
I am 5"11 180lbs.... have a abs that are visible... good muscle tone... just wanna size up a bit more as well as lean out even more so... wait is that even possible? lol

Leangains. Look it up. :)
I am 5"11 180lbs.... have a abs that are visible... good muscle tone... just wanna size up a bit more as well as lean out even more so... wait is that even possible? lol

Size up and lean out? Not possible at the same time, at least using 'clean' methods. You want to size up? get stronger? Begin with "Starting Strength", by Mark Rippetoe. You'll find no shortage of backers to this method and its variations (Stronglifts 5x5, Madcow, etc.)

Lean out? Eat less. Simple as that. Try intermittent fasting, that method worked wonders for me.
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Leangains. Look it up. :)


Although I found that his method works great for moderate gains and strength while maintaining leanness (is that even a word?), I found that going balls out with food and ignoring I.F. techinques, then modifying it slightly after initial gains and gradually decreasing macros helped too.
Hoe long would you fast for? I was thinking about doing the 16 hour fast... basically for me would be nothing from 8pm till noon next day, I could do that with not too much trouble. I heard it doesnt really affect muscle gain too much either.

Size up and lean out? Not possible at the same time, at least using 'clean' methods. You want to size up? get stronger? Begin with "Starting Strength", by Mark Rippetoe. You'll find no shortage of backers to this method and its variations (Stronglifts 5x5, Madcow, etc.)

Lean out? Eat less. Simple as that. Try intermittent fasting, that method worked wonders for me.
Hoe long would you fast for? I was thinking about doing the 16 hour fast... basically for me would be nothing from 8pm till noon next day, I could do that with not too much trouble. I heard it doesnt really affect muscle gain too much either.
thats exactly whats prescribed, 16/8.
When i needed to lose weight, did 2x twenty to twenty four hour fast per week, once your body catches on to it, its starts BURNING LIKE A MOFO if you dont feed yourself enough lol (at least in my case)
Hoe long would you fast for? I was thinking about doing the 16 hour fast... basically for me would be nothing from 8pm till noon next day, I could do that with not too much trouble. I heard it doesnt really affect muscle gain too much either.

16 hours is what I did for a about 8 months. You get used to it, just don't eat breakfast. Check the book "Eat, Stop, Eat" by Brad Pilon. Great resource on the benefits of IF.

That being said you still need to train HEAVY in order to maintain, or have incremental gains in muscle mass.
Did you just have water? I guess some proetien powder in water would be cheating?

16 hours is what I did for a about 8 months. You get used to it, just don't eat breakfast. Check the book "Eat, Stop, Eat" by Brad Pilon. Great resource on the benefits of IF.

That being said you still need to train HEAVY in order to maintain, or have incremental gains in muscle mass.
this thread reminds me, what ever happend to Roasted?
Forgot about this stuff. Works wonders too. I mix one up in the mornings with breakfast usually.


Sent from my piss poor iPhone while sitting on my squidly gixxxxxxxxer sippin on kool aid
Did you just have water? I guess some proetien powder in water would be cheating?

Basically i think the rule is to keep it below 40 cals (so say tea with almost no milk, same with coffee or even those powder 0 cals flavorers) so i drink lots of water when i fast and then i workout fasted and then i eat all things
k COOL.. im gonna do the 16 hour fast 2x per week and see how it goes.

Basically i think the rule is to keep it below 40 cals (so say tea with almost no milk, same with coffee or even those powder 0 cals flavorers) so i drink lots of water when i fast and then i workout fasted and then i eat all things
k COOL.. im gonna do the 16 hour fast 2x per week and see how it goes.

I think the 16/8 is to be done more often than twice a week for optimal results
I get most of my supps from canadianprotein. I use their 100% isolate, waxy maize, glutamine, creapure creatine monohydrate (I've tried others but found the monohydrate works just as good and is much cheaper), BCAA's, fish oils, glucosamine.

As well I take White Flood as my preworkout (I've tried many and prefer this one), take a good multi-vit/mineral, and lots of vit C.
The rest is all quality foods and my diet is spot on.

I swear by that site and their no-name bulk stuff. I was considering their bulk BCAA powder but it appears to only come in unflavoured? How do you deal with that? I have heard unflavoured bcaa is like drinking chalk water.
Squats are king but by no means is leg press "for pu$$ies" as you guys put it.

Strong or weak, ripped or hulking, what difference does it make to you what the next guy is doing? No two people in the gym have the same body or genetic disposition. Most people do not have the same training goals. Some people are doing sport-specific training. Some guys want to be the biggest human being in the room. Plenty just want to look good with their shirt off. You don't need strength (functional) to look good. You don't need to look good to be strong. Point is, it is hard to critique a person's routine until you know what they are trying to achieve. Lots of people have injuries or other physical conditions that exclude many exercises from their routines. It is that type of attitude and elitism that makes me steer clear of the big gyms like LA Fitness or Goodlife (despite having a membership there).

There are many ways to skin a cat (accomplish your goals, whatever they may be). As long as the fundamentals and principles are sound, what someone does in the gym is really just a small piece of the pie.

That being said, I shake my head when I see someone stack the weight and do half inch reps too. However, even that does have some merits depending on the circumstances. Chances are though, it is a case of someone just not knowing what they are doing. I just prefer to educate rather than ridicule. We were all beginners once.
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Progressive VegeGreens. The Ultimate Super Food. << It's right there on the label. Work construction, no lift dumbell. Over and out.

Forgot about this stuff. Works wonders too. I mix one up in the mornings with breakfast usually.


Sent from my piss poor iPhone while sitting on my squidly gixxxxxxxxer sippin on kool aid

Gold. It's paying dividends where the rubber meets the road.
as always I invite anyone to meet me and train I love challenges and learning no **** talking . supplements help you recover and keep going that's all I think. Only roids, TRT or GH work fast and easy
Ditto. Always interested in a new challenge and learning so I'm for that.
I swear by that site and their no-name bulk stuff. I was considering their bulk BCAA powder but it appears to only come in unflavoured? How do you deal with that? I have heard unflavoured bcaa is like drinking chalk water.

Yes it only comes in unflavoured. Since the only time I take them is sipping them during weight training what I do is put about 15g of them combined with some waxy maize (dramatically helps my pump and keeps me from bonking near the end of the session) , small amount of creatine, and a packet of natural lemon flavouring to cut the chalky taste a bit and add it all to about 2L of water.
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