Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

that has to be a joke... if i was rich, id pay 2g just to run it off some ramps and destroy... hopefully one day releasing the motorcycle caged within

They want you to pay all the stuff they paid, plus the 9.98% financing they signed up for and the extended warranty they bought. Not outrageous but out to lunch.

Yeah now that I'm looking again, there's a lot of out to lunch out there. People asking 9k for a 2009 gsxr 600 with 8-15km on it when 13's are 9700. Why people don't figure out they don't get all the extra they spent back when they sell it is beyond me.
They want you to pay all the stuff they paid, plus the 9.98% financing they signed up for and the extended warranty they bought. Not outrageous but out to lunch.

So looking at it more, there's 9 gsxr 750's from 2009 to 2012 that are 9 grand and 5 that are 10,200-12k. New is 10k. That's 14 really out to lunch folks on one internet page

They had some weird designs way back when :lmao:
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