Supernatural Experiences

that was one theory, i admit it sounded a bit silly, but there are some things going that make you wonder

like a simple explanation on Stonehenge perhaps

The simple explanation is aliens built stone henge (technically it's not even a henge) it simple cause it's a none explanation that requires special pleading. Don't look for simple e plantations look for true ones.

Stone hedge was built by local people with mostly local stone using simple machines.
Like all "Ancient Astronaught theorist" Von's arguments boil down to I have no idea how they did this so ...aliens.

On the last Ancient aliens they were talking about sandy island that appeared on maps from the 1800s and in 2001 a Dutch survey ship found it never existed and the error was just copied for ever. But their theory ... It was probably an alien base that has since been dismantled. **** the history channel has lost its way.

I saw that. Two things occurred to me; either the 'sandy island' washed away, or the idiots who made the first map were lost. They might have even made it up, so that they could try and sell it to someone.

Von Daniken even ripped off a lot of his theories from previous works. Plagiarism was often charged. He also stole more than just ideas and words, in his time.

In one of his books he talks about some ancient gold plates with lots of interesting, otherworldly stuff on them, that he saw somewhere in Central America. Oddly enough it seems that no one else, including the guy who supposedly led him to the plates, has ever seen them. I just glanced over at my bookshelf and I can see my copy of "Gods From outer Space", that I got from my parents in 1972. It sits next to "Anatomy of a Phenomenon: UFO's In Space" by Jacques Vallee (1974 printing).

I don't doubt that other creatures live in this massive universe. I just don't think that an understanding that piling things up makes for very tall structures and a predilection for straight line quadrangles, in various different parts of the world, necessarily means that those other creatures have ever been here.
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I don't doubt that other creatures live in this massive universe. I just don't think that an understanding that piling things up makes for very tall structures and a predilection for straight line quadrangles, in various different parts of the world, necessarily means that those other creatures have ever been here.

The one thing that annoys me is that they say that the pyramids and other sites were built by aliens or with the help of aliens yet I don't get when something so advanced would build a base or a site out of local simple materials with no advanced metallurgy...yet anything we build or would need robe a forward base would need to be clearly purpose built. It makes no sense.
I think all those Structures and pyramids were left
or made by technology from visitors.

were talking about stones that even by todays trucks would be considered massive.
lifting them high up, placing them with such perfect preecision..

I think all those Structures and pyramids were left
or made by technology from visitors.

were talking about stones that even by todays trucks would be considered massive.
lifting them high up, placing them with such perfect preecision..


Look up the Florida Coral Castle, which those wingnuts also say was built with alien technology. It was actually built by one guy with a rickety old pickup truck and a clapped-out trailer. One guy; no thousands of slaves.

There's a guy somewhere in the US who will show anyone how to build Stonehenge, by yourself, with simple techniques and tools. It's so simple that it's amazing. Having power tools and construction equipment has made us to lazy, to use our brains these days.

*EDIT* This is the Stonehenge guy.

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I heard of a ghost biker somewhere near Algonquin once, I think
Look up the Florida Coral Castle, which those wingnuts also say was built with alien technology. It was actually built by one guy with a rickety old pickup truck and a clapped-out trailer. One guy; no thousands of slaves.

There's a guy somewhere in the US who will show anyone how to build Stonehenge, by yourself, with simple techniques and tools. It's so simple that it's amazing. Having power tools and construction equipment has made us to lazy, to use our brains these days.

*EDIT* This is the Stonehenge guy.


Yea to say that the pyramids or stone henge or anything wasn't built by man discounts every shred of evidence we have. I also find it completely insulting to our shared history.

must have smoked it wrong cuz the **** didn't work...

I desire to but have yet to see anything, only then will I truly believe in ghosts, aliens, sasquatch etc. I don't put them beyond the realm of possibility though.

By ghosts I mean residual energy not **** that can take on humanly shapes and come after you or slap you around like in the movies, exorcisms maybe...I just wonder why the **** its always only christians getting possessed??

With such a huge undiscovered universe 90% there has to be aliens out there...As for Big Foot, who the **** knows??
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The Dunnville family tree.


**** the history channel has lost its way.

ALL the Canadian cable channels have lost their way. Shipping Wars on A&E. Sister Wives on TLC. Duck Dynasty on HIST. Storage Wars on the Outdoor Life Network (WTF?).

At least Hustler is true to it's roots and doesn't air episodes of Canadian Pickers.
Either we are alone in the universe, or we are not.

Either is terriffying

I laugh at all those accent aliens shows.

"how did they do that?"

"aliens you moron"
I've seen UFO's... Strictly speaking, they're not "supernatural".

What I saw were lights moving in formation at high rates of speed. They weren't convention aircraft beacons and the speed and behaviour did not match normal aircraft or satellites.

The usual assumption that UFO = aliens doesn't make sense to me either. If there were aliens sufficiently advanced to reach Earth from another planet, I expect they would be able to conceal themselves a little better. Why put lights on their spacecraft?

I'll just say that I saw some Flying Objects that I could not identify.
I'm with Stephen Hawking on the fact that if aliens did travel to earth, they would make there presence known.

Why travel through space from another galaxy, only to abduct someone from the country, or fly around in the sky at night and go back.

If there was intelligent life on Mars, do you think human race would send a space craft, only to abduct a martian, or just to screw with them by lighting flares in the atmosphere?

also, about ancient aliens and discrediting ingenuity of human beings is an insult to the human race.

watch the whole thing, or scroll to the 3:00 mark
I'm with Stephen Hawking on the fact that if aliens did travel to earth, they would make there presence known.

Why travel through space from another galaxy, only to abduct someone from the country, or fly around in the sky at night and go back.

If there was intelligent life on Mars, do you think human race would send a space craft, only to abduct a martian, or just to screw with them by lighting flares in the atmosphere?

also, about ancient aliens and discrediting ingenuity of human beings is an insult to the human race.

watch the whole thing, or scroll to the 3:00 mark

Look at what happened when the Europeans discovered the new world. I don't think they just came to take a look & went back

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Using human deductive reasoning skillz to determine what or what not an alien would do under certain circumstances should be done only for entertainment purposes. IMHO.
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