Streetsville Sunday Rides

Any you guys out riding tonight? About an hour ago I was coming home from Hamilton on skyway bridge , going 120-125 kph, extreme winds blowing the car around - right at top a dark, maybe red, bike past me at just under slightly less than light speed. Gone so fast couldn't make out what it was.

If its not snowing tomorrow I'm checking out a 2003 Blackbird just to see what its like, always liked those. Oakville Blackbird?
You don't like in line4? (I, don't)
oil change done on the fz6. all ready for tomorrows ride. then i think its time for its winter slumber.
You don't like in line4? (I, don't)

I was an hour or two too late yesterday. Someone put down a $100.00 deposit on the Blackbird to hold it until next Saturday. So it may still come up again.
I do like it , Honda's version of the Hayabusa. 2003 was last year Honda imported to North America but still sold it elsewhere till 2007 I think.
I need to go out to warm the oil at least, but it looks like even a short trip for a coffee will be delayed by work :(
Hi guys I did not know that you guys go for a coffee otherwise I'll be there for a coffee for sure. I need to take my bike out for a run anyway. How do you guys doing?
Hi guys I did not know that you guys go for a coffee otherwise I'll be there for a coffee for sure. I need to take my bike out for a run anyway. How do you guys doing?

Sorry down in the states shopping for the weekend else I'd have come out to ride
Fun and strange at the same time, with the snow around was like a spring, and the beginning of the season (not the end). PS. To bad MR. RED Z didn't show up for a free coffee...
Well he was expecting one last week but somebody else didn't show.;)
Well said.

Had I known you guys were headed up here I would've made myself available for a free coffee...sorry guys I was out trackin animals in the snow with my dog.

Like N3WMAN...I slept in for a bit this Sunday. Kinda strange not ridin on a Sunday.
My dog didn't quite understand things either...we walked much later and for longer and instead of me tryin to get her from trackin I was tryin to get her trackin....she likes winter!!:D
Sleeping in on Sunday was goood,

I thought about coming out for the ride, but the last time i was on the bike i ended up on a road that someone had decided to put sand all over. 5km or so of completely sanded roadway! The first corner i almost slid into the ditch!

Some winter reading

The sand on the road was the gravel shoulder. You are not supposed to ride on it or else you might end up going for a swim and have fish bowl head lights.

I learned that lesson the first time! :o)

This was lines of sand about 3 inches apart, covering the entire roadway. Slippery as all hell!
dam winter.... dinner sunday the 19th 2pm... 1st annual streetsville picture party check callender's
Right on....I'm in but,....can we cage it or are our rides required to show?
Mines sleepin and will get kinda pissy if I wake it too early !
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