
Looks like the marketing departments of supplement companies have done their jobs

I will agree with you on 75 percent of products out there. As said, try a few months of real training with them and then try it without. If you don't record or notice a difference then you're superman.

Sent from my piss poor iPhone while sitting on my squidly gixxxxxxxxer sippin on kool aid
Train hard with them and without and you notice a difference big time in endurance especially with BCAA recovery with glutamine

There's a boatload of BCAAs and l-glutamine in a good whey protein. I've been working out for ... 30 years, roughly. I'd be lean if I didn't like food so much... haha. But I regularly outlift and out-endure a 30 year old friend of mine who is a complete gym rat, with one (and only one) supplement: creatine.

When I'm cutting, I take a multivitamin just because I don't get as much variety in my food. Fish oil isn't a bad idea.


FWIW I've used a few pre-workouts and they definitely work (I have a drawer full of "old" Jack3d) but I find that most of them without DM3 make my head spinny and wreck my concentration from a "high" of sorts. I also find that they make me feel like crap when I'm *not* using them. So they work for sure but I worry about the long-term health and mental effects, so I only use them on days when I'm really feeling low.
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Sounds great but with 3 kids dont have time for 6 days a week.. i just get my hour workout in and do pretty good.

If you train 6 to seven days a week like I do, jiu jitsu, Muay Thai, and Olympic lifting and you want to keep recovering and training. You need BCAA's ,glutamine coconut oil, fish oil and vitamins on top of eating enough. If you think otherwise you aren't training hard or you are wrong, and no I'm not on GH, roids or TRT but I can grapple for an hour or more non stop, same with Muay Thai, dead lift 400, squat 315, jerk 215 and I'm 44 and don't have great genetics.
wanna sell one tub of those jack3d? lol

Oh and i do use a multi, but I use one called Vitastak and it is great!

There's a boatload of BCAAs and l-glutamine in a good whey protein. I've been working out for ... 30 years, roughly. I'd be lean if I didn't like food so much... haha. But I regularly outlift and out-endure a 30 year old friend of mine who is a complete gym rat, with one (and only one) supplement: creatine.

When I'm cutting, I take a multivitamin just because I don't get as much variety in my food. Fish oil isn't a bad idea.


FWIW I've used a few pre-workouts and they definitely work (I have a drawer full of "old" Jack3d) but I find that most of them without DM3 make my head spinny and wreck my concentration from a "high" of sorts. I also find that they make me feel like crap when I'm *not* using them. So they work for sure but I worry about the long-term health and mental effects, so I only use them on days when I'm really feeling low.
FWIW I've used a few pre-workouts and they definitely work (I have a drawer full of "old" Jack3d) but I find that most of them without DM3 make my head spinny and wreck my concentration from a "high" of sorts. I also find that they make me feel like crap when I'm *not* using them. So they work for sure but I worry about the long-term health and mental effects, so I only use them on days when I'm really feeling low.

No kidding. I usually stay away from caffeine and therefore from pre-workouts but I got some free samples of 1MR a couple weeks ago and decided to try it in 1/2 doses... Wow. Even at 1/2 dose I had some seriously intense workouts as a result. I felt fired up. I would not take it regularly but on a day you are feeling sluggish, a preworkout will definitely get you goin.
after 10+ years of training and trying everything and anything.. in my humble opinion, your best options (efficiency and cost effectiveness) are :

decent isolate protein
slow release (casein) protein
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Fish Oils
ephedrine (use at own risk)

Every thing else out there really is snake oil. All these pre-workout supplements are glorified caffeine products with nitric oxide that really just give you a caffeine buzz, a fake pump (which disappears promptly after you leave the gym) and in all likelihood, an upset stomach and explosive bowel movement later. Some people SWEAR by them, I personally, have never cared at all for them. A green apple and a caffeine pill usually provides enough energy for my workout to be sufficient. I used to cycle ephedrine when I was trying to get extra lean but eventually I couldn't tolerate the side affects and found I didn't really need it anyway. A bottle of 100 200mg caffeine pills is like 5 bucks. A bottle of (insert whatever silly pre workout here) is usually upwards of $40-60 for 30 servings.

Supplement industry is FILLED with bogus garbage that has no scientific benefits whatsoever, just relies on consumer naivety, ridiculous marketing, and bro-science. You are not going to look like a fitness model or bodybuilder without many cycles of steroids, unless you fall into the 0.01% of the population that has naturally incredibly high test levels.

You can EASILY drop $300 on garbage supplements at GNC or SND....and see very little for that investment.

Better off putting that money into good clean food and studying solid training principles. And, if you're not adverse to the dark side, just jump on gear. But that is a whole other thread on its own.
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Everything you say seems right, but I do like my pre-workouts. I try not to use them regularly, but on those days where you're feeling tired and just want to crank out a workout, it's the difference between a good workout and feeling like crap
Pre work out consists of cycling between SuperPump250 and a new one called NitraFlex.

Post is followed up with a small meal and IsoFlex protein shake.

On top of that, i add Krill Oil, Vitamin D and a multi.
You guys taking BCAAs... have you looked at the profile of a good whey protein? It's *FULL* of BCAAs.
You guys taking BCAAs... have you looked at the profile of a good whey protein? It's *FULL* of BCAAs.

I only take my (additional) BCAAs intra-workout... Sipping a protein shake throughout my workout doesn't appeal, so I go this route.
Progressive VegeGreens. The Ultimate Super Food. << It's right there on the label. Work construction, no lift dumbell. Over and out.
I only take my (additional) BCAAs intra-workout... Sipping a protein shake throughout my workout doesn't appeal, so I go this route.

If it was a decent work out sipping a protein shake would make most people puke

Sent from my piss poor iPhone while sitting on my squidly gixxxxxxxxer sippin on kool aid
Just remember the body can only process so much of the supplements and protein at one time, like some one stated earlier, its just being ejected out in your urine. The body can basically only convert 27 grams or so of protein at one time. More is just expelled. Chicken breasts are a cheap way of protein and usually better tasting that whey. I generally cook a box of chicken breasts at the first of the week and eat one piece 1 to 2 min after my workout. I take a bit of glutamine before and after workout. I cut out a lot of supplements due to cost and natural alternatives.
Just remember the body can only process so much of the supplements and protein at one time, like some one stated earlier, its just being ejected out in your urine. The body can basically only convert 27 grams or so of protein at one time. More is just expelled. Chicken breasts are a cheap way of protein and usually better tasting that whey. I generally cook a box of chicken breasts at the first of the week and eat one piece 1 to 2 min after my workout. I take a bit of glutamine before and after workout. I cut out a lot of supplements due to cost and natural alternatives.

Myth 7: You Can Only Digest 30grams Of Protein Per Meal


We’re not exactly certain when or where this belief originated, but it became especially prevalent among bodybuilders in the ’80s and has persisted ever since. It is a valid reminder to eat smaller portions more frequently throughout the day as opposed to three big, calorie-laden meals, but it makes a bold and specific claim about the abilities of everyone’s digestive system. Is 30 g the protein limit?

How much protein you can digest and utilize depends on numerous factors, such as your gastrointestinal tract’s digestion and absorption abilities, how much muscle recovery your body has to do, how much protein you have recently eaten, and how many calories you are getting from carbohydrates and fat. In fact, a French study of elderly women subjects found that, in the group that ate one huge meal containing about 50g of protein, protein synthesis was significantly higher than in another group that ate an equivalent amount of protein spread over several meals.


There is a limit to how much protein you can digest at any one time. and this is a principal reason for eating six or more meals daily, but 30 g is arbitrarily low. Aim for 1-1.5 g of protein daily for every pound of your bodyweight and spread this over six meals (including shakes). For example, if you weigh 210 pounds, that would be an average of 35-52 g of protein per meal.
I follow this site all natural guy with some great articles and workouts ... he made up hsi own no-xplode pre workout for waay cheaper.

Mix 4g of AAKG and 2g of Beta-Alanine in water (or whatever you like) about 30 minutes before you train. Take your 200mg caffeine pill while drinking it for a veryPOTENT pre-workout cocktail!
Whey Protein, Creatine, Beta-Alanine BCAA, Pre-Workout Supp if I need the extra kick. Also a daily Multi, Fish Oil, CLA 1250 with meals
Havent posted on here in a while but came here out of curiosity and had to answer to this thread.

If you want straight up info with some research to back up different supps

Personally i stick to:

Protein blend (Dymatize Fusion 7 or MusclePharm Combat Poweder which have whey, whey isolate, casein, bcaas, etc)
Pre-Workout (whether C4 or ON PRE)

I know i don't NEED this to get results, it just helps with nutrition.
good pull bro! ya i said bro!

Havent posted on here in a while but came here out of curiosity and had to answer to this thread.

If you want straight up info with some research to back up different supps

Personally i stick to:

Protein blend (Dymatize Fusion 7 or MusclePharm Combat Poweder which have whey, whey isolate, casein, bcaas, etc)
Pre-Workout (whether C4 or ON PRE)

I know i don't NEED this to get results, it just helps with nutrition.
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