Streetsville Sunday Rides

Post # 1000 ( in the Sunday Streetville Rides).....what do I win ? anything ?
Your now up to 2 free coffees on Rick.

There is a bad case of the flu going around. It is always easier to ask forgiveness then permission.
With our current workload I would have to call in dead to get out of work. Even then they'd want to see the body.
I'll try for sat nite too

Im heading to the show on Sat afternoon with the gf.

Hoping to disapear off afterwards to a pub somewhere and watch the fight. Its always insane in the pubs when St. Pierre fights.

Depending how early your heading in, you can park at my house n get the subway down/back. 3$ each way, but still might be cheaper than parking in the city on a Saturday!
So. Who was there already? Looks like I'll be going today as well. (with Voytek perhaps)

was there yesterday it was alright ... i got myself a set of track tires... if you sign up for a pro6 track day you have the "option" of buying a set of Dunlop GPA tires from them for 175 bucks for a set !! LOL
streetsville sunday ride is meeting at the convention centre sunday at 1pm for the bike show.

Sounds great !....
I've been far too busy to go Fri or Sat.
We'll need a meetin spot down there a Tims ..hahaha
This looks like it's the busiest ( most posts) weekly thread.....we deserve something free here (more than coffee) free GTAM hoodies!!

Cutekill...are you out there readin this...maybe you can help out here....hats, tshirts, beer..?

Whatda think guys/ gals...don't ya agree ?
See ya all this weekend I hope.
Our custom suits are in from the velocity deal. maybe i should wear it this sunday. good day today. new suit is in, got my new helmet in the mail and the exhaust i orded came in today aswell.
i bought a used stock exhaust. on my trip to nova scotia my sleeping bag fell over my exhaust and melted the cover. i bought some extra bits and was thinking of making a custom exhaust using R1 cans. I dont really want to change the exhaust. I like it being quiet and stealthy. Just doing it because I can on got the parts for a good price. The helmet picked up is a shark rsf3 dark spirit off ebay. got it for 140 shipped. best part it was a fresh brand new helmet. it was made in 2009 so it wasnt some old stock helmet they had lalying around for years.
Good. Don't change the exhaust. Like you said it sounds good and looks even better. Nice helmet. I always liked Shark specialy the visor replacment system. It's realy nice and easy. But it does not fit my head. To bad.
Our custom suits are in from the velocity deal. maybe i should wear it this sunday. good day today. new suit is in, got my new helmet in the mail and the exhaust i orded came in today aswell.
+1 for suits. Just in time for Christmas. It's gonna be great to all look the same next season lol.

Get louder exhaust. It's an odd feeling when you fly by and it's silent lol. Might as well be electric. At least the ZX-9 makes you jump a bit when it goes by lol.
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