The "Are you thinking of a new bike for 2024?" discussion thread.

Well, I slept on it and I think I'm going to buy the bike. Talked to the dealer today and got a hold on it officially.

The dealership financing is going to be the easiest option of course, but I thought I'd give my bank a shot and see what they can offer me, so I have an appt there Thursday.

The dealer said that they offered fixed vs variable rate financing, but oddly enough (?) the "variable" rate option only varies up if rates increase, but not down. Given as how I think it's a pretty solid guess that interest rates only have one way to go in the next 2-3 years (and that's not up), getting stuck into a "variable rate that doesn't actually go down" would suck. Pretty sure financing through the bank doesn't work that way, but who knows, I've never asked for variable for a vehicle loan before, always opting for fixed.

I could buy it on our line of credit, but I always like having that sitting there empty for other things, IE we're getting some landscaping and interlocking brick work done in the spring and that'll be paid out of the LOC. Plus, I always just kinda like having a loan like this separate.

I'm going to stretch out the amort to keep the payments reasonable, and then probably have it paid off in a few years max regardless when there's opportunities to apply chunks againgst it (including the proceeds of my current bikes sale come spring), so having an open loan is important as well.
so can we see pics now?
so can we see pics now?

As soon as my name is on the bill of sale and a deposit has changed hands, absolutely.

I wasn't able to get ahold of the salesguy all day yesterday and almost felt like I was being ignored at one point (turned out being in a weak signal area all day yesterday translated to his calls not coming through) so I must admit there was a few hours of "Fvck someone else showed up and is sniffing around at it now" paranoia. Even though it's been sitting there for 7 months now, yeah, I'm the poster boy for Murphy's Law and all.

I've got a "courtesy hold" on it now, but I'm not sure that if someone showed up tomorrow and offered him over-asking what would happen regardless. Seemed like a good stand-up guy/shop to me, but hey, money is money, sometimes ya gotta pay the bills....bird in hand vs one in the tree, and all that.
The dealer said that they offered fixed vs variable rate financing, but oddly enough (?) the "variable" rate option only varies up if rates increase, but not down. Given as how I think it's a pretty solid guess that interest rates only have one way to go in the next 2-3 years (and that's not up), getting stuck into a "variable rate that doesn't actually go down" would suck. Pretty sure financing through the bank doesn't work that way, but who knows, I've never asked for variable for a vehicle loan before, always opting for fixed.
On our variable rate mortgage on the last house, rate changes worked both ways but the bank were greedy aholes as expected. A 0.25 BOC rate cut would give mortgage a 0.15 cut. A 0.25 BOC rate bump translated into a 0.35 bump on the mortgage. My Minus xx was unchanged but my effective rate relative to the BOC changed by almost 0.5%. Pricks.
On our variable rate mortgage on the last house, rate changes worked both ways but the bank were greedy aholes as expected. A 0.25 BOC rate cut would give mortgage a 0.15 cut. A 0.25 BOC rate bump translated into a 0.35 bump on the mortgage. My Minus xx was unchanged but my effective rate relative to the BOC changed by almost 0.5%. Pricks.
Wow that’s ***! At least when BoC raised 0.25% my increase was 0.25%.

I don’t expect a decrease in rates this year, but I remember BMO when BoC went down 0.25% they went down 0.15%.

Let’s see how MCAP treats decreases…when they come.
I just expect banks to be scummy anymore no matter what.

If it wasn't such a PITA to move everything over I'd have moved to a credit union years ago.
Alrighty, it's official, I own it. I can post photos now lol.




I'll get some more glamour shots once riding season is here. Best do it before I actualy start riding it much, it won't be this clean and shiny once I start racking some miles lol.
Looks like you can fall asleep on this thing.

Happy riding
I thought you were going to quebec? Am sales is in like Vaughan or something

I looked at a few out there. I came close to closing on one out there actually (the one that had all the extra farkles) until the saleman decided to turn into a dick when I sent him a few messages that seemed to offend him - I clealry knew more about these bikes than he did, and when I called him on it he just stopped responding. I even politely emailed the owner of the dealership (and it was not a small dealership) and explained that perhaps I'd upset that particular dude and asked if there was someone else who could help me, but got ignored. So fvck that place.

As I always say, a well informed consumer seems to be kryptonite to used vehicles salesmen. I was askinq questions about the engine serial number as the very early run Transcontinental models had some well known engine problems and he got offended saying that these bikes didn't have issues and I basically didn't know what I was talking about. So I sent him links to 4 or 5 very lengthy message forum threads from 2018-2020 detailing the issues at length including photos of basket case engines, and I guess he got butthurt being proven wrong.

I looked at a few others as well, but they all ended up either being a colour I didn't really love (I wanted to go back to red again vs grey), or on a price vs distance proposition didn't make sense vs the nice close one.

The crew at AM Sales were great as well. Straight shooters, answered my questions, great to chat with in person and on the phone. Their prices are basically non-negotiable I gathered in short order, but honestly, it was priced pretty fairly based on the market.

When you've played this game before, you learn to throw out Red Herrings, so you don't get scooped again...

Yeah. After the Volt incident and coming within sliver of losing out on the deal after talking about it online, well, I even had second thoughts about having posted this thread with the photos at the beginning (and came close to deleting it) as reality is there's only about 3 of these bikes available in Ontario, so it probably wouldn't have been hard to find it online lol.

Yeah, probaby overreacting, but once bitten twice shy. Reality is this bike has been sitting at that dealership for about ~7 months now, so anyone looking for one would have found it, but you know how it goes....sometimes someone stumbles across something online, suddenly gets a hard-on for it, and then must have it. And I am the poster boy for Murphy's Law lol.

Looks like you can fall asleep on this thing.

Happy riding

I'm hoping it's the right choice, but only one way to find out. Very few people that have ever bought one of these bikes have ever ended up not loving the **** out of them apparently - I had a riding friend who owned one (which is what finally lit the fire under me last summer) who did end up selling his, not because he didn't like it, but because his wife didn't find the passenger seat comfortable, and she was not a rider so was always on the back.

Unortunately hardly anyone ever bought them for a variety of reasons, and now Yamaha has absolutely no cruisers at all in their lineup.
I still wonder if the person that scooped up that Volt from under @PrivatePilot was from GTAM, or just a coincidence.
exactly, sales fall through all the time. If its a popular vehicle with a good price, chances are multiple people are inquiring about it at once.
I still wonder if the person that scooped up that Volt from under @PrivatePilot was from GTAM, or just a coincidence.

Who knows. I did end up getting it in the end but only because (IIRC) I literally hopped in the car and drove straight to the dealership and threw a deposit on the counter of the sales manager and expressed my displeasure at the fact the scuzzy salesman was trying to sell it out from under me.

Yeah, I didn't have a deposit on it until that point, but the salesman was working on addressing some issues I'd brought up during the test drive to see if they would be fixed before purchase and was supposed to be getting back to me - the heated seats were not working, and there was no charger - both potentially big $$ repairs/replacements if they decided they weren't going to address both before the sale, so I was waiting on those answers.

It was during that "gentlemans agreement" time window that suddenly that salesman decided maybe they'd rather sell it to someone else.

exactly, sales fall through all the time. If its a popular vehicle with a good price, chances are multiple people are inquiring about it at once.

Thing is, at the time, the Volt was one of the *least* popular vehicles out there. This particular one had sat for quite a while IIRC. They regularly sat for months on dealers lots back then.

I found it way too coincidental that the thing had sat on their lot for months before I was in the market, I posted some details online, and then all of a sudden the dealership is suddenly talking to me as if the car might be sold and they'd let me know if it was still available. Probably coincidental, but the correlations between the two situations (vehicle sat for months, I stupidly talk about it online and put it on peoples radars) was perhaps dumb lol. I should have not posted photos and details on my first post.

Anyhow, it all worked out. Still nobody wants Star Venture Transcontinentals, apparently. 😆
Beautiful colour. Congrats pp.

I've missed the red. My VTX was red and I loved everything about that bike except the lack of storage.

I figure you're more visible on a red bike as well vs the dull grey of my current ride. Being seen better is never a bad thing as well.

Plus, you know, red is +100 horsepowers.
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