
Caffeine, creatine, good protein sources. The rest is b.s. or intended for people training on hormones/steroids.

creatine then you supplement with caffeine??? any reason for this combo that you could share???
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because creatine does nothing in terms of giving you that feeling (or buzz) of having "energy" in which to lift with

creatine supplies you with more energy in which to aid your lifts, but do a survey on how many people "feel" anything after a scoop of creatine versus a caffeine pill .... there's absolutely no reason not to take both as there's nothing chemically redundant
+1 right. Creatine gives me a rep or two more and usually I can go a bit heavier on my lifts with it. It's subtle but it's one of the safest supplements and monohydrate isn't costly.
I do the leg press but only as a secondary option. Squats are king! And no you dont have to have you're *** touch the floor... recent reports showed this dos not need to happen, just good form, *** parralel to the floor and you're good. The feeling from a good round of squats trumps everything!

So many different options for programs and what works, it gets overwhelming! I am in that stage where I dont know what I is best. Any good sites with good programs to liven up my workouts a bit?

You need to get your ass down bro
I dont care who wrote what.

I am 6'1, and 5 years ago i weighed 135 pounds
Today i am 200 (with about 20 pounds fat)

I am living proof.. Do full squats and dead lifts
Go hard and heavy and you will gain,
First of all I am not you're "bro".... such a ****** thing.
You dont have to care, I am just saying.. do whatever the hell you want. Anyway you do them though is not more beneficial then the other way from what I have read.

Thats good for you. I dont know how you weighed you're fat unless you are talking bodyfat % and if its 20 thats high. But from you're numbers you are saying that you have gained about 55lbs of muscle in 5 years? Thats pretty damn good... especially if that was natural.

I do squats how I SHOULD be doing them and I have always done deads and very heavy. I do 315lb squats for 6 reps and I do 420 lbs deads for 6 reps. I am not the biggest guy ( 5'11" 180lbs) but am ripped like **** with 6 packs clear as day. I just wanna fill out a bit more.

You need to get your *** down bro
I dont care who wrote what.

I am 6'1, and 5 years ago i weighed 135 pounds
Today i am 200 (with about 20 pounds fat)

I am living proof.. Do full squats and dead lifts
Go hard and heavy and you will gain,
I do squats how I SHOULD be doing them and I have always done deads and very heavy. I do 315lb squats for 6 reps and I do 420 lbs deads for 6 reps. I am not the biggest guy ( 5'11" 180lbs) but am ripped like **** with 6 packs clear as day. I just wanna fill out a bit more.

oh damn, how long did you train to get there?
I have been slowly progressing for 10 years now. After I quit boxing I went right into weightlifting...the first program I ever did with amazing results was Max-OT. Its low reps and all compound lifts. I believe that set it all up.

oh damn, how long did you train to get there?
Nobody needs to do squats ATG/full ROM and you can make some strength and size gains doing those barely parallel style squats where you don't really dip into the "hole". I did those kinds of squats for years before I really embraced learning excellent technique.

But for me, squats ATG/full ROM is the best way to go and is really what I think is considered "proper form". A lot of dudes have trouble getting down low because they lack the flexibility in thier hips, lower legs to do so. My opinion is that if you don't do them that way then claims of "I can squat x amount of weight" don't really hold up as you are essentially skipping the hardest part in the range of motion.
Actually if you really want to determine you're squat strength then do overhead barbell squats! Good luck!!

Nobody needs to do squats ATG/full ROM and you can make some strength and size gains doing those barely parallel style squats where you don't really dip into the "hole". I did those kinds of squats for years before I really embraced learning excellent technique.

But for me, squats ATG/full ROM is the best way to go and is really what I think is considered "proper form". A lot of dudes have trouble getting down low because they lack the flexibility in thier hips, lower legs to do so. My opinion is that if you don't do them that way then claims of "I can squat x amount of weight" don't really hold up as you are essentially skipping the hardest part in the range of motion.
First of all I am not you're "bro".... such a ****** thing.
You dont have to care, I am just saying.. do whatever the hell you want. Anyway you do them though is not more beneficial then the other way from what I have read.

Thats good for you. I dont know how you weighed you're fat unless you are talking bodyfat % and if its 20 thats high. But from you're numbers you are saying that you have gained about 55lbs of muscle in 5 years? Thats pretty damn good... especially if that was natural.

I do squats how I SHOULD be doing them and I have always done deads and very heavy. I do 315lb squats for 6 reps and I do 420 lbs deads for 6 reps. I am not the biggest guy ( 5'11" 180lbs) but am ripped like **** with 6 packs clear as day. I just wanna fill out a bit more.

No problem i was just trying to help out! I can call you sister if you want?

I was just giving reference to my weight gain again to give you an idea how it worked for me.

Anyways i used to do parallel squats but ATG Is much harder and would recommend them highly even with much lower weight you will benefit more

I started doing them with bodyweight alone and just added weight.

420 for 6 reps on deads is nice i am not close to there yet!

Good job keep it up n good luck
I flip between heavy parallel squats and lighter ATG squats. I think ATG is better.
or you could just not call me anything and just respond with how you did minus the bro or sister.

Yes but everyone is different.. and like I said YOU may think ATG is better but from what I have read there is no more benefit to it then parallel...but again do what works for you, I was just reading some research on it and stated otherwise.

Good luck though and all the best in the gym.

No problem i was just trying to help out! I can call you sister if you want?

I was just giving reference to my weight gain again to give you an idea how it worked for me.

Anyways i used to do parallel squats but ATG Is much harder and would recommend them highly even with much lower weight you will benefit more

I started doing them with bodyweight alone and just added weight.

420 for 6 reps on deads is nice i am not close to there yet!

Good job keep it up n good luck
most people who workout like myself take protein of course.... I cycle of creatine now and then as well. I am wondering though what other supplements you guys take that you have found either worked for muscle building, pre workout, and even fat loss.
the best reviews are from real people so just curious as to what experience people have had either negative or positive with different supplements.

Gear - the only 'supplements' with proven results.

Straight Test

The list goes on...

Do a couple of cycles and you will wonder why you ever blew money on any other 'supplements'. You will gain strength and size in a matter of weeks.
Not an expert,but a really good friend died yrs ago who used supplements.He died of toxic shock syndrome.Complications made much worse by having his electolyte balance way out whack because of his supplement use.See a doctor and use his advice.
Not an expert,but a really good friend died yrs ago who used supplements.He died of toxic shock syndrome.Complications made much worse by having his electolyte balance way out whack because of his supplement use.See a doctor and use his advice.

Sorry to hear Rick.

I have never personally heard of a male passing from TSS.

Females on the other hand .. yeah. Gross too.
Well of course, but I dont think any joe who just wants to get fit wants to deal with the side affects of those.

Gear - the only 'supplements' with proven results.

Straight Test

The list goes on...

Do a couple of cycles and you will wonder why you ever blew money on any other 'supplements'. You will gain strength and size in a matter of weeks.
other than protein..

pre workouts are good...however too much caffeine is bad for you in the long run. If you take a pre workout you definitely shouldnt be drinking coffee that day. and ofcourse you have to cycle. I've tried: musclepharm assault: garbage, 1mr:i felt way too pumped (didnt like it), no explode: probs my favourint. (i've tried others but those are most notable)

Creatine, use kre alkalyn. has a cheap alternative to purple k...but both are better than monohydrate or hcl. (pills better than powder)

vitamins are a waste. bcaa's are debatable but powder is a better alternative to pill. I used to mix my protein with my bcaa.

zma is a great thing and is often overlooked. healthy planet has dynamax for 17.99 (90 caps=1month)

If youre planning on going hard test boosters are an option depending on age..i'm 22 and have used anotest (just to try), nothing too noticible. a friend of mine used t bomb and seemed to get good results.

if you have money to spend then casein is good for before bed however i always found it a waste of money.

I'm currently using universals whey (10 lb chocolate 10 lb mocha cappacino). I buy 10lb bags off bb because its cheaper and i dont have to worry about protein for a while. Other than that i highly recommend syntha 6 for the falvour (pricey) or gold standard whey.
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