Streetsville Sunday Rides

wo hoo...!
Great party / food / fun ! So cool to see ya's even tho no rides were there.
Pics on the big screen were cool way to remind us of the blast in the past we had !:D
Missed some of our other riders n friends but,.....hey we talked of ya.....

Lookin foward to our next get together / party

Big thanks to Babow and Alexis....u guys always put on a fantastic party:p
Sorry to see ya pushed your bike outside jus for all of us....poor machine it was cold out there for it ....oh well it's back in and close to the fireplace again for another cozy night...ahh ..the life of a custom ride!!
Sorry i couldnt make it to the christmas party guys!

Ive been inflicted with some crazy flu, knocked me flat for a week straight. Didnt think anyone would appreciate me spereading the misery around :)

Hope you all had fun!

On a slightly different note,

Anyone consider doing this to their bike? Wiring up a cheap phone somewhere as a possible theft-recovery device?
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Thanks Babow and Alexis! You two are great! I especially enjoyed playing with the doggy cat.

Ya mean "guard cat"...I too thought that was fun....not so sure A.J. thought the same.

..."'s just a baby " ....errrrr , hissss , growl :D
I think he was looking for something more along these lines:

btw, this is actually a GTAM rider. I give you a cookie if you know who.

Hey that guy is part of the VC.........
thanks babow,
Merry Christmas to you and yours too as well.

Merry Christmas to everyone... hoping santa is good to all!
Happy asexual birth of Jesus day everyone. hope everyone got all the toys for their bike that they have been wanting all year.

On a side note, does anyone know of a store having a sale on gopro's? would be nice to have one for next year.
i will face mine backwards to film newman for the new year of riding and newman can face his forward then we switch camera cards at the end of the ride
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