Teachers on strike

Inreb hasn't bought so much sense to an argument ever since...

What argument? I'm just trying to establish if teachers are working evenings and weekends for free and does the drug and alcohol policy cover these times?
What argument? I'm just trying to establish if teachers are working evenings and weekends for free and does the drug and alcohol policy cover these times?
Technically being salalaried it's work that is accounted for but often it's more than accounted for. Welcome to the white collar perks
Technically being salalaried it's work that is accounted for but often it's more than accounted for. Welcome to the white collar perks

How is it written in the contract? Can't keep crying/boasting about doing "extra" work if it's the norm like two months off is the norm.
So it just hit me. Just because your taxes(real money) fund education and health care don't think of yourself as a customer. This was brought home this morning at the Drs. reception desk when nurse and receptionist continued a gab session despite the line continuing to grow. No attempt by either to wrap it up until good and ready. Were we going to take our business else where? I wonder if these ladies are on the sunshine list yet?
So it just hit me. Just because your taxes(real money) fund education and health care don't think of yourself as a customer. This was brought home this morning at the Drs. reception desk when nurse and receptionist continued a gab session despite the line continuing to grow. No attempt by either to wrap it up until good and ready. Were we going to take our business else where? I wonder if these ladies are on the sunshine list yet?
Probably makes more $$ than you, bro
I'm angry and I'm not going to take it anymore! Oh, well actually, I AM going to take more. n/m
So it just hit me. Just because your taxes(real money) fund education and health care don't think of yourself as a customer. This was brought home this morning at the Drs. reception desk when nurse and receptionist continued a gab session despite the line continuing to grow. No attempt by either to wrap it up until good and ready. Were we going to take our business else where? I wonder if these ladies are on the sunshine list yet?

yes you should think of yourself as a customer in the health care system. If its a doctors office, not at the hospital they are on the doctors payroll not OHIP. And they wont be on any sunshine list, the wage isn't great. But yes you can take your business elsewhere, unless its a specialist and they are the only one around , and you can still ask your GP to send you to a different one. And you can go to the US.
I've walked out of dentist and doctors office. Its ok to demand the service you are being billed for. Be polite but firm. Its your life.

Remember many of these reception people are just clerks. They can schedule and bill and that's about it, they feel empowered since they work at a desk one notch above video rentals.
When my family Dr. retired I was without until I could beg my way into this McMaster teaching clinic. It was not easy to get in. Being tied to Mac I assume pay is above average for clerk. I could be wrong.
I friend of mine is a radiologist in Brampton and I asked him why we even have GP's as it makes no sense to me. If you have a problem with your skin, why not go straight to a dermatologist, why do I need to be referred? I live in Guelph, and there has to be 150 GP's in this small city. If each of them were a specialist instead, then we wouldn't have the long wait times we see now. His response, in Saudi Arabia they don't have any at all, you go straight to the specialist. He added that the only reason we have them here is because that's how it's always been done.
we have GP's because some screening is required or dermatologists would have ding dongs sitting in the wait room with mild sunburn and heart surgeons would be seeing acid reflux from burrito night. Left to their own devices people that enjoy self diagnostics would be flooding the system.
Can the system be streamlined? Who decides? What are the competing self interests? Today was my first visit to the new David Braley Medical building downtown Hamilton. He's a huge philanthropist in Hamilton while his auto parts casting business pays 2/3 wages of competitor AmCan Casting which is now gone under. Do his workers subsidize his philanthropy while making a barely living wage but I digress. The medical building itself is impressive indeed. I always wonder if that's the best use of money but I don't have any so I'm at a disadvantage in that area.
we have GP's because some screening is required or dermatologists would have ding dongs sitting in the wait room with mild sunburn and heart surgeons would be seeing acid reflux from burrito night. Left to their own devices people that enjoy self diagnostics would be flooding the system.

The triage is needed because of the artificial constraint on supply by OMA/CMA (which justifies the silly elevation of specialists to modern demi gods). In any places where you pay for your own, you can go see whomever you like as many time as you like...Since our awesome medical system is so awesome, my argument is moot.
we have GP's because some screening is required or dermatologists would have ding dongs sitting in the wait room with mild sunburn and heart surgeons would be seeing acid reflux from burrito night. Left to their own devices people that enjoy self diagnostics would be flooding the system.
I agree that the dermatologist offices would be busy, but there would be a lot more dermatologists available to the public since all the current GP's would have specialized. So wait times would actually be lower. Furthermore, now you would go straight to a specialist, rather than someone that takes educated guesses that you might have to see more than once to get a satisfactory result. I know almost nothing regarding the medical community, I fully admit that. I'm just forwarding what my doctor friend told me. He also doesn't like the idea of GP's and thinks they should be done away with.

Triage is a different animal altogether, you can't book an appointment to remove a bullet.
triage is the initial assessment for anything, not just a bullet, could be a heart attack.

You cant do away with GP's
A. not everybody wants to be a specialist
B. in a place where geography is so spread out, you need a GP servicing small communities.
C. with what a facial bone reconstruction surgeon bills, Ontario has three? I think? OHIP would be bankrupt in a year with people booking appointments with the wrong people.
D. you couldn't begin to start figuring out where to find said specialists (your GP knows)
E. your GP may also know which "specialist" not to go near, the guy that was last in his class is still called Doctor.
I'm just being devils advocate here (I know less than nothing about the medical system).
a) What if they have no choice? Specialization becomes mandatory.
b) Valid point. The only counter I have to that is nurse practitioners. Not the strongest argument, I admit.
c) That's what the specialist's secretary is for. You call and tell her the problem, she either pencils you in or tells you to gtfo.
d) Back to the secretary. Contrary to what a lot of people may think, they actually have some medical knowledge. You have a problem with your kidneys, here's the list of nephrologists close by.
e) Google has that same information.

On the other hand, I'm sure there's a spreadsheet somewhere with the most common specialist visitation statistics. Let's say, 25% of referrals were for skin problems, 20% for back pain/injury, 20% for joints, 15% for digestive problems, and the remaining 20% for everything else, then why not eliminate the need for referrals for the top 4 or 5 specialities to speed things along? Knock out 20 of the GP's in my town, and put it 4 or 5 of the most frequented specialists. When you go to a GP, that's one appointment, just so that you can make a second appointment somewhere else. Remove the first appointment, and by design you've freed up time for someone else. Furthermore, why not have more nurse practitioners doing work that they're already capable of, but aren't allowed to do. A nurse could stitch you up in triage, why are they limited to taking blood pressure and asking where it hurts? Hell, a seamstress could stitch you up given the proper....thread. Maybe even do a nicer job :)
I agree that the dermatologist offices would be busy, but there would be a lot more dermatologists available to the public since all the current GP's would have specialized. So wait times would actually be lower. Furthermore, now you would go straight to a specialist, rather than someone that takes educated guesses that you might have to see more than once to get a satisfactory result. I know almost nothing regarding the medical community, I fully admit that. I'm just forwarding what my doctor friend told me. He also doesn't like the idea of GP's and thinks they should be done away with.

Triage is a different animal altogether, you can't book an appointment to remove a bullet.

GPS and Specialist are different breeds. GPs can be done with 2 years of residency. Others have to finish 5 years then top up 2 more years and possibly more... imagine a pool of MDs with 30k of GPs and 2k of specialist.... And on top of that everyone is on point re: the flood of nonsense selfdiagnosed patients.
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