I might be more likely to believe the ancient alien builders theory, if the rock used was Brazilian slate.
Yea thats what i thought blue stone is not a remarkable rock..just goes a bit blue when wet.
I might be more likely to believe the ancient alien builders theory, if the rock used was Brazilian slate.
Yea thats what i thought blue stone is not a remarkable rock..just goes a bit blue when wet.
Not remarkable, but from some distance away. People seem to think that ancient folk were lazy. Just because something was difficult, that doesn't imply that they just sat around asking for help to get it done. There's also no clear idea on the time frame involved. We think about getting big builds done in months, or years. Why couldn't ancient cultures have thought in terms of generations?
error - will fix
Blue stones only make up a small part of the stone Hendge(its a whole lot bigger than just that stone circle there is a precession lines that go for miles) and although i generally accept that we probably brought the blue stone that is there from whales its also possible that the stone was sourced much closer due to glacial affect although i don't think thats the majority opinion.
All i'm staying is that aliens moving the blue stone there is not likely.
I heard of a ghost biker somewhere near Algonquin once, I think
The Country is Wales, not whales.
Google Preseli Hills, axe heads found at the site. The stones didn't just make it from West Wales to Wiltshire by glacial effect.
The entire County of Wiltshire is littered with standing stones, but only one other has these particular Preseli Hills stone.
Port Perry. He rides towards you, and sometimes past, on a certain stretch of road... I've "seen" him lots of times.
Tell us more..
Look up Ghost road in Port Perry.... there's probably a ton of stuff about it.
Ever read it yourself? It's not a difficult read, at all. It's primary assumption is that early cultures were too stupid and lazy to figure stuff out for themselves.
Yea i want to know what you saw..
I saw the white lights off in the distance to the front and the little red light behind.
Seen the local kids/teens mess with a lot of cars sitting on the side of the road too.
i never believed in Ghost till i moved into my house( house is 100 plus years old)...i swear my house is haunted, i always hear voices sounds like a guy and child, foot steps and doors being closed and a big change in temp at times...... kinda creepy...
i never expected this topic to turn this way... most of the people posting dont believe...lol
just wondering, do you guys that dont believe in ghosts/aliens/ weird stuff, do you believe in god ?
i dont think there is 1 supreme being/god
i never expected this topic to turn this way... most of the people posting dont believe...lol
just wondering, do you guys that dont believe in ghosts/aliens/ weird stuff, do you believe in god ?
i dont think there is 1 supreme being/god
If you ever get the chance to visit the henge its awesome and now they have a massive visitors Center with proper parking. I was there last july the weather for the month i was there was unusually warm i'm glad i didn't have to stand in the rain. I remember as a kid visiting some of the smaller sites around being wet and miserable.