Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

Actually, how did he know the lien is from the crown? Does it get revealed when you transfer the ownership?

And as previously stated, maybe for once the gov't isn't spending more $$$ than the lien is worth chasing after that piece of metal.

Lien information is in the UVIP. This is why it's important to view it before any vehicle purchase!
Actually, how did he know the lien is from the crown? Does it get revealed when you transfer the ownership?

And as previously stated, maybe for once the gov't isn't spending more $$$ than the lien is worth chasing after that piece of metal.

If you arrive at the ministry to change in ownership without a UVIP you are forced to buy one, so I'm guessing he discovered the lien at that point after it was too late – as mentioned, this is the primary reason the seller is supposed to provide it at the time of sale by law.

OK who want 10 CBR125 ex school bikes for $900 each plus %18 tax but you have to buy all of them. So $10700 if not more.

Oh yay, a bunch of bikes that have been dropped countless times, with burned clutches and rounded gears in the transmissions. Who do I contact? Lol.
I've never even looked at one with a lien, so never showed up on the UVIP, so didn't know what it stated in the lien section.
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I've never even looked at one with a lien, so never showed up on the UVIP, so didn't know what it stated in the lien section.

I bought a couple of vehicles with liens. Always talked to the lien holder first if I could. Wait till you try to buy a UVIP for a stolen vehicle. I was lucky I hadn't purchased it but wanted to get the UVIP first. They told me it "wasn't available" I would need to contact someone at a 1-800 number to get it. When I called the number ( from a pay phone ) I was informed it was stolen and should call the police and turn the bike in. I asked if they would be informing the police about this. "No we don't do that". I did but never heard back about it. Seemed a very add way for the MTO to handle it but what do I know.
There are easy to find online tools to run a VIN through the CPIC stolen vehicle registry - I always do that before even considering anything used. Cheap insurance.
Looks like "STEAL ME" printed on it, too. I'd buy a Hyosung cover if I was ever going to use one.

Honestly, this is like the people that put Harley's in an orange trailer with massive Harley Davidson logos and stickers all over the exterior of the trailer...and are then surprised when the trailer (and their bikes) gets stolen.
I wonder how they blew the motor at 38,000km
Don't think it's a typo Joe. They are hyping it up and Norton is definitely worth more than $3,000 if in good shape.

A few quick Google searches showed comparable (restored or excellent condition) identical make/model bikes for the $8-$10K range, some a lot less... unmolested (factory vs aftermarket handlebars) as well which for a collector is a big deal. Far cry from $35K they're asking.

Yes, some of those are in the US and priced in USD, but even with a 30% exchange and could still save yourself a cool twenty thousand dollars, or so.
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Not to mention the front drum brake and fender is wrong for a '73 with aftermarket carb, footrests etc.
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