Streetsville Sunday Rides

Ok, I am going to put out a date and time and give it a few days to see what the response would be.
Where- Hamilton Indoor GoKarts
When- Sat Feb 12 from 11pm until 2am
We could meet up ahead of time at a Pub for a bit and just hang out, then go carting. It would be $60 for three hours (approx 180 laps).

If by Feb 4 it looks like we have enough people willing to committ to this time, then we can make a reservation. If the interest doesn't seem to be there, the alternate option would be an earlier time (7 pm) at 401 Indy or the Brampton track (both closer to Streetsville) on the same day and no reservation needed.
i cant make it that day. i will be in the Caribbean. i leave on the Feb 12 and come back the next Sunday.
Ok, let's just nail down a date and time first, then we can figure out where we want to go.

Would Sat Feb 4 around 6pm be a good time to meet?
Do you want to get dinner first and then go carting around 8pm?
the 4th sounds good to me. i am down for anything. eating then go karting or just a late night karting session.
just out for a quick sunday ride


any one in for next sunday?

any one in for next sunday?

I'll ride if you supply the bike, mine is in a warehouse somewhere. Let me guess, you rode it down to storage just before I saw you in the cage.
Ok, let's just nail down a date and time first, then we can figure out where we want to go.

Would Sat Feb 4 around 6pm be a good time to meet?
Do you want to get dinner first and then go carting around 8pm?

You mean Friday the 4th or Sat the 5th??
Friday might be do-able, but have a work shindig on the Sat i have to attend.
Sat the 5th it is then. We'll plan on getting together around 6:30 or 7:00.
I wouldn't mind grabbing a meal with everyone and hanging out for an hour or two and give any late comers a chance to get there, then go GoKarting.

We could do Hamilton Indoor GoKarts, 401 Karts, or the one in Brampton. Anyone have preferences to location, food, etc.?
your N3WMAN will give you a ride :)

everyone bring your GOPRO's

do hamilton kart, we will trash the place, then they will HAVE to upgrade finally !!!!!

bring your longjohns and neckers/helmets
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Whatever has most laps for least money.

Jus heard on 97.7 that indy 401 is havin a 50% off sale.....40 laps now costs $25.
Don't know how that compares to others though.
Would Sat Feb 4 around 6pm be a good time to meet?
Do you want to get dinner first and then go carting around 8pm?

YES ..lets doit

start a list of who's coming........or is everyone still snowed in..:(

I'm in oakville sat and could drive anyone if needed
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