Supernatural Experiences

I don't know we're you getting the idea that I'm saying we have any kind supernatural level of controle over things like this. All I'm talking about is about human free agency (or free will)

Causal determinism is, roughly speaking, the idea that every event is necessitated by antecedent events and conditions together with the laws of nature.

I don't believe I said anything about supernatural, I was asking for clarification of your statement of controlling ones life and trying to understand your belief about what that means.
I don't believe I said anything about supernatural, I was asking for clarification of your statement of controlling ones life and trying to understand your belief about what that means.

From your line of questioning I thought you were implying I was suggesting some control over death of natural events.. By definition that kind of control would be supernatural.

all I'm referring to is free agency. The ability to make choices and react to situations. Of course as a determinist I think you are locked in to your choices based on antecedent states
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Yeah, human beings are the only & most advanced living beings to exist in the universe in all of time. I marvel at our magnificence. :rolleyes:
Yeah, human beings are the only & most advanced living beings to exist in the universe in all of time. I marvel at our magnificence. :rolleyes:

We are pretty great look at what we have been able to achieve

I've had quite a lot of freaky **** happen to me. I used to be really skeptical, and now I sort of just don't try to explain it anymore.

- I have lights turn off all the time when I walk by them. I tried checking for variables but it's always the same lights and always when I go by them. I tried walking faster/slower/different times/etc. These used to be on my commute when I was in uni and the only common denominator is that I always used the time to be in heavy thought.

- One time I was playing with my phone and pressing a bunch of random buttons. The screen froze on the numbers 666 and the time was 9:11.

- Another time It was 3 in the morning and I couldn't I went for a jog. I live near a cemetery so it adds to the spooky factor. As I'm rounding the last corner, a white rabbit crosses in front of me. Odd for that time/place in the year, but I let it go. Then I passed a streetlight and it turned off. Passed another one and it turned off. By the third one, I started freaking out and picked up into a sprint. As I passed each one, it turned off (my speed wasn't linear, so it's hard to call it a coincidence). For about 500 m every single street light turned off as I passed it; increasing in speed.

- I also used to ride my bicycle a lot late at night. I've had whole neighbourhoods go pitch black as I ride through them.

My friend has the same effect on general technology. My phone doesn't work around her and I've been with her when cash registers/library machines/etc. have gone haywire.

Anyway, I've done a lot of research into parapsychology and just psychic abilities, in general. My stance is still undecided, but it really is a fascinating topic. I can talk about it if anyone's interested.
Anyway, I've done a lot of research into parapsychology and just psychic abilities, in general. My stance is still undecided, but it really is a fascinating topic. I can talk about it if anyone's interested.

Define research.

interesting fact UFO sightings have significantly decreased in the last 10 years ( 96% since 1988 ) due to everyone having cell phones with powerfull video cameras in them and of course the internet. if there really was a massive flying objects you would expect to find multiple video and picture sources from multiple angles but you don't. it really should be doubted when you hear about 1 or two people seeing something and providing a picture of nothing but some red lights the man is either lying or mistaken.

From the window of their home or in their newly installed spa, a family watches a show featuring what resembles unidentified flying objects - THIS STATEMENT MAKES NO SENSE HOW CAN SOMTHING RESEMBLE SOMTHING UNIDENTIFIED!!
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