Streetsville Sunday Rides

sorry....I'm out

busy.....have a blast, post short vid

I will make a couple calls when things open up around 9 am this morning and come up with a plan with the cheapest place. I think Kari wants to come too.
Put me down as a maybe.

I think it's almost time to reward myself with some GT5, perhaps some burning rubber will motivate too.
Ok, I've called a few places to find out prices, laps, lap times, etc. I think we might have enough people to get a group rate (8 people).

401 Indy- Group rate is 2 X 25 laps/$49 or 80 laps/$69. Need reservation.
GPKartways- 2 race special/$38 (+tax = $43) Each race is 8 minutes and you get about 14-18 laps.
Hamilton- Double up special 60 laps/$45. With a group this size they want me to call ahead of time to schedule us in.

If we can pick a spot, then I will call and make a reservation. Let's try to pick a place before 3pm, then we can pick a restaurant as a meeting spot.
this really close to gp
Boston Pizza Allen Road

180 Rimrock Road, ON M3J 3A6 (416) 636-6275 ‎
GP sounds like a good track....and Boston Pizza is always good. :)
I'll call them now.
im in for the go kartin but, ...not the dinner.
what time will ya meet at GP..??
How does meeting at Boston Pizza at 6:30 sound? Eat, hang out, and then head over to GP Kartways for around 8ish?
Don't forget your own helmet.....kinda gross putting on one of theirs.
got my helmet with gopro mounted. drove around all day today trying to find mounts for it, only to not end up using them.
ahhh crap...looks like i'm out due to changing of plans at this end.
Take / post videos and have lots o fun !!
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