Teachers on strike

Teachers work more than the 8:30-3:30. Lesson plans for the next day, marking homework, tests. And really, teachers are leeches? That proves my point on how teachers are looked at in this province. Most people view them as overpaid baby sitters. These are people entrusted with the lives and education of your children which appears to be worth nothing to most parents until something untoward happens, and then they are priceless.
Not overpaid babysitters, imo, but everyone saying that they work above and beyond the core hours is an exaggeration. Not all, in fact, from what I see, few work the extra hours. Those are the ones that give a $#!+, and the ones I give my full respect to. Again, I know many teachers, only about 25% would be ones that I would want teaching my kids. I just wish the numbers were reversed.
And as posted by the teacher, yes we all had the choice to be teachers, and if you didn't do it, don't hate on those that did.
"Don't hate the player, baby. Hate the game."
and don't forget all the other issues we have in society today and how they're affecting our kids...so many more kids with ADHD thanks to (in my opinion) all the technology (Xbox, PS, etc) they have...behaviour issues when they don't get their own way (as they often do at home)...talking back (use of foul language even in elementary)...broken homes (sorry guys but divorce definitely has an impact on their psyche)...parents who don't have enough money to feed them (which is why I keep a stash of healthy snacks at school in case someone doesn't have a lunch/snack that day)...mental health issues of any kind is HUGE these days...not to mention cognitive issue like Autism, Down Syndrome etc...or how about the little guy/girl who doesn't get any attention or love at home and hugs me a million times a day because that's the only way they get any?...

sorry guys, but there's a ton more to being a teacher than just teaching (written as I sit here doing report cards, and keeping an eye on this thread) :)
^^^and you are one of the ones that I would want teaching my kids. Just the keeping the healthy snacks line shows that you are doing it for the kids, at least imo. I thank you, and appreciate it.
^^^and you are one of the ones that I would want teaching my kids. Just the keeping the healthy snacks line shows that you are doing it for the kids, at least imo. I thank you, and appreciate it.

you're welcome...and yes, you are correct, I totally do it for the kids...

I agree there are too many who don't and they shouldn't be protected by the union, but it is what it is...

come move to where I am and when you have kids, maybe I'll teach them :D
you're welcome...and yes, you are correct, I totally do it for the kids...

I agree there are too many who don't and they shouldn't be protected by the union, but it is what it is...

come move to where I am and when you have kids, maybe I'll teach them :D

3 year old starting in September and my 11 year old, in the PACE program, in one of the best schools in Vaughan.
Move here. :P
and don't forget all the other issues we have in society today and how they're affecting our kids...so many more kids with ADHD thanks to (in my opinion) all the technology (Xbox, PS, etc) they have...behaviour issues when they don't get their own way (as they often do at home)...talking back (use of foul language even in elementary)...broken homes (sorry guys but divorce definitely has an impact on their psyche)...parents who don't have enough money to feed them (which is why I keep a stash of healthy snacks at school in case someone doesn't have a lunch/snack that day)...mental health issues of any kind is HUGE these days...not to mention cognitive issue like Autism, Down Syndrome etc...or how about the little guy/girl who doesn't get any attention or love at home and hugs me a million times a day because that's the only way they get any?...

sorry guys, but there's a ton more to being a teacher than just teaching (written as I sit here doing report cards, and keeping an eye on this thread) :)

One of the biggest unspoken challenges they have is the attitude of kids, specifically ones where the parents have the hate on for their profession and project that hate through the kids.

Kids spends all night listening to mommy/daddy rage about teacher’s pay, pension, hours, etc. mostly because mommy/daddy cannot be bothered to read about how it works and they just want to be haters. Then kid goes to school with that attitude and not only diminishes his/her own education by not doing the work but is disruptive enough to the rest of the kids to lower the value/quality of their education as well.

For everyone else, no one is saying they have the hardest job in the world, but it is not as sweet as what many here think (because they cannot fact check their own ideas). In the end it is a very good choice of career for most of them, that is no reason to hate them.
For everyone else, no one is saying they have the hardest job in the world, but it is not as sweet as what many here think (because they cannot fact check their own ideas). In the end it is a very good choice of career for most of them, that is no reason to hate them.

Compound that when you give in poor areas. Daily calls to social services, kids living with drunk or drugged out parents, Physical and sexual abuse , higher than average behavioural issues due to the environment and parents who are activly apposed to getting a diagnosis cause they want their kid to be "Normal". If your a teacher in the poor areas its emotionally damaging.

Nice schools in wealthy areas are a bit more cushy sure.
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I agree there are too many who don't and they shouldn't be protected by the union, but it is what it is...

So how do you propose an ordinary citizen like me is supposed to view the teachers and their union when you simply end the sentence with "...." ..... this is the problem. People have had enough, you cannot expect them to look at each teacher individually and forget the union .... when in the end it 's the union running the show for you and your colleagues. You want people start viewing in a better way, get yourself rid of the union, would be my recommendation for one.

I also learned today another interesting tidbit, which is sort of debunking a myth that a striking teacher is a one which does not earn nowhere near a full pay (hence teachers want to come back to work as quickly as possible). Well, I hear otherwise. Apparently, it's close to 75% of their pay, but apparently it's not taxable so they are really earning a full pay.

True or False? If true it would explain why I know a couple of teachers who didn't like the idea of coming back at all and were forced to return with a sever sunburns ... undoubtedly received during picket line duties.
So how do you propose an ordinary citizen like me is supposed to view the teachers and their union when you simply end the sentence with "...." ..... this is the problem. People have had enough, you cannot expect them to look at each teacher individually and forget the union .... when in the end it 's the union running the show for you and your colleagues. You want people start viewing in a better way, get yourself rid of the union, would be my recommendation for one.

I also learned today another interesting tidbit, which is sort of debunking a myth that a striking teacher is a one which does not earn nowhere near a full pay (hence teachers want to come back to work as quickly as possible). Well, I hear otherwise. Apparently, it's close to 75% of their pay, but apparently it's not taxable so they are really earning a full pay.

True or False? If true it would explain why I know a couple of teachers who didn't like the idea of coming back at all and were forced to return with a sever sunburns ... undoubtedly received during picket line duties.

That pay is coming from the union not the board/government. They have been preparing for this strike for a while (war chest) and they had also set up a system where the still working teachers would subsidize the striking ones (one of the reasons they did not all go out).

Key point here, they were NOT getting paid to strike by the government/tax payers!

The tax free part is the CRA's and Government's stupidity, I can't blame them for working the system within the rules.
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That pay is coming from the union not the board/government. They have been preparing for this strike for a while (war chest) and they had also set up a system where the still working teachers would subsidize the striking ones (one of the reasons they did not all go out).

Key point here, they were NOT getting paid to strike by the government/tax payers!

Its also not close to 75% of what their cheques.
. You want people start viewing in a better way, get yourself rid of the union, would be my recommendation for one.

Due to certain allegations that are often made against teachers a union is needed for the position. However as much as I want teachers to be treated well the union does not do a good job on PR and TBH is over due for being reformed towards a meritocracy. Teachers and students deserve a better union than they currently have.
Its also not close to 75% of what their cheques.

Actually it was close to 75%. Normal strike pay is like $50 (not sure of the amount these days but it is small). They knew this was possibly coming based on negotiations and they better prepared themselves (union) for a long strike. Basically they strengthened one of their weakest areas going into negotiations.

One model (AFAIK) was 1/3 would go out and the other 2/3 would subsidize them so everyone gets 2/3 pay (out or working), they never got to 1/3 out.

This was for the secondary union only, elementary is different.
I work in the private sector, My wife is a teacher, WE both leave home at the same time, guess who ALWAYS gets home first by a long shot and works further..... ME!

That is all I am going to say!
Actually it was close to 75%. Normal strike pay is like $50 (not sure of the amount these days but it is small). They knew this was possibly coming based on negotiations and they better prepared themselves (union) for a long strike. Basically they strengthened one of their weakest areas going into negotiations.

One model (AFAIK) was 1/3 would go out and the other 2/3 would subsidize them so everyone gets 2/3 pay (out or working), they never got to 1/3 out.

This was for the secondary union only, elementary is different.

Well that's good news for someone I know. Takes allot of stress of her situation. Pretty sure she always votes no to the strike anyway. One of the things she was worried about was paying the rent on the $50 they usually get
backmarkerducati - I was comparing annual salary. It makes no difference if they're paid weekly or get one huge cheque in January.

CruisnGrrl - reread my post. Yes, some (definitely not all) stay later some nights for whatever reason, but fact remains that just to bring them up to the hours of a typical office employee they would need to work an extra 635 hours per year. That's almost an extra 2 hours every day of the year (summer/winter/holidays/weekends). I highly doubt that's the case for more than 2% of all teachers. And that still assumes they work every hour that they're at school. As I pointed out, when I was in high school, they didn't even spend 4 hours a day teaching. I'd like to know how many people here are employees in the private sector and can get away with only being productive 4 hours every day while at work. Try it and let us know how it works out.

ZX600 - You can't compare a part time job to a full time career. :)
I will tell you that I could not do what she does, so I guess I am lazy. Most people don't even understand the crap these guys and girls take.
Lazy private sector workers

Renboy, I wish i worked part time, I would have a lot more time to golf and ride and ... well just not be at work
"That's all I'm going to say" doesn't seem to have the finality it once had. That's all I'm going to say.
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