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@ Renboy - even the high school teachers I've met and taken courses with over the years say they have it good in comparison to us in the elementary panel...so you are definitely comparing apples to oranges...
I will tell you that I could not do what she does, so I guess I am lazy. Most people don't even understand the crap these guys and girls take.
It was the high school teachers that were on strike, that's what I was aiming most of my comments at. To look at primary school however, when I was there (a long, long time ago) my class sizes were about 25 kids per class and we had one teacher. There were no TA's, no older student helpers, nothing. My son (grade 1 currently) has a class size of under 20 kids, and there are at least two adults in his class every time I'm there to pick him up. I know his teachers name, but have no clue what the other person does there. And he does mention that older kids come to his class to help 'teach' his classmates how to read (book club).@ Renboy - even the high school teachers I've met and taken courses with over the years say they have it good in comparison to us in the elementary panel...so you are definitely comparing apples to oranges...
Key point here, they were NOT getting paid to strike by the government/tax payers!
The tax free part is the CRA's and Government's stupidity, I can't blame them for working the system within the rules.
Teachers and students deserve a better union than they currently have.
I work in the private sector, My wife is a teacher, WE both leave home at the same time, guess who ALWAYS gets home first by a long shot and works further..... ME!
That is all I am going to say!
I never said that the tax payers are on the hook for their pay during striking. I was merely debunking the myth which is out there (that teachers want desperately back, because they don't earn a full pay) .... the fact that it is true, just underlines one of many problems.
Many of my kid's teachers have been great, although Math seems to be an enormous problem at the local school, anyone who needs it has an outside tutor, some of which advertise "teaching Math to students of . . . school". Hopefully, the issues are addressed soon.
So, good teachers and bad teachers aside, I'm still left wondering what the issues are, and why there is a strike.
Class numbers don't really fly. If I'm not mistaken we're producing less babies than before, and schools have been closing/reorganizing recently.
Is it job security?
The fact that they were/are prepaired and they are paying themselves with thier own money? Money that they paid into the union?
Students need a better union???? Now, you are stretching it ...
Class numbers don't really fly. If I'm not mistaken we're producing less babies than before, and schools have been closing/reorganizing recently.
No, the fact that they have no incentive to go back to work and thus pressure the ill-headed union.
SO I asked my wife what she did during her prep time yesterday as an example.
1) Prep one - She had a meeting with her student council during lunch
2) Prep Two - She drove to a store to deal with equipment rental for the Schools Prom and came back to meet with the Principal in order to discuss a 2 day camping trip she is taking her kids on, on her own time outside school hours.
Freaking slacker!
For prep time if a teacher has taught the same grade in the same classroom for several years, they're not going to need or use as much time, as someone who's just switched to a different grade and school. How do you differentiate between the two, and make everything fair?
Thats not true. A teacher who isn't revising there lesson plans regularly
1) Inst teaching to the changing curriculum 2) Is not teaching well as lesson plans should be changed based on how they worked in the past, new info, adding in new teaching tools .
Plus there are other things that go into prep time marking, organising extra curricular, professional development stuff
Wait. So you are saying that a Veteran of a grade, tweaking an existing plan,
takes as long as a brand new teacher, creating their first, for that grade?
I find that hard to believe.
Also, there would be less time to set up the classroom, books, and materials, since all that has already been done.