Streetsville Sunday Rides

Happy New all the Sunday Streetsville gang and their loved ones (and to other riders as well !).
Hope to see some of ya's at the bike show on sunday.

Lucky Babow gets out for a ride!...Clean her up and get her back close to that fireplace!

I was lucky enough to get out on the bike as well. It was fabulous. However, what's the point in cleaning the bike? It will only get dirty again tomorrow. First ride of the new year!

Happy New Year to all you guys. Maybe I will get the opportunity to join you on a ride in 2011.
I needed this weekend to get my oil-change done. Of course I also need to move to a new place at the same time so that might be difficult.

Happy New Year!
Wow ...temps are warm eh? and a lot o rain still comin ( maybe enough to wash the salt away in my area).

When the rain stops and the roads dry , there may be a small window before the next freeze.
Happy New year everyone!!!!
-Hope u all had a safe and enjoyable night.
All the best in 2011
I think I am going to ride tomorrow if anyone wants to join me. if anyone else is up for it i am going to ride mx indoor at tillsonburg. they are open from 10-5.
It's drying outside. Yes - to outdoor ride. Didn't have a chance to ride today since it was wet and raining entire day here in Mississauga.
Went for a very short ride today. Had to have bragging rights in the family for having the last and first rides of the year.
It's drying outside. Yes - to outdoor ride. Didn't have a chance to ride today since it was wet and raining entire day here in Mississauga.

What...ya didn't ride in the rain ? (or should I say.. putts around in the rain)
Ride Rick and tell us how it was...ride safe and watch for the quick temp change about to happen.
I didn't ride in the rain (01.01). I didn't ride in the snow (yesterday), but I did ride today. Was pretty good with heated grips, heated gloves and winter boots. I didn't even have to turn the heated vest on. In fact it was very nice couple of hours.
I haven't ridden in 2011 yet. But this is my "borrowed" bike just before the new year. Riding around on the mountains in California ;) so I think I got the last ride of 2010 in.


and hairpins and twisties 15 just outside of where I was staying.
I rode yesterday, but only to the storage place. :(

Probably should have gotten it towed, it was such a tease.
Who is going to the bike show this weekend. If you are going it is free parking if you ride there.
Who is going to the bike show this weekend. If you are going it is free parking if you ride there.

Parking is free for all vehicles.
I'll be working the Sheridan College booth Sun. 2-6. If you guys are around, stop by and say "hi."
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