Streetsville Sunday Rides

Sweet looking new ride dude. Those devils will be uber loud. Don't go to the forks with that bike. Sound check fail for sure. ;)
DAMN!!! Mike that bike is looking tight man!!! Congrats!!
Is any one up for some go karting this weekend or next?. Chris new of a good deal in hamilton. So what do you guys think.
Just called 'Hamilton Indoor Go Karts' to see what they have going. Anytime after hours they have a $60 special for 3 hours of driving. You get 8 minutes on, 10 minutes off....usually about 180 laps in those three hours. We need 7 people minimum and they would like a few days notice. I think you can still get 60 laps for

And then there is the one near the Airport. I've never been here.

Count me in.
i think saturday night might be the best night. saturday they are open untill 11pm. i am up late anyway, but is this too late for everyone else? the gokart place by paintball city has a weekday night deal for as many laps as you can for a set price.
Y'all should PM Shaun, aka 'de jager' on here. He set us up a couple yrs ago. Brampton I think it was.
I'd join, but the whiplash is still buggin' me from that night.

EDIT: Just tried 'search' - Amazing ****. Found this:!&highlight=karting
You actually used a search, and found something?! Holy ****.

Thanks for finding that Gary.
Looks pretty decent, and they are open till 1am.
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i think saturday night might be the best night. saturday they are open untill 11pm. i am up late anyway, but is this too late for everyone else? the gokart place by paintball city has a weekday night deal for as many laps as you can for a set price.

Now there's an idea!

Go-Kart Paintball :)
Best thing to do is to pick a date, time, and location. Give people enough notice to make plans (a week is good). The rest will fall into place.
This was your idea chris. I was just trying to get the ball rolling. I am free anytime except the week of feb 12 to the 20th.
I've been to formula kartways and 401

formula has the faster karts and bigger track. The guys that work there are pretty cool. 401 is allright, mainly becaus eI'm like 10 misn away from it. That hamilton deal sounds amazing, though!
keeping my eye on this to see when u are having it and seeing if i'll be free or not ...
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