a few years away from commercial driving before they are eligible again to gain experience with not crashing a passenger vehicle first.
Does a normal truck-driving license address the specifics of certain types of vehicles (e.g. dump trucks)?

If the truck-driving school didn't, did his employer?
Does a normal truck-driving license address the specifics of certain types of vehicles (e.g. dump trucks)?

If the truck-driving school didn't, did his employer?
It's really sad when one of the lessons you need to be explicitly taught is "don't drive under low obstacles with your dump box up" or alternatively "don't drive at 105 km/h with your box up". I'm not sure my driving instructions ever explicitly told me to close the doors before backing into a narrow space but I've never ripped my doors off.
It's really sad when one of the lessons you need to be explicitly taught is "don't drive under low obstacles with your dump box up" or alternatively "don't drive at 105 km/h with your box up". I'm not sure my driving instructions ever explicitly told me to close the doors before backing into a narrow space but I've never ripped my doors off.
Yup..... every rule that I have had to put into place has been because of one moron.

"I'm sorry... you did what? Why on earth would you do that?" Now everyone has to get training and a sign put up.

I used to design and manufacture machinery for automotive assembly equipment.
I received an emergency call from a customer that an employee had been injured and lost a thumb. (Not my machine). They wanted me in to see about getting the machine certified to run.
The first thing I said when I saw the accident site was "How did they get their arm in there?" They had found the most obscure small area to force their arm in an active machine, defeating all the preventative measures in place. I still don't know why they were trying to get in there.

As soon as you make something idiot proof, the world makes a better idiot.
There's got to be a way to educate drivers on these types of accidents. I don't know if it's a weekend training course if you're going to tow a personal use trailer, additional trucker school if you plan to do anything other than just tow an enclosed trailer, etc. Maybe put an extra letter on your license plate to show you completed the course and are able to tow a trailer. The number of landscapers getting pulled over for insecure, or no securement at all to their loads, dump truck drivers driving with dirt falling over the sides of their trucks, etc. If it is not specifically stated or taught, it's like people are missing half their brain these days, until there is a big problem they see nothing wrong, and not able to identify something that could go wrong. Also would help if the MTO employees were trained better on CVOR questions, seems anytime I've asked a question they don't know the answer.

But then again, judging by the disregard for pre-trip inspections with people just signing off on them without looking at truck, I don't have much hope it would change anything.
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But then again, judging by the disregard for pre-trip inspections with people just signing off on them without looking at truck, I don't have much hope it would change anything.
The way to make people care is a bigger stick imo. I'm not kidding about cancelling licenses and making them start again (maybe with an extended waiting period before you could get a commercial license class again). They only catch a small percentage so the penalty has to be horrendous or people will take their chances. That would address drivers but to keep companies in line, they need to be hit hard too so they both lean on drivers to comply and hire drivers they think will try to comply. Current race to the bottom pricing has safety/maintenance at the bottom of the list for many carriers.
You have one license; multiple endorsements possible. If you lose your license, you lose everything. I've had to explain this to motorcyclists who think that now that they've lost their license on the bike, they're going to have to go back to driving the car everywhere.

Remember: Everything that you read on a warning label is for something that someone, somewhere, has actually done.
Lol I saw this on FB earlier and wondered if it would show up here. Just crazy. They had 1 job...

Probably busy chatting on the phone. Even if it's hands free. I've seen a ton of truck drivers with their headphone's or wireless ear phones in, just chatting away.

Anyhoo glad I didn't have to go anywhere to today that would have been a mess.
Made a post last week about the Steeles + Tremaine roundabout. This didn't take long. Buddy in the white CUV coulda punched it and been ok. Still doesn't mitigate the fact that he should have yielded the right of way. Asshat in the micro car definitely should have yielded. And he seriously though he was gonna muscle me out of the way in my 2 metric ton 7 passenger SUV? Idiot, a'hole, etc., etc. One of these days one of them is gonna get punted into the ditch.

Ontario has no monopoly on idiots. I'm in Ohio on business. Few minutes after picking up a rental in Columbus, I came upon a pickup truck towing a trailer, which was being towed by another pickup truck, with nothing but a chain. Dunno if stopping crossed their mind. Their countermeasure was to drive a little slower than traffic, with the 4 way flashers on.
Ontario has no monopoly on idiots. I'm in Ohio on business. Few minutes after picking up a rental in Columbus, I came upon a pickup truck towing a trailer, which was being towed by another pickup truck, with nothing but a chain. Dunno if stopping crossed their mind. Their countermeasure was to drive a little slower than traffic, with the 4 way flashers on.
At least tie some old tires on the front and back bumpers of the two vehicles and play bumper cars.
Oops, there I go again . . .
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