Teachers on strike

I don't think so, I remember when my wife was in her first 2 years, she was up till midnight every day creating everything from scratch, lessons, activities etc, every year got easier but then they will move her into a different class (From Computer science to Math for example) and she would be back to midnight every day again. and that repeated itself every 2 or 3 years

I knew someone who got her stuff all set up for grade three or four, and was shifted to Kindergarten in a former storage room, after the year started. I also knew a head of a department that taught grade thirteen for years and years. The current trend is for split classes and lots of movement, to try and accommodate the enrolment variance, and class size limits. E.g. What do you do when there are only 8 kids in a particular grade?
Private school would be where I would place my kids.

2012 poll -2/3 of parents would take their children out of the public school system if they could.

Generally a better academic outcome, not sure if that is a result of a vested interest or better teachers/better students relationships.

My only school aged niece is in a private academy, and I have to say I'm relieved she isn't in school in south Scarborough.

Alternative approaches to education will help many students. Her teachers may not have a bachelor of education but do have either a master's or PhD degrees. Right person for right job.

Small classes, my sister is openly encouraged to participate and my niece adores her teachers. Far cry from when she was in the public system. She is thriving now and has a work ethic about school.
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Wait. So you are saying that a Veteran of a grade, tweaking an existing plan,
takes as long as a brand new teacher, creating their first, for that grade?

I find that hard to believe.

Also, there would be less time to set up the classroom, books, and materials, since all that has already been done.

Most teacher I know redecorate from scratch start of the year they might re-use materials. Like i said good teacher re-rite their class plans regularly it takes a good amount of time. Especially if they are incorporating in current events allot of teachers do that.

My wife had the same experience as zx600 when she was teacher (in a private school) Up till late prepping lessons and marking. Lots of time on the weekend as well.
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My wife had the same experience as zx600 when she was teacher (in a private school) Up till late prepping lessons and marking. Lots of time on the weekend as well.

Are these teachers scabbing? What union allows members to work for free on their own time? If I did that(trade union)my brethren would punch me in the head. Hell, I got a rough ride because I had a perceived advantage riding my bicycle to work, not needing parking reimbursement.
sure they do 75% is not 100% (considering most Canadians live pay check to pay check) and its not like thats going to be available for long.

75% NON-TAXABLE!!! I don't about you but most people pay at least 25% tax.
Freaking slacker! Burn them all to hell :rolleyes:

You need to check your bias gauge, you are losing it and it starts showing.

As I said I have a teacher at home so I know what's going on or not going on. And I or my wife is not buying what you are trying to sell here. It simply does not add up.
Private school would be where I would place my kids.

2012 poll -2/3 of parents would take their children out of the public school system if they could.

Generally a better academic outcome, not sure if that is a result of a vested interest or better teachers/better students relationships.

Another prevalent myth .... In very individual cases maybe, generally certainly not. Expensive as well.
Yes expensive, hence "vested interest" and I'm just going by the polls and personal expirience. Ispon Reid. Sorry you don't like the answers.
regardless of whether you teach the same grade or not for several years, a good teacher is always revising their lesson plans for a variety of reasons...not all students learn the same, some are visual, some are kinesthetic, some are aural...so the same method that may have worked one year with one particular group of students, might not necessarily work with another group of students, even if they are the same grade...not to mention curriculum changes every 5 years (so one year it will be language, the next math, the next social studies...and it's on a 5 year rotation)...

as for strike pay, I was told it's $50/day and that's only if you picket...not sure what this 75% is all about...
personally (and I know a lot of teachers that agree with me) I say scrap EQAO testing and use that money to implement better programs for the early years (for example, bring back the early reading intervention teachers that can work with small groups of 4-6 students who are really struggling) and put more educational assistants in the classrooms to help students with special needs who for one reason or another are not yet identified (mainly because parents don't want their child to be "labelled" and therefore won't agree to testing)...I just read an article from 2010 that said EQAO cost $32 Million per year...that's a LOT of dough that could be better spent in my opinion...
Private school would be where I would place my kids.

2012 poll -2/3 of parents would take their children out of the public school system if they could.

Generally a better academic outcome, not sure if that is a result of a vested interest or better teachers/better students relationships.

My only school aged niece is in a private academy, and I have to say I'm relieved she isn't in school in south Scarborough.

Alternative approaches to education will help many students. Her teachers may not have a bachelor of education but do have either a master's or PhD degrees. Right person for right job.

Small classes, my sister is openly encouraged to participate and my niece adores her teachers. Far cry from when she was in the public system. She is thriving now and has a work ethic about school.

Nope. It's due to a lower teacher/student ratio. (You say so yourself in the last paragraph.) This is one of the main issues in the current labour problems. Government needs to save money by making class sizes larger. Teachers' unions that bargained for and achieved smaller class sizes in the past, are trying to preserve that working/learning condition. Everyone knows that education improves with smaller class sizes in elementary school.
So, my question hasn't been addressed yet. Why are unionized workers working off hours?
What am I selling?
What benefit do I get out of this argument? to win it? lol like anyone has ever won an argument on the internet.

I couldn't care less what you think, but what I am saying is a fact from my personal experience, period.
Of course I am bias but at the same time, I am talking from experience on things that actually happen, and others are corroborating my experiences with their own similar experiences.

The fact that my experiences does not suit your point does not make them any less real.

Or are you saying that the fact that i am sitting at home alone right now because my wife is at Prom is not true? Want me to make a video of my house? lol

You need to check your bias gauge, you are losing it and it starts showing.

As I said I have a teacher at home so I know what's going on or not going on. And I or my wife is not buying what you are trying to sell here. It simply does not add up.
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What am I selling?
What benefit do I get out of this argument? to win it? lol like anyone has ever won an argument on the internet.

I couldn't care less what you think, but what I am saying is a fact from my personal experience, period.
Of course I am bias but at the same time, I am talking from experience on things that actually happen, and others are corroborating my experiences with their own similar experiences.

The fact that my experiences does not suit your point does not make them any less real.

Or are you saying that the fact that i am sitting at home alone right now because my wife is at Prom is not true? Want me to make a video of my house? lol
Don't forget to feature the taco stand
because we can't do all the other stuff that is required of us while we are in class with the kids...

Yes, I get that. But are most teachers working part of their job for free?
Inreb hasn't bought so much sense to an argument ever since...
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