Streetsville Sunday Rides

It was great to see so many familar faces yesterday....and I went out the back door and missed meeting Hexadecimal :(
Keep N3WMAN away from Amazon!!!!
It was great seeing everyone again.
Wow what a show ....sooo much to see:happy3:
Nice to meet some new peeps and put faces to GTAM members who , up untill now, i've only seen postings from.

How much longer till spring ?

Likewise... :)
It was great to see so many familar faces yesterday....and I went out the back door and missed meeting Hexadecimal :(
Keep N3WMAN away from Amazon!!!!

Maybe some other time. I'll probably be at the spring show as well. As for Amazon, she can more than handle herself. Pity the guy who pisses her off. She is a chip off the "no-so-old" block.
So have I convinced any of you to go up to the Sport Bike Rally this summer? I'll be booking my room soon. I usually stay at either Georgian Inn or Trapper's Inn. Trapper's is cheaper (but maybe not quite as nice). Last year we had about 20 bikes that pre-planned on going up and we had a great time.

Hope you guys can come, it's a good time.
So have I convinced any of you to go up to the Sport Bike Rally this summer? I'll be booking my room soon. I usually stay at either Georgian Inn or Trapper's Inn. Trapper's is cheaper (but maybe not quite as nice). Last year we had about 20 bikes that pre-planned on going up and we had a great time.

Hope you guys can come, it's a good time.
What is the approx cost?
I will try and make it again this year. Can you post up info on the hotels. I don't have to work that weekend so I don't see any reason not to go.
Is it the same weekend as the Blocko Party cause if so....I need to go to the Blocko.
Somehow I dont think so tho.

If somebody will let me buy them a beer / drink ....guess I could go !:p
how many of you would be interested in a deals gap trip ? THURS april 28th to SUN may 1, 4 days, 3 nights. $70 each for 6 ppl and then it gets lower. My friend with his rx7 club buddies will be hosting.
i was thinking about going to deals gap on the may 24 long weekend. is it 70 a night or 70 bucks total for the weekend. are you trucking down the bikes or riding. i am definatly interested. maybe i will just do the iron butt on the may 24 long weekend.

what roads are you planning on doing while at the gap?
It would be ~70 for the weekend.

Well I got some more details regarding it.

Is what is happening that weekend, and anyone registering would be eligble for %discounts of cabins at the nantahala village From what I'm reading, there are cheaper options just a mile away from deals gap if you look, regardless of the discount you get from the village. Basic cabins are ~350 and fit around 6ish. 350/6 is around 60 ish.

the 15% discount ends this week and there are no guarantees for what cabins are still free. We can always book later or find cheaper lodging. This is really just a "who is interested" and I posted it on a whim. I can guarantee the 70$ for the weekend, but only for 2-3 riders since my friend has reserved a cabin. Or we can do our own thing later in the year...
Interesting. I would love to go but I just started my new job and 3 months probation before I can even book a day.
how many of you would be interested in a deals gap trip ? THURS april 28th to SUN may 1, 4 days, 3 nights. $70 each for 6 ppl and then it gets lower. My friend with his rx7 club buddies will be hosting.

Whats the plan?
Ride down on the thurs, 2 days of assorted mischief and then the long haul home?
it is about 1300km one way. not undoable in one day but not ideal either. right now i was thinking of riding down one day, riding then riding the area then one day back. 4 days total sounds like a good plan. enough time for tail of the dragon and maybe blue ridge parkway and any other roads.
4 days is not enough. I would like to see you down there after 1300km trip. Don't waist much time on Tail of the Dragon. To me it was big disappointment. Bikes , cars, tracks and no fun. You should take more time and ride Blue Ridge Pkwy on your way down there and back (2-3 days ride right there). What's the point to kill yourself on hwy for 1300km to do 30km of Dragons Tail?
What is the approx cost?

Last year it cost me less than $80/night for my room (had my own room). After that, gas and food. The cost for the SBR itself is about $20 if you want to register (you don't have to...but you get a T-shirt).
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