Stunt Driving.... Need Help!!!

Excellent point, but the government don't make money out of educating people, they make money out of regulating people.

Educating people will prevent me from tragedies.
Over Regulating people will just force them to ignore said regulations.. i.e 100km/hr speed limit on the 401.

C'mon brah; anyone with a college or university degree can tell you that there's TONS of money in education.

I wanna start my own driving school. It'll probably be the first driving school to be opened by a Canadian Born person in over two-decades LOL
I might remind some in this thread that driving is still a priveledge, not a right, so excuse me while I roll my eyes into the back of my head with regards to the "freedom" and "liberty" spiels. Go stand in front of a judge and whine about not liking the rules or consequences and see how far that gets you when your licence is taken away.

Like our MIA OP, you'll be told to get familiar with public transit.
Driving is a right. If you play by the rules there is no power in the land that can deny you the RIGHT to drive.
Driving is a right. If you play by the rules there is no power in the land that can deny you the RIGHT to drive.

Uh huh.

I can provide you with a link to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms if you'd like to look that up.

I can't seem to locate the portion about driving for some strange reason.

Your quote with regards to "playing by the rules" makes it a circular argument, however.
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Uh huh.

I can provide you with a link to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms if you'd like to look that up.

I can't seem to locate the portion about driving for some strange reason.

Ya ya rules. Think for yourself sometime.
Driving is a right. If you play by the rules there is no power in the land that can deny you the RIGHT to drive.

Not sure if you're trolling or...

If you have a stroke, even a minor one, the MTO is empowered to suspend your license, taking away your privilege to drive. There are a number of medical reasons for which one's license may be suspended. They can also revoke that privilege if you accumulate too many demerit points. Police are empowered to suspend your license at the roadside for certain offenses (e.g. HTA 172(1),(5)(a)) etc.

Perhaps when you say "play by the rules" you're allowing for the fact that one cannot legally drive without obtaining a license and that the privilege granted by that license can be revoked for any number reasons. But that then is not a "right", it's a privilege.
Pretty sure he's trolling you.
Perhaps when you say "play by the rules" you're allowing for the fact that one cannot legally drive without obtaining a license and that the privilege granted by that license can be revoked for any number reasons. But that then is not a "right", it's a privilege.

Perhaps? Why are privileges and rights so hard to understand? Of course one must meet all the criteria. Who is suggesting it's a right to just jump in and go? Not me. Once you have met all the criteria no one has the power to take away your "ability" to drive. You have the right to drive at that point. To call it or view it as a privilege is just quaint.
Yeah, we're firmly into troll territory now.

I believe in what I'm saying because in practical terms qualified driving can't be denied. I have every right to make that observation. Feel free to prove me wrong or you're the troll.
Back in the 1970s the national speed limit in the US was dropped to 55 to save fuel. Today's bogeyman is GHGs; perhaps a reduction in posted speed limits to reduce fuel consumption (and thus GHG generation) could be in the offing, enforced by GPS technology... Hell, OnStar can force a car to slow or even stop if it's been stolen or is involved in a police pursuit.

I would think that if enforced speed limiters were practical and enhanced net safety they would have been mandated some time ago by nanny-state governments. However, with increasing levels of technology it may be something coming down the pipe. Who knows?

Coming to a highway near you.
Feel free to prove me wrong or you're the troll.

I'm not going to bother picking the flyshit out of the pepper with someone who just does the intellectual equivalent of "I know what you are but what am I?"

^^ This.

So, yeah...sure would be nice if the OP would chime back in.
Wow, I didn't expect you cry uncle that quick. I'll go easier on you next time.:)

Nah, old saying about wrestling with a pig, that's all. Ever heard it?
Funny how the people saying the speed limit is too low, are the ones who paid for more training and education than required by law.
Oh God. For real? How could you even know that? What if the OP comes from a wealthy family? What if the ticket gets reduced? What if the cop doesn't show up? etc. etc. EDIT: can you actually see the future? Then I have some questions for you.

Please don't tell me a measly 190 scares you that much?

Oh, like you have never gotten a speeding ticket?

The argument here is, do speeding tickets have a strong correlation with the occurrence of an actual accident in the future? The answer is NO, it doesn't, but it makes a lot of busine$$ sense for the insurers of the world, so they keep telling you that a ticket today means you will crash tomorrow.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Actually no i haven't.
Thanks for coming out though.
Guy just wanted some advice lol.

Hire a lawyer m8, don't even try and represent yourself! Might as well work some overtime or take some extra shifts as well! GL!
The responses in this thread made my day lol

OP, there is a time and place to do really stupid things; anyone with an SS that says they haven't opened it up or done anything stupid on public roads is lying or just a total pussy. If you still want to ride, consider the track instead as that will probably be your only option. How you'll get there though might be hard if the tickets go through.

Good luck!

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